Under Russian law items older than fifty years are considered part of Russia ’s national and cultural heritage. But an object must be more than just old to be called an antique. Antiques of all kinds are highly valued for their beauty, craftsmanship, quality of design and sometimes for their relation to a historical period or to some well-known person.
Cultural valuables include: original hand-made pictures and drawings; sculptures, icons, engravings; handicrafts; ancient books and manuscripts; photo-, audio- and video- archives; unique and rare musical instruments, furniture, rugs; post stamps; various kinds of metal ware, orders, medals, coins; etc. Modern items and items of mass production are not related to cultural valuables.
Export and import of cultural valuables are regulated and controlled by the state bodies. Exported cultural valuables are subject to special registration in the order established by the Federal Customs Service and the Culture Ministry which keep the State Protection Lists and Registers.
There is a standard procedure for individuals who want to take cultural valuables out of the country. The owner must apply to the Culture Ministry for permission and present the proof of ownership for the valuable item. It can be a receipt from the shop or an auction or an old photo or some other document. When the necessary documents are received, the Ministry issues a certificate confirming the right to export cultural valuables. The certificate allows to carry cultural valuables across the customs and state border of the country.
When passing through the customs control a person should declare the valuable item both in his exit and entry declaration forms and it is obligatory to present it for inspection. Undeclared items found during the search are detained and the person may be accused of smuggling. Cultural valuables in search are subject to arrest for their following return to the legal proprietors.
The author has the right to take out of the Russian Federation any quantity of cultural valuables created by him, no matter whether he is leaving the country temporarily or for permanent residence abroad.
Illegal bringing in and taking out of cultural valuables is considered as smuggling and is to be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code or the legislation of the RF related to administrative violations.
Working on the text
Ex. 1 Read and translate the text
Ex. 2 Try to guess the meaning of the words. Check with the dictionary.
bracelet, frame, medallion, brooch, ornaments, album, statuette, portrait, silver, candelabrum, vase, teapot, cross, gold, earrings, guitar, icon
Ex. 3 Translate the following words and phrases into Russian:
- under Russian law
- national and cultural heritage
- an antique
- original hand-made pictures
- ancient books and manuscripts
- items of mass production
- State Protection Lists
- proof of ownership
- the customs and state border
- cultural valuables in search
- legal proprietor
Ex. 4 Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:
считаться частью национального наследия; (не) относиться к культурным ценностям; подлежать специальной регистрации; вести реестр; вывозить культурные ценности; обратиться в Министерство культуры; предъявить доказательство права собственности; выдать сертификат; изъять не задекларированные ценности; обвинить в контрабанде; наказать в соответствии с законодательством
Ex. 5 a) Match the antonyms:
old modern
ancient mass production
unique common
special permanent
original (n) new
rare ordinary
temporary copy
hand-made standard
b) Complete the sentences with the proper words:
1. This chair is a copy of the _______ design.
2. He was wearing a pair of expensive __________ shoes.
3. Computers are an essential part of _______ life.
4. The expert said that the paintings were rather _______, not valuable at all.
5. He was excited to see such a _______ icon.
6. We have a very _______ guest with us at the meeting today.
7. She was employed on a _______ basis.
8. Searching luggage at airports is now a _______ practice.
9. Each person’s fingerprints are _______.
Ex. 6 Insert prepositions if necessary and translate:
1) to regulate and control _____ import and export
2) to be subject _____ special registration
3) export is regulated _____ the state bodies
4) to present the proof _____ ownership _____ the valuable item
5) a receipt _____ the shop
6) when crossing _____ the border
7) to declare _____ the valuable item
8) to present _____ inspection
9) found _____ the search
10) accused _____ smuggling
11) to take _____ _____ the country
12) illegal bringing _____ is forbidden _____ law
13) to return _____ the legal proprietor
14) to apply _____ the Culture Ministry
Ex. 7 Complete the sentences.
