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Кафедра социально-гуманитарних дисциплин




П р а к т и ч е с к и й  к у р с

для студентов 2 курса специальности

«Системы обеспечения движения поездов»

 (Автоматика и телемеханика на железнодорожном транспорте )


Донецк 2017


УДК 811.111

Практический курс английского языка для студентов 2 курса специальности «Системы обеспечения движения поездов» (Автоматика и телемеханика на железнодорожном транспорте). – Донецк: ДОНИЖТ, 2017. – 68 с.  


Пособие подготовлено согласно рабочей программе учебной дисциплины и является частью учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины «Английский язык».


Утверждено и рекомендовано к печати на заседании кафедры социально-гуманитарных дисциплин от 14 марта 2017 года. Протокол № 7.


Составитель :

старший преподаватель                                                    О.Л. Полонникова

кафедры социально-гуманитарных

дисциплин ДОНИЖТ




канд. филол. наук, доцент

кафедры социально-гуманитарных

дисциплин ДОНИЖТ                                                            И.М. Сушинская



канд. полит. наук, доцент

кафедры международных отношений

и внешней политики ДонНУ                                                 Е.В. Кузнецова






UNIT 1 Automation on Railways 5
Lesson 1 5
Lesson 2 8
Lesson 3 10
Lesson 4 12
Lesson 5 15
Lesson 6 18
UNIT 2 New Technologies on World Railways 21
Lesson 1 21
Lesson 2 23
Lesson 3 29
Lesson 4 31
Lesson 5 33
Lesson 6 33
Lesson 7 37






Практический курс английского языка ставит своей целью ознакомить студентов 2 курса специальности «Системы обеспечения движения поездов» (Автоматика и  телемеханика на железнодорожном транспорте») с основной профессионально-ориентированной лексикой (в том числе терминологией), необходимым для работы с англоязычными научно-техническими текстами грамматическим материалом, основами делового английского языка; научить аннотировать, реферировать и переводить литературу по специальности; выработать навыки употребления терминов и профессионализмов в устной и письменной речи для формирования профессионально-ориентированной коммуникативной компетенции.

Практический курс состоит из двух разделов (Units), которые соответствуют содержательным разделам курса профессионально-ориентированного общения (Language for Specific Purposes) рабочей программы учебной дисциплины: Automation on Railways и New Technologies on World Railways.  Каждый раздел содержит научно-технические тексты по специальности, словари активной лексики по темам, странноведческие тексты, грамматические, лексико-грамматические и лексические упражнения, упражнения на развитие навыков устной и письменной речи.

Пособие снабжено лингвистическими и методическими комментариями (Grammar Comment и Business Writing Reference), а также кратким англо-русским терминологическим словарем и таблицей неправильных глаголов. Система упражнений, предполагающих самостоятельную работу студентов, дана в приложении (Appendix).


Unit 1

Automation on Railways.

Lesson 1

GRAMMAR.  Revision. English Tenses. Present and Past Participles.


Exercise 2. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form.

1. The bridge, which (to build) now, (to use) for the movement of both road and railway traffic in future. 2. The first automatic drivers (to test) on the underground lines. 3. The movement of trains (to stop) on that section of the line because the workers (to replace) the sleepers. 4. The train crew (to inform) that the dispatcher (to change) departure time. 5. Nowadays crossties (to make) of wood, concrete, steel, cast-iron; in some countries experiments (to go on) with plastic sleepers. 6. There (to be) no need for a dispatcher to monitor every track since centralized traffic control (to introduce).


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

London is an ancient city. It appeared at the place where the Roman invaders decided to build a bridge over the Thames. There are four parts in London: West End, East End, the City and Westminster.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. There are many offices, companies and banks in this part of the capital. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange. The Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral are situated in the City.

Westminster is also important part of the capital. It’s the administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey where kings and queens have been crowned and many famous people were buried. The Houses of Parliament are often referred to as the Palace of Westminster.

The Towers of the Houses of Parliament stand high above the city. On the highest tower there is the largest clock in the country, Big Ben. Big Ben strikes every quarter of an hour.

To the west of Westminster is West End, the richest part of London. It is full of luxury hotels, supermarkets, cinemas and concert-halls. In the centre of the West End the Trafalgar Square is situated with the famous statue of Lord Nelson.

