Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. Скоростные поезда подчиняются системе автоматического и полуавтоматического управления. 2. Остановки на станциях находятся под контролем машинистов. 3. Создано много автоматических устройств, чтобы избежать несчастных случаев. 4. На железных дорогах широко используется телевизионная техника. 5. Оператор TV может видеть всю железнодорожную линию на своей станции, а путем переключения кнопки он всегда может видеть другую станцию на этом пути. 6. Оператор может читать серийные номера грузовых вагонов и записывать их на магнитофон.



Exercise 6. Match the English phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1) a block section a) предупредительный сигнал
2) a warning signal b) серийный номер
3) automatic block system c) блок-участок
4) interlocking d) автоблокировка
5) a serial number e) централизация

Exercise 7. Translate the text from Russian into English. Do it in written form.

Прохождение поезда через блок-участок фиксируется с помощью электрического тока, пропускаемого между рельсами и колесами. Когда поезд входит на блок-участок, то на соседних участках включаются предупредительные сигналы, которые не меняются до тех пор, пока поезд не покинет данный участок. Метод использования рельса для прохождения информации между поездами и диспетчерами является основой наиболее совершенной системы автоматического управления движением на железной дороге – диспетчерской централизации. Она включает много передовых технологических систем, таких как автоблокировка и централизация стрелок и сигналов. Диспетчерская централизация применяется для управления сетью железных дорог и регулирования движением поездов, что обеспечивает большие скорости и безопасность перевозок. Каждый поезд имеет порядковый номер, который можно увидеть на экране, показывающем схему путей, а также позиции всех поездов в пределах (within) блок-участка.

Lesson 5

GRAMMAR.  Gerund. Functions. (Grammar Comment §2).

Exercise 1.  Translate the sentences paying attention to using Gerunds . Define their functions.

1. The method of controlling the movement of all trains on a line from a central point is called Centralized Traffic Control. 2. A long tunnel was bored through the mountain but laying railway tracks in this tunnel was not planned. 3. As the seats in Metro cars are arranged in rows on both sides of the carriage, the passengers can easily take their seats without causing trouble to other people. 4. The driver has been fined for exceeding the speed limit. 5. He made a lot of money by buying tickets in advance and selling them for twice the price on the day of the train departure. 6. They finished installing the apparatus only on Sunday. On having entered the compartment, a man introduced himself to his fellow travellers.

Active Vocabulary


а utomatic train operation (ATO) – автоведение поездa;

аutomatic route setting (ARS) – автоматическая установка маршрута;

с entralized traffic control ( CTC ) – диспетчерская централизация (ДЦ);

a color light signal, a traffic light – светофор;

a point – стрелочный перевод;

a circuit – цепь,

short - circuit - короткое замыкание,

a track - circuit – рельсовая цепь,

to track-circuit – оборудовать рельсовыми цепями;

a trunk line, a main line – магистраль;

a control console – пульт управления;

a single control center – единый центр управления;

a track diagram – схема пути;

a switch – переключатель,

a push-button switch – кнопочный переключатель.

a delay – задержка,

to delay – задерживать;

an approach – подход,

to approach – приближаться, подходить;

to avoid – избегать;

entire – целый, весь;

conventional – стандартный, типовой; обычный, традиционный.

Exercise 2. Before reading the text make sure you understand the main terms. Match line A with line B and translate the terms’ definitions:

1) a relay a) a small electrical apparatus used in radios, televisions, etc. for controlling the flow of electrical current;
2) a signal b) any number under ten;
3) telecommunications c) a device by which electric current  flowing in one circuit can open or close current in a second circuit;
4) a transistor d) a vacuum tube or semiconductor device used as a rectifier (выпрямитель);
5) a diode e) various methods of receiving and sending messages by telephone or telegraph, either by radio signals or by wires;
6) a digit f) a sound, image, or message sent by waves, as in radio or television; a railway apparatus near the track to direct train drivers.





No department of railways has been more developed by modern technology than signaling and telecommunications. Color light signals, electrical operation of signals and points, track-circuiting, route-setting panel control, automatic train operation, computer-based centralized traffic control (CTC) – these are the basic elements of up-to-date signaling.

The method of operating long railway lines by CTC began in the USA in 1927. The principle is that at the central point the operator has a diagram showing him where every train is and he can control the whole section of the line – possibly of two or three hundred miles – from his control console. The operator can see and control the overall track circuit. On modern railways the main line and station approaches are controlled from a single control center to provide regular traffic and avoid delays.

To control a whole trunk line from one place a single control centre was first introduced in Japan, on the New Tokaido Line. The entire line between Tokyo and Osaka is wholly controlled from the general control center located in Tokyo. It’s well-known that conventional CTC uses conventional relays. Practical railway experience shows that it takes much time to transmit information therefore the Japanese National Railways have developed a new system using transistors and diodes. This system proves to be more reliable; besides that, it is more economical because it helps to save time: it takes about one second to scan indications for all tracks. At present up-to-date electronic equipment including a digital computer is widely used to automate train operation and to improve the quality of railway service.


Exercise 3. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. Do railway signaling and communications have the most advanced technologies and equipment?

