The passenger should arrive at the airport two hours before the take off time. First, he has to check-in for the flight at the check-in-counter. He shows his passport and ticket to the airline agent and puts his suitcases on the scales. If the passenger’s baggage exceeds Free Baggage Allowance, he has to pay for the excess. The passenger hands over his baggage and gets his baggage claim receipts and a boarding pass with the seat number written on it. The suitcases are labeled and sent off to be loaded into the hold of an airplane.
Next, the passenger goes through the security check where his carry-on luggage is screened.
Passing through the Customs control the passenger can choose between the Red and Green Channels. The passenger who goes through the Red Channel fills in the declaration form and states prohibited, restricted and dutiable articles that he is carrying. He presents his declaration form to the customs officer. The customs officer looks it through and asks questions about the contents of the passenger’s baggage. The passenger puts his belongings into the X-ray machine and steps through metal-detector. The passenger must unpack and open his baggage and present any item for inspection, if necessary. If the baggage exceeds Duty and Tax Free Allowance (the fixed quota) the passenger will have to pay the duty for the excess. If everything is alright, the customs officer stamps the declaration form and gives it back to the passenger.
After that, the passenger must pass through passport control and present his passport and visa to border guards.
Then he goes to the departure lounge to wait for his flight call. While waiting, the passenger can visit the Duty-Free Shop which sells spirits, tobacco, perfume and gifts.
Finally, the passenger goes through the flight gates and boards the plane.
Working on the text
Ex.1 Read and translate the text.
Ex. 2 How many international words can you find in the text?
a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 25 f) 30
Ex. 3 a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.
passport паспорт
agent агент
machine машина
perfume парфюмерия
visit визит
cigarette BrE сигарета
cigarette AmE сигарета
tobacco табак
airport аэропорт
b) Read the English words again.
Ex.4 Find in the text the English equivalents of the following;
приехать в аэропорт; зарегистрироваться на рейс; ручная кладь; излишек багажа; посадочный талон; стойка регистрации; время вылета; багажные квитанции; объявление о посадке; сдать багаж; магазин беспошлинной торговли; выход на посадку; содержимое багажа; норма беспошлинного провоза багажа; поставить штамп; запрещенные, ограниченные, облагаемые пошлиной товары
Ex. 5 Complete the table with the words from the text.
people | places | documents |
passenger | airport | passport |
Ex. 6 Look through the text and find synonyms to the following words:
- to show
- to come
- baggage
- control
- a present
- to mark
- to return
Ex. 7 Look through the text and find antonyms to the following words:
- after
- to answer
- out of
- to buy
- to pack
- duty free
- arrival lounge
Ex. 8 Make as many word combinations as possible with the following verbs:
a) to present ___________
b) to go through __________
c) to put __________
d) to get __________
e) to fill in __________
f) to state __________
g) to pay ___________
h) to check __________
Ex. 9 Insert prepositions if necessary.
1) to arrive _____ the airport
2) to check _____ _____ the flight
3) to visit _____Duty Free Shop
4) to put the baggage _____ the scales
5) to put the baggage _____ the X-ray machine
6) to pay _____ the excess luggage
7) to stamp _____the declaration form
8) to pass _____ customs control
9) to answer _____ questions
10) to choose _____ the Red and Green Channels
11) to fill _____ the declaration form
12) to present luggage _____ inspection
13) to wait _____ the flight call
14) to board _____ the plane
Ex. 10 Find the verbs describing the passenger’s actions and put then in the chronological order.
The passenger
- ARRIVES at the airport;
- CHECKS IN for the flight;
- . . . . . . . . . . . .
- BOARDS the plane.
Ex. 11 Answer the questions:
1. When should the passengers arrive at the airport?
2. What do the passengers usually do first of all?
3. What documents do the passengers get at the check-in counter?
4. What must passengers do if they go through the Red channel?
5. What do passengers state in the declaration form?
6. How do customs officers control passengers and their baggage?
7. What are the passenger’s responsibilities during customs inspection?
8. In what case do passengers have to pay the duty?
9. Do passengers complete any other formalities after customs control?
10. What do passengers do at the departure lounge?
11. What does the duty Free Shop sell?
12. Where do passengers go when they hear the flight call?
Ex.12 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. Мы приехали в аэропорт за три часа до вылета, и у нас было достаточно времени, чтобы выполнить все формальности.