To the east of Westminster is East End, an industrial district of the capital. Most of plants and factories are situated there.

The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. The palace was built in 1703 by the Duke Buckingham. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guard takes place in its courtyard.

There are many museums in London. For example, the British Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum. The British Museum is the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous for its library — one of the richest in the world.

There are many beautiful parks in London. St James’s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens are linked together and form above 300 hectares of parkland in the heart of London.

Exercise 4.   Make up the presentation about London.

Lesson 3

GRAMMAR. Gerund. (Grammar Comment §2).


Active Vocabulary

fixed ground equipment - постоянные сигналы;

performance – рабочие характеристики;

a guided radar – радиолокационный сигнал с дистанционным управлением;

a classification yard – сортировочная станция;

to shunt – маневрировать,

a shunter – маневровый локомотив,

shunting operation –маневровая работа.

to comply (with) – подчиняться (каким-то правилам);

a cause – причина,

to cause – являться причиной, вызывать;

to set – устанавливать;

to eliminate – исключать, устранять;

(an) emergency – критическое положение, авария;

an obstacle – помеха, препятствие,

to overcome an obstacle – преодолеть препятствие;

survey – исследование, изыскание,

to survey – наблюдать, изучать;

to be under way (construction, investigation …) - находиться в процессе (строительства, исследования….).

Exercise 3. Match the words and word combinations in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B.

1) to generate frequency a) допустимая скорость
2) in an emergency b) надежный
3) push-button switches c) экран телевизора
4) fail-safe  
5) research institutes e) полуавтоматический
6) a screen of a TV set f) в случае аварии
7) permissible speed g) с этой целью
  h) опознавать себя
9) semi-automatic i) замыкать цепь
10) for this purpose j) читать вслух
11) to identify oneself k) вырабатывать частоту
12) to complete the circuit l) кнопочные переключатели
13) human error m) научно-исследовательские институты
14) to read aloud n) человеческий фактор




(1) At present control of high-speed trains is semi-automatic since they are automatically forced to comply with permissible speeds at any instant. Stops at station platforms are under the driver’s control.

(2) The whole line in Japan, for example, is directly controlled from Tokyo and for this purpose is divided into four systems. The state of the line is continuously surveyed and information is transmitted at high speed to the control centre. Each train automatically identifies itself by generating a unique frequency as it passes fixed ground equipment and the information is displayed on the control panel at Tokyo. Trains entering stations automatically set the points system according to classification, i.e. whether super express, express or freight.

(3) One interesting but simple safety feature enables the operator on the line to stop the train in an emergency. It consists of push-button switches placed at intervals of 50m. Operation of the switch completes the circuit, and the consequent indication in the driver’s cab of an approaching train causes the brakes to be applied automatically when at an appropriate distance from the danger position. All the circuits are fail-safe, and the possibility of an accident due to human error has been virtually eliminated.

(4) Great work is being carried out in order to improve circuits’ performance. It means introduction of such techniques as programmed control, obstacle detection by guided radar, controlled braking to a fixed point and centralized computer control.          

(5) Extensive research is under way in our country to utilize television technique in industry, science and agriculture. Some years ago one of the research institutes of our country designed a television apparatus which is now used in railway transport to record the serial numbers of freight cars arriving at a station. As a train pulls in at a station, somewhere at a distance of ten kilometers an operator sees this train on a screen of his television set. The operator reads aloud the serial number of the freight cars and they are recorded by a tape recorder. On another television set the operator can see all the railway lines in a station. The operator only has to press the button and another station will appear on the screen. These installations are used in classifications yards for shunting operations.


Exercise 4.  Go back to paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 of the text and answer the following questions.

1. Are high-speed trains controlled automatically? 2. Who controls stops at station platforms? 3. Why is the whole line in Japan divided into four systems? 4. In what way does each train identify itself? 5. Where is the information of each train displayed? 6. What does automatic points setting depend on?