1. Cultural valuables include . . .
2. Cultural valuables don’t include . . .
3. To move some cultural valuables across the border the person has to . . .
4. Culture Ministry officials . . .
5. When crossing the border it is obligatory to . . .
6. If customs officers find undeclared items during the search . . .
Ex. 8 Answer the questions:
1. What can be called an antique?
2. What do cultural valuables include?
3. What items are not related to cultural valuables?
4. How does Culture Ministry control the export of antiques?
5. Is it possible for individuals to take valuables out of the country?
6. How can a person obtain a permission for export?
7. What can be accepted as the proof of ownership?
8. What must a person remember when passing through the customs control?
9. What can happen if the person violates the regulations?
10. What else have you learnt about the customs regulations on valuables?
Ex. 9 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. Министерство культуры и таможенная служба контролируют ввоз и вывоз культурных и исторических ценностей.
2. Какие доказательства права собственности вы можете предъявить?
3. Перед тем, как выдать разрешение на вывоз, сотрудники Министерства культуры регистрируют ценности в специальном реестре.
4. Во время досмотра багажа таможенники обнаружили несколько старинных книг и рукописей.
5. Ваша коллекция современных иностранных монет не представляет ценности. Вам не нужно разрешение на вывоз, но вы должны ее задекларировать и предъявить для досмотра.
6. Этот художник регулярно вывозит свои картины на международные аукционы.
7. Ваш музыкальный инструмент находится в розыске. Мы изымаем его, и после проведения следствия он будет возвращен владельцу.
Ex. 10 Get ready to speak on the topic.
Modal verbs.
Ex. 1 Find examples of the modal verbs in the text. Copy out the sentences.
Ex.2 Fill in the following dialogue with the right modal verb from the box:
have to must should |
Customs officer: Have you got only one suitcase?
Passenger: Yes, but I have got also hand luggage.
C.o.: Put your baggage on the belt, please. You’ll _____ open your traveling
bag. What’s this?
P.: It’s a picture. I bought it in a shop in the centre of Moscow.
C.o.: Do you know the Customs regulations on valuables?
P.: I’m not quite sure if I do. What _____ I do?
C.o.: First, you _____ have declared this picture in the declaration form.
P.: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t do that.
C.o.: Second, you _____ have the receipt with the statement “Allowed for
taking out of the Russian Federation” or a permission from the
Ministry of Culture. Do you have any?
P.: I’ve got only the receipt from but there is no statement on it.
C.o.: In this case I’ll _____ detain this picture, I’m sorry.
Ex.3 Express bewilderment (недоумение) in answer to request or command:
Model : Wait a minute. – Why should I wait?
1. Show me your currency.
2. Please, tell me the purpose of your visit.
3. Show me the permit for taking this icon out of the country.
4. Unpack your baggage.
5. Answer my questions.
6. Follow me.
7. Put your baggage on the belt.
valuable / valuables to consider heritage antique craftsmanship original hand-made engravings handicrafts manuscripts archive unique rare mass production state ( adj.) body to keep the State Protection List register (n) to apply permission proof of ownership receipt auction to issue to confirm ground (n) obligatory to detain to accuse proprietor to create temporary Criminal Code administrative violation etc. | ценный / ценность рассматривать, считать наследие антикварная вещь мастерство оригинал, подлинник ручной работы гравюра ремесло, ручная работа рукопись архив единственный в своем роде редкий массового производства государственный организация, орган зд . вести (реестр, опись) Опись культурных ценностей, охраняемых государством зд. реестр обращаться разрешение доказательство права собственности квитанция, чек аукцион выдавать подтверждать основание, мотив обязательный изымать, задерживать обвинять владелец, собственник, хозяин создавать временный Уголовный кодекс административное правонарушение и другие = и др. |
All birds and animals must be transported under humane and healthful conditions. A suitable cage, space, ventilation, protection from the elements as well as cleaning, feeding and watering must be provided by the owner or the carrier of the pet.
