Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. I am a second year student of …   

2. My speciality is….

3. The АТC Department trains…

4. At the institute the students study…

5. The profession of a railway engeneer is important because…

6. Automation offers…

7. At present the systems of automation and telemechanics perform…

8. The graduates of the АТС Department work…

Exercise 3. Write an essay My Future Profession.

Lesson 6

GRAMMAR. Infinitive Constructions. Infinitive Construction with ‘for’ (Grammar Comment §7).

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to using Infinitive Construction with ‘for’.

1. Here is the book for the students to read. 2. This is required for the document to be signed. 3. He waited for her to speak. 4. It’s dangerous for us to be going out in this car. 5. That’s for you to think of. 6. The teacher gave several examples for the students to understand the rule better.


WRITING Preparing for a job. Filling in a form. CurriculumVitae (CV)

(use Business writing reference).

Exercise 2.   Use the words and phrases in the box to complete the application form; then fill in the form to apply for a bank account.

date of birth   married   signature  block capitals  title    monthly


Personal details

Please complete all the details in 1________________________________


First name: _________________ Surname: ________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________


Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________

Please V all boxes which apply:

own home ___                   rented _____                       parental home ___

3____________       single ______          divorced _____              separated_____

Please send statements 4 ____________         quarterly____

5 __________________: _________/ ________/ ________                   Age: _______________

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Are you employed full- or part-time? __________


Do you have any other accounts with London Bank? _____________________________________

Do you have a mortgage? ____________________________________________________________

Who is it with?____________________________ ____________________________________

Do you have any accounts with another bank? _________________________________________

Do you have any of these?

Mastercard ___ American Express _____ Gold Card ____ Diners' Cards ____ Visa Card ____

Do you have any of these?

Stocks and shares ____ Personal pension _____ Company pension _____

Please check that all the information you have given is accurate, and sign below.


Exercise 3.   Fill in the form to apply for a job ( use Business Writing Reference).

Exercise 4. Read the advice .

Your CV should be:       


laser printed on good quality paper

no longer than two pages of A4 paper

You should include:

1 Personal details. The employer wants to know who you are and how to contact you (essential information only).

Education .

3 Work experience. Don’t just describe the job - stress what you achieved and what you learnt.

4 Positions of responsibility. If you do not have a lot of work experience, this section will show employers your potential.

5 Skills. Be positive about your ability - never undersell your abilities.

6 Interests. Stress any significant achievements related to your interests.

Referees .

§ Current students and recent graduates should choose an academic referee and a personal one (this could be an employer).

§ Get your referees' permission first and tell them what you are applying for and what you would like them to stress in a reference.

Exercise 5. Using the advice in ex. 4 do the following:

Exercise 6. Prepare your own CV ( use Business Writing Reference).

Lesson 7

WRITING   Business letters (Business Writing Rreference).

Exercise 1. Study the structure of the letter. Define the type of the business letter.


Exercise 2. Define the type of the business letter.

Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of the 4th June and of two copies of your General Catalogue of Machine Tools sent by you by parcel post.

The Catalogue is of considerable interest to us. We are particularly interested in your Grinding Machines shown on pages 9—12 of the Catalogue and shall appreciate it if you send us detailed descriptive literature relating to these machines.

Yours faithfully,

Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 508.