Think it over and give your own ideas on the following problems:
(1)What are the real causes of controlling and aggressive behavior from a man towards a woman within the context of an intimate relationship? Maybe it's the influence of «the men's world» because domestic violence occurs in all cultures, races, religions; or men have to prove their masculinity by aggressive behavior?
(2) Comment upon the cases of emotional, psychological and financial abuses. Being not criminal behaviors, they still can lead to it.
(3) Why do women usually fail to report violence?
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Role-play the following situation: Your closest friend has got to hospital after being attacked by her husband at home. Her children have also been involved in the fight and been injured. You meet your lawyer in hospital. You tell him/her about the problem and ask him/her to take appropriate steps. But your friend is not sure about the action for assault and battery concerning her husband. Appoint one student as a lawyer, one as a victim, one as a witness, one as a doctor, one as the husband and one as your friend.
Unit 4
Useful Words and Expressions for Speech Practice |
to stop, search, arrest and place a person under detention | остановить человека, обыскать, арестовать и заключить под стражу |
to enforce law | следить за соблюдением закона |
investigation of offences | расследование правонарушений |
breach of law | нарушение закона |
to arrest people suspected of having committed the offence | арестовывать подозреваемых в совершении преступления |
to have powers to arrest people | иметь полномочия на арест |
with/without a warrant issued by a court | с (без) ордером на арест, выданным судом |
A suspect may refuse to answer police questions or to give evidence in court. | Подозреваемый может отказаться отвечать на вопросы полиции и давать показания в суде. |
to be detained without charge | быть задержанным без предъявления обвинения |
to be charged with the offence | быть обвиненным в правонарушении |
to be released on bail | освободить на поруки |
to keep in custody | содержать под стражей |
to discharge from custody | освободить из-под стражи |
to apprehend the perpetrators | задержать преступников |
to provide evidence | обеспечить доказательства |
to interrogate suspects and witnesses | опрашивать подозреваемых и свидетелей |
surveillance techniques | методы наблюдения |
to identify the perpetrator | опознать преступника |
eyewitness testimony | свидетельства очевидцев |
to collect clues | собирать улики |
(in)sufficient evidence | достаточные улики |
f orensic medicine | судебная медицина |
Task 1. Study the text below, making sure you fully comprehend it. Where appropriate, consult English-Russian dictionaries and/or other reference & source books on law. Pay special attention to the words and word combinations in bold type.
Crime Detection
Crime Detection is discovery, identification, and analysis of criminal evidence as a means of law enforcement. The responsibility of law enforcement agencies is to detect crimes, apprehend the perpetrators, and provide evidence that will convince judges and juries that the perpetrators are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. To accomplish these aims a variety of methods are used, including reconstructing the crime, collecting physical clues, and interrogating suspects and witnesses.
The methods of detection employed are dictated by the nature of the crime and the procedures permitted by the legal system. Most investigations begin with careful, objective observations that are then assembled, collated, and matched against applicable law. If there is reason to assume that a crime has indeed been committed, further investigation is undertaken using scientific methods and techniques. Technological advances have been incorporated into criminal investigation as well; for example, trace clues such as dust, paint, glass, and other microscopic evidence may be analyzed.
One of the oldest ways of detecting criminal activity is through surveillance. This method is used when it is likely that a crime will take place at a specific location or when certain persons are suspected of criminal activity. The first situation usually is handled by fixed police observation known as a stakeout; the second circumstance may require mobile observation as well, perhaps on foot or by automobile. Some situations may call for aerial observation (using helicopters) or electronic procedures (using listening devices that monitor telephone lines).
The observation method must be legal. Surveillance techniques, for example, may include placing personnel in strategic locations and equipping them with optical aids, such as binoculars or scopes with the capacity to detect an object illuminated only by moonlight, or with electronic devices, sensitive to a conversation taking place at a considerable distance. Where a possibility exists of invasion of privacy, a court order is required to make the police action and the information obtained acceptable at a trial.
Allied to surveillance are covert or undercover observations, which usually are confined to activities such as gambling, dealing in narcotics, and other major organized crimes. Informants are the source of much useful information in investigations; they may be citizens motivated by civic duty or sometimes, criminals motivated by self-interest.
The information needed to further an investigation must be obtained from people who have some significant knowledge concerning the crime. Witnesses or victims are interviewed, and suspects are interrogated. Eyewitnesses to a crime are often asked to identify the perpetrator, although identification errors have prompted psychologists to explore the processes and pitfalls of memory, recall, and recognition. Experiments under controlled conditions indicate that jurors will convict four times as often if eyewitness testimony is offered, even when the visual acuity of the witness is discredited. Eyewitness identifications, therefore, must be considered carefully, and the credibility of the identification must be tested to ensure that error is unlikely.
Interrogation is used when the information sought is not readily forthcoming, perhaps because of hostility or guilt. Often some key to the solution of a crime, such as the location of the weapon in a murder case, is known only to the perpetrator. Without information provided by the suspect, a crime may go unsolved. Legal safeguards against abuse now surround this process. Before using any information obtained from an interrogation, the court must be assured that the suspect was advised of his or her rights. If proper legal procedures are not followed, any evidence obtained is inadmissible in a trial.
One more important method of investigation is different types of records (e.g. fingerprints, intelligence files, which contain criminal specialties, associates, and skills and other information that might suggest future criminal involvement and the means by which the criminals can be apprehended. Records are also used for a general analysis of crime, so that police administrators can be informed of criminal trends and the best ways to suppress them). Business and public records are consulted by investigators to locate wanted or missing persons.
Task 2. Match the words with their Russian equivalents:
covert | улика |
clue | нарушитель уголовного закона; преступник |
surveillance | скрытый, тайный, секретный |
perpetrator | наблюдение, надзор |
1. What is crime detection?
2. What kind of methods can be used for detection of a crime?
3. What kind of surveillances do you know and in what situations are they used?
4. What purposes does an interrogation have?
5. What records can be used during an investigation?
Task 3. Study the information below and give your opinion on the problem of fingerprint evidence.
From the history of fingerprinting…
March 27, 1905
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 362.