There are various import and export regulations, restrictions and formalities that must be complied with. In some countries animals are prohibited entry by law. Some countries require import permits which must be obtained well in advance of your pet’s arrival date in that country. In some countries there are quarantine terms for pets. For example, all pets visiting Great Britain had to spend six months in quarantine to keep the island free of rabies. But a few years ago Britain relaxed the requirements for pets from Europe, Australia, Japan, the USA and Canada. Now the animals can enter the country upon arrival provided they carry microchips, are vaccinated and undergo a full veterinary inspection.
As to Russia, there is no quarantine for dogs and cats and there is no need to apply for an import permit. If a person is planning to take his dog or cat out of the country, he must have a valid international pet passport and a veterinary health certificate from a licensed Russian vet., stating that the pet is healthy and fit to travel. The pet must be vaccinated against rabies and other infectious diseases at least 1 month prior to leaving Russia, but not more than 12 months before departure.
Besides the owner of the dog or cat must have a certificate from the breeding club stating that the animal presents no breeding value.
Stricter regulations are in effect for exotic animals and endangered species. Normally, the export of such animals is prohibited. They can be carried across the border only with the permit of the State Committee on Environmental Protection. To obtain the permit a person will have to present the documents confirming that the animal was born on the territory of the Russian Federation or that it was purchased legally.
The unlawful import and export of animals is forbidden by law. It is considered as smuggling and is liable to prosecution.
Working on the text
Ex. 1 Read and translate the text
Ex.2 Put the animals into the correct category
wildlife - animals that live in natural conditions
domestic – animals that live on a farm
pet – animal that you keep at home
cheetah, monkey, cow, dog, penguin, pig, horse, giraffe, lion, sheep, tiger, cat, parrot, rabbit, guinea pig, hippo, elephant, hen, rhino
wildlife | domestic | pet |
Ex 3. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:
гуманные и надлежащие условия; защита от неблагоприятных воздействий окружающей среды; питание и уход; правила ввоза и вывоза; действительный международный паспорт животного; ветеринарное удостоверение; инфекционное заболевание; разрешение на ввоз; порода.
Ex. 4 Match to make word combinations:
licensed conditions
suitable vet.
valid disease
healthful cage
infectious regulations
strict certificate
Ex. 5 Find the words in the text that follow the verbs below:
a) to comply with __________
b) to obtain __________
c) to provide __________
d) to state __________
Ex. 6 Translate the following phrases into Russian:
- …must be provided
- … regulations that must be complied with
- … are prohibited entry by law
- …must be obtained well in advance
- … relaxed the requirements
- … to apply for an import permit
- … the pet is fit to travel
- … presents no breed value
- …regulations are in effect
Ex. 7 Look up the words in a dictionary and use them in the sentences.
healthy / healthful
I feel _________since I stopped smoking.
He spends much time in the countryside because of ________air.
human / humane / humanitarian
We support the campaign for the _________treatment of animals.
The United Nations has sent _________aid to help the refugees.
The accident was caused by ________ error.
valid / invalid
Without the stamp on it, the certificate will be ________.
Your return ticket is ________ for 3 months.
date / data
It’s possible to store a lot more ________ on that CD.
You should apply for permission at least 8 weeks before the _______ of departure.
Ex. 8 Answer the questions:
1. What conditions must the owner provide for his pet?
2. Are there any regulations in respect of import and export of pets?
3. Is it necessary to obtain import permit for the pet every time you travel abroad?
4. How long does the quarantine usually last?
5. In what case can pets visiting Great Britain enter the country upon arrival?
6. What documents must a person have to take his dog / cat out of Russia?
7. Must the dog / cat be vaccinated before or after the departure from Russia?
8. What animals are prohibited for import and export?
Ex.9 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. Для провоза животных необходимо иметь международный паспорт.
2. Ветеринарный сертификат должен содержать информацию о прививках против бешенства и других инфекционных заболеваний.