2. What are the basic elements of up-to-date signaling? Which of them is the latest one?

3. What does the abbreviation CTC mean?

4. What country was the first to use CTC on its railways?

5. What kind of a diagram does the operator have on his (her) control console?

6. How long may be the section of the main line controlled from the single control centre?

7. What approaches are controlled from a single control centre?

8. Why is CTC so important for railways?

9. What railways began to control a whole trunk line by means of CTC?

10. What devices had been used to transmit information before the Japanese National Railways developed a new system using transistors and diodes?

11. Why are transistors and diodes more reliable than relays?

12. What is the latest development used to automate train operation and improve the quality of railway service?


Exercise 4. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

· принцип заключается в том, что …;

· полностью контролируется; требуется много времени, чтобы…;

· подъездные станционные пути; участок железнодорожной линии;

· хорошо известно, что …;

· автоматизировать движение поездов;

· снимать показания.


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Введение диспетчерской централизации обеспечивает безопасность железнодорожных перевозок. 2. Для гарантии безопасного управления поездом устанавливают систему скоростной авторегулировки. 3. Поезд прошел маршрут без задержек. 4. Сигнализация применяется для контроля и регулировки движения поездов. 5. Оборудование поездов этой системой позволит повысить пропускную способность линии. 6. Система управления стрелками и сигналами из одного пункта называется централизацией стрелок и сигналов. 7. Диспетчер в центре управления получает полную информацию о движении поезда по участку. 8. Диспетчер должен контролировать автоматическое управление поездом. Для этого он использует радиосвязь и может общаться как с машинистом, так и c дежурным по станции (yard master).


Exercise 6.  Translate the words and phrases into English:

Диспетчерская централизация, рельсовая цепь, кнопочный переключатель, пульт управления, автоматическая установка маршрута, клавиатура, схема пути, участок, цифровой компьютер.

Lesson 6

GRAMMAR. Conditionals. (Grammar Comment §3).

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to different types of conditional sentences.

1. If the track were not properly repaired and maintained, it would soon become so uneven and rough that it would be dangerous for trains to run upon it. 2. Had I known of his arrival, I would have met him at the airport. 3. If there were no electricity, we would have no radio, telephone, television or computers. 4. If he had received the ticket in time, he would have gone with others. 5. If the train comes in time, we shall be able to see the football match. 6. If I were you, I would learn to drive a car. 7. If he had come a minute later, he would have missed the trains. 8. Had he used new materials, the device would have been more reliable. 9. If the track were not properly repaired and maintained, it would be dangerous for trains to run upon it. 10. If the transportation costs are reduced, the total costs of the commodity will be reduced too.

Active Vocabulary

to energize - пропускать ток;

operation of points and signals - управление стрелками и сигналами;

a stop signal – запрещающий (закрытый) сигнал;

to complete a circuit – замыкать цепь;

voltage – напряжение;

low voltage current – ток низкого напряжения;

to run current - пропускать ток;

to set a signal (to danger/caution) – устанавливать предупреждающий / запрещающий сигнал;

rear – хвост поезда;

a rail joint – рельсовый стык;

insulated fishplate – изолирующий стык;

a running rail - ходовой рельс;

continuous welded rail – бесстыковой рельс;

resistance – сопротивление.

a wayside signal – путевой сигнал;

a fixed signal – стационарный / постоянный сигнал;

a semaphore (signal) arm – крыло светофора;

a restrictive position –сдерживающее положение;

to proceed – следовать (о поезде), продолжать (путь);

a protective device – предохранитель.





Safe operation of freight and passenger trains requires a system of signaling. To inform the locomotive and train crew of the position of other trains in relation to their own, signals installed at frequent intervals give indications which are visible both by day and by night. Wayside signals installed along railroad tracks are called fixed signals.

The semaphore is considered to be the earliest type of the signal. The relative position of the semaphore arm constituted the signal.

To indicate “stop” a horizontal arm was used. “Proceed” was indicated by vertical arm. To give restrictive indications the arm was inclined¹ up or down.

Color lights give the indications at night. The semaphore mechanism is equipped with lenses illuminated by a lamp, so that a red light shows when the semaphore is in the ‘stop’ position, a green light – when the semaphore is in the ‘proceed’ position, and a yellow light – when the semaphore is in the restrictive position. The color-light signal sometimes used is known to have semaphore arm and give both day and night indications by means of red, green and yellow lights. We know some signals to be operated by hand, others to be automatic.

On some railroads locomotives are known to be equipped with apparatus located in the cab, which gives a continuous indication² to the engineman identical with that shown by wayside signals.

By cab signals the engine crew is supposed to be always informed of conditions ahead regardless of the weather which could prevent the driver from seeing wayside signals. Locomotive cab signals are equipped to give audible warnings whenever the aspect changes to one more restrictive position. A protective device is installed on some railroads to apply the brakes automatically and bring a train to a stop if, for any reason, a “stop” signal is passed. It is called automatic train control. The earliest signals were hand-operated, usually by station employees.

Notes: 1) to incline – наклоняться; 2) continuous indication - непрерывная выдача показаний.


Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 840.