2. Я бы хотел зарегистрироваться на рейс AS 2705 до Лондона.
3. Пассажир был удивлен, когда узнал, что его багаж превысил норму бесплатного провоза, и ему необходимо заплатить пошлину за излишек.
4. Подожди, я не могу найти посадочный талон и багажные квитанции. Наверное, я забыла их на стойке регистрации.
5. Если вы не везете запрещенные, ограниченные или облагаемые пошлиной товары, можете пройти через зеленый канал.
6. Когда пассажир заполнил декларацию и предъявил ее таможеннику, офицер задал ему несколько вопросов о содержимом багажа.
7. После того, как я поставил свою ручную кладь в рентген-аппарат, таможенник попросил меня распаковать ее и предъявить для досмотра мою видеокамеру.
8. Какие документы вы предъявляли, когда проходили через паспортный контроль?
9. Как долго вы ждали приглашения на посадку?
10. Каждый раз, когда я еду за границу, я посещаю магазин беспошлинной торговли и покупаю там сувениры для друзей.
11. Пора садиться в самолет. Какой номер нашего выхода на посадку?
Ex. 13 Get ready to speak on the topic.
Reported Speech. Statements.
Ex. 1 a) Change the following sentences into Reported Speech.
1. “The examination procedure will be over soon”, says Ann.
2. “The duty rate will be 10%”, the customs officer states.
3. “I’ve found prohibited articles in your suitcase”, says the officer.
4. “I didn’t send the cargo by air mail”, says the businessman.
5. “I have nothing to declare”, says the passenger.
6. “I don’t feel satisfied after carrying out the baggage inspection”, says the inspector.
7. “If your baggage exceeds Free Baggage Allowance, you’ll have to pay the duty”, explains the officer.
8. “When I came, Jane was weighing her baggage at the check-in counter”, says Mary.
9. “We are going to put off the examination of this cargo till tomorrow”, says the Customs office chief.
b) Transform the reporting verb into the Past and change the sentences using the Sequence of Tenses.
Ex. 2 Make short conversations reporting the sentences according to the model.
Model: A: My chief works very hard.
B: What did A say?
C: A said that his chief worked hard.
1. He shows his passport and ticket to the airline agent and puts his suitcases on the scales.
2. The inspector will be listening to us.
3. I made no mistakes in my declaration.
4. I haven’t received my baggage claim receipts yet.
5. I’m going to run your luggage through the X-ray machine.
6. I am not carrying any prohibited or restricted articles.
7. I have been thinking a lot what souvenirs to bring them.
8. I don’t know what documents are required.
9. The passenger will go to the departure lounge after he passes through passport and visa control.
to arrive (in the USA/at the airport) to take off take off time flight to check in check-in counter ticket scales (pl) to exceed excess Free Baggage Allowance Duty and Tax Free Allowance to hand over baggage claim receipts boarding pass to label to load / unload the hold of an airplane to go / pass through security check carry-on/hand luggage to screen X-ray machine Red / Green Channels to fill in prohibited restricted dutiable / liable to duty articles / items to present contents to inspect syn. to search inspection syn. search to stamp border guard arrival lounge / departure lounge flight call Duty Free Shop flight gates to board belongings | приехать, прибыть взлететь, вылететь время вылета рейс зарегистрироваться стойка регистрации билет весы превысить излишек норма провоза бесплатного багажа норма провоза беспошлинного багажа сдавать багажные квитанции посадочный талон маркировать, прикрепить ярлык (по)грузить / разгрузить грузовой отсек самолета проходить через проверка безопасности ручная кладь проверять, просвечивать рентген-аппарат красный / зеленый канал заполнять запрещенный ограниченный облагаемый пошлиной предметы / вещи предъявлять содержимое досматривать, проверять досмотр, проверка ставить штамп пограничник зал прилета / зал вылета объявление о посадке магазин беспошлинной торговли выход на посадку подняться на борт вещи |
Дата: 2019-02-02, просмотров: 356.