3. Необходимо знать какие правила провоза животных действуют в стране, куда вы следуете.
4. Во многих европейских странах действует карантин для животных.
5. Правила запрещают вывоз определенных пород собак без соответствующего разрешения.
6. Животное должно быть клинически здорово на момент выезда из страны.
7. Вы можете провезти животное небольшого размера в ручной клади, если оно размещено в соответствующих перевозочных средствах.
Ex. 10 Study an International Pet Passport and complete it for your pet.
*заводчик – владелец помета, из которого был взят щенок
Владелец матери
Ex. 11 Get ready to speak on the topic.
Ex. 12 Read the text and answer the question:
What problem does the article focus on?
Exotic Animals Abduction on Rise
Missing marmosets, alligators, penguins: thieves are targeting Europe’s Zoos and safari parks to supply animal collectors who want to own more exotic species. They are harming animals and adding to flourishing illegal trade in exotic birds and animals.
We live in a designer world and people are not satisfied any more with a canary. The more exotic or endangered the animal, the higher the price. British zoos have suffered a major theft every week for the past seven years involving dozens of animals worth thousands of dollars. For example, one rare hyacinth macaw is worth $45,000.
Zoo thefts made headlines last when a 3-month-old penguin Toga was stolen from Amazon World Zoo Park. He was never found. His parents Kyala and Oscar mourned the loss for several weeks. The manager of the Park thinks that Toga must have been stolen to order by professionals. But the problem is that you need to know how to handle and care for them or they may die.
Many zoos are now increasing security and some are tagging and chipping their animals.
Ex.1 Translate the sentences using modal verbs.
1. Товар, должно быть, повредили при разгрузке.
2. Не может быть, чтобы он был контрабандистом.
3. Таможеннику не пришлось вызывать владельца груза: капитан смог ответить на все вопросы.
4. Боюсь, вы не можете провезти эту сумку как ручную кладь. Вам придется ее сдать.
5. – Должен ли я декларировать личные вещи? – Нет, не нужно.
6. Нельзя нарушать таможенные правила. Вы можете быть оштрафованы или привлечены к уголовной ответственности.
7. Вам не следует спорить с таможенником. Вы обязаны заплатить пошлину.
8. Ей пришлось изучить много документов, прежде чем она смогла начать работать декларантом.
9. Я не смогла взять с собой собаку, так как ветеринарный сертификат был недействителен.
Ex.2 Translate into English using appropriate verb forms.
1. Ввоз таких товаров подлежит запрету.
2. Если вы не уплатите пошлину сейчас, товар останется на складе на все выходные и праздничные дни.
3. Как давно вы работаете в таможне?
4. В данный момент мы изымаем контрабандные товары.
5. Для чего создаются свободные зоны?
6. При въезде и выезде из страны пассажиры заполняют въездные и выездные декларации.
7. Современные технологии используются в международных аэропортах для контроля пассажиров и их багажа.
8. Если вы не везете запрещенные товары, вы пойдете через зеленый канал.
9. Инспектор проверил паспорт и визу пассажира и задал вопрос о цели его визита.
humane healthful cage space elements to provide to own / owner to carry / carrier pet to comply with to obtain quarantine rabies to require / requirement microchip to vaccinate / vaccination to undergo valid / invalid veterinary / veterinarian = vet. fit infectious disease to breed / breed to delay / delay strict in effect to confirm to purchase prosecution | гуманный полезный для здоровья клетка, контейнер пространство неблагоприятные воздействия окружающей среды (дождь, ветер, осадки) обеспечивать владеть / владелец перевозить / перевозчик домашнее животное выполнять требования получать карантин бешенство требовать / требование микрочип делать прививку / прививка подвергаться, переносить действительный / недействительный ветеринарный / ветеринар здоровый, пригодный, готовый инфекционный, заразный болезнь, заболевание выводить, разводить / порода задерживать / задержка строгий действующий подтверждать приобретать судебное преследование |
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 422.