Ex. 1 Change the Indicative Mood into the Conditional one.
Model: If he is in charge of our department I will be very glad.
If he were in charge of our department, I would be glad.
If he had been in charge of our department last year, I would have been
1. He will get the information for you if you ask him to.
2. If you fill in the declaration you will be cleared by the customs.
3. If you work hard you will get a promotion.
4. If he doesn’t know the customs regulations he’ll have problems.
5. If she tries to smuggle her valuables out of the country she will be caught.
6. If the passenger exceeds duty and tax free allowance, he will pay for the excess.
7. If the cargo is damaged in the customs zone the Customs will be responsible for it.
Ex. 2 Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the appropriate forms:
1. Если бы в зеленом коридоре вас остановил таможенник для выборочной проверки багажа, вам бы пришлось предъявить свой багаж для досмотра.
2. Если бы пассажир не получил разрешение Министерства культуры на вывоз этих старинных книг, то они были бы задержаны на таможне.
3. Если бы он своевременно сделал заявку, то его груз был бы уже досмотрен.
4. Если бы он изучил таможенное законодательство, то он задекларировал бы рукопись.
5. Если бы грузовые документы были в порядке, таможенный инспектор подписал бы их и поставил дату.
6. Если бы таможня не использовала в своей работе специально подготовленных собак для поиска наркотиков, то работа по обнаружению наркотиков была бы более трудоемкой.
7. Если бы вы помогли ей оформить декларацию, она бы уже прошла таможенный контроль.
8. Если бы вы заплатили пошлину, вы могли бы забрать товары со склада уже сегодня.
to set up World Customs Organization World Trade Organization headquarters to enhance / enhancement effective / effectiveness efficient / efficiency to promote / promotion uniform adj. to reinforce to disrupt illicit syn. illegal to combat to offend / offence to practice / practice to maintain / maintenance to harmonize Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System to comply / compliance to challenge / challenge environment to adapt to circumstance |
Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа №4
IV семестр
(выполняется письменно и сдается преподавателю на проверку)
Task I. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. If I traveled with my pet, I would apply to the local board of health get a vet certificate.
2. If someone broke the customs seals , he would be punished in accordance with the customs rules.
3. If the goods were stored at the customs enclosure, the customs would ensure security of cargo.
4. If you had applied to the Information desk upon arrival, you would have found out of the reason for the delay of your flight.
5. If the traveler had declared restricted goods the fine would not have been imposed.
6. I wish I knew the Regulations in respect of prohibited and restricted goods.
7. The customs officer wished the woman had not tried to cheat the customs.
Task II. Choose the variant that best completes the sentence.
1. If free zones . . . they would serve the purpose of facilitating the operation of import-export activities.
a) are established b) had established c) were established
2. If the goods . . . of dangerous or sensitive nature the persons familiar with the risks involved would unpack them.
a) are b) were c) had been
3. If the passenger . . . the customs declaration properly the customs officer wouldn’t have asked him to do it once more.
a) filled in b) had filled in c) would fill in
4. I wish you . . . her a question or two about her luggage then.
a) ask b) asked c) had asked
5. – Have you got the invoice?
- Yes, I wish I . . . it more thoroughly yesterday.
a) look through b) looked through c) had looked through
Task III. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. Жаль, что эти товары не освобождаются от пошлины.
2. Если бы товар поступил в таможенную зону, он хранился бы там до завершения оформления, и таможенные власти обеспечивали бы его сохранность.
3. Если бы это был взрывоопасный груз, им бы занимались специалисты.
4. Жаль, что инспектор не дал разрешения на разгрузку транспортного средства.
5. Если бы груз был поврежден в таможенной зоне, таможня несла бы ответственность за это нарушение.
6. Жаль, что вы не сохранили въездную таможенную декларацию.
Task IV . Give a full answer in written form.
What would happen : 1) if there were no Red and Green Channel system?
2) if countries opened their borders to everyone?
Task V. Translate the text into Russian.
Customs officers are responsible for ensuring that imported and exported goods are properly identified and seized if stolen or smuggled. The functions and legal powers of customs agencies vary from country to country. In 1950 the Customs Cooperation Council (now the World Customs Organization or WCO) was established to secure “the highest degree of harmony and uniformity in customs systems”. The functions of WCO include proposing practical means of attaining this goal; preparing draft conventions and amendments to conventions and recommending their adoption by interested governments; making recommendations to ensure the uniform interpretation and application of conventions; ensuring the circulation of information regarding customs regulations and procedures; providing information or advice on customs matters to interested governments; and cooperating with other governmental organizations.
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 319.