Active Vocabulary


а utomatic train operation (ATO) – автоведение поездa;

аutomatic route setting (ARS) – автоматическая установка маршрута;

с entralized traffic control ( CTC ) – диспетчерская централизация (ДЦ);

a color light signal, a traffic light – светофор;

a point – стрелочный перевод;

a circuit – цепь,

short - circuit - короткое замыкание,

a track - circuit – рельсовая цепь,

to track-circuit – оборудовать рельсовыми цепями;

a trunk line, a main line – магистраль;

a control console – пульт управления;

a single control center – единый центр управления;

a track diagram – схема пути;

a switch – переключатель,

a push-button switch – кнопочный переключатель.

a delay – задержка,

to delay – задерживать;

an approach – подход,

to approach – приближаться, подходить;

to avoid – избегать;

entire – целый, весь;

conventional – стандартный, типовой; обычный, традиционный.

Exercise 2. Before reading the text make sure you understand the main terms. Match line A with line B and translate the terms’ definitions:

1) a relay a) a small electrical apparatus used in radios, televisions, etc. for controlling the flow of electrical current;
2) a signal b) any number under ten;
3) telecommunications c) a device by which electric current  flowing in one circuit can open or close current in a second circuit;
4) a transistor d) a vacuum tube or semiconductor device used as a rectifier (выпрямитель);
5) a diode e) various methods of receiving and sending messages by telephone or telegraph, either by radio signals or by wires;
6) a digit f) a sound, image, or message sent by waves, as in radio or television; a railway apparatus near the track to direct train drivers.





No department of railways has been more developed by modern technology than signaling and telecommunications. Color light signals, electrical operation of signals and points, track-circuiting, route-setting panel control, automatic train operation, computer-based centralized traffic control (CTC) – these are the basic elements of up-to-date signaling.

The method of operating long railway lines by CTC began in the USA in 1927. The principle is that at the central point the operator has a diagram showing him where every train is and he can control the whole section of the line – possibly of two or three hundred miles – from his control console. The operator can see and control the overall track circuit. On modern railways the main line and station approaches are controlled from a single control center to provide regular traffic and avoid delays.

To control a whole trunk line from one place a single control centre was first introduced in Japan, on the New Tokaido Line. The entire line between Tokyo and Osaka is wholly controlled from the general control center located in Tokyo. It’s well-known that conventional CTC uses conventional relays. Practical railway experience shows that it takes much time to transmit information therefore the Japanese National Railways have developed a new system using transistors and diodes. This system proves to be more reliable; besides that, it is more economical because it helps to save time: it takes about one second to scan indications for all tracks. At present up-to-date electronic equipment including a digital computer is widely used to automate train operation and to improve the quality of railway service.


Exercise 3. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. Do railway signaling and communications have the most advanced technologies and equipment?

2. What are the basic elements of up-to-date signaling? Which of them is the latest one?

3. What does the abbreviation CTC mean?

4. What country was the first to use CTC on its railways?

5. What kind of a diagram does the operator have on his (her) control console?

6. How long may be the section of the main line controlled from the single control centre?

7. What approaches are controlled from a single control centre?

8. Why is CTC so important for railways?

9. What railways began to control a whole trunk line by means of CTC?

10. What devices had been used to transmit information before the Japanese National Railways developed a new system using transistors and diodes?

11. Why are transistors and diodes more reliable than relays?

12. What is the latest development used to automate train operation and improve the quality of railway service?


Exercise 4. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases:

· принцип заключается в том, что …;

· полностью контролируется; требуется много времени, чтобы…;

· подъездные станционные пути; участок железнодорожной линии;

· хорошо известно, что …;

· автоматизировать движение поездов;

· снимать показания.


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Введение диспетчерской централизации обеспечивает безопасность железнодорожных перевозок. 2. Для гарантии безопасного управления поездом устанавливают систему скоростной авторегулировки. 3. Поезд прошел маршрут без задержек. 4. Сигнализация применяется для контроля и регулировки движения поездов. 5. Оборудование поездов этой системой позволит повысить пропускную способность линии. 6. Система управления стрелками и сигналами из одного пункта называется централизацией стрелок и сигналов. 7. Диспетчер в центре управления получает полную информацию о движении поезда по участку. 8. Диспетчер должен контролировать автоматическое управление поездом. Для этого он использует радиосвязь и может общаться как с машинистом, так и c дежурным по станции (yard master).


Exercise 6.  Translate the words and phrases into English:

Диспетчерская централизация, рельсовая цепь, кнопочный переключатель, пульт управления, автоматическая установка маршрута, клавиатура, схема пути, участок, цифровой компьютер.

Lesson 6

GRAMMAR. Conditionals. (Grammar Comment §3).

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to different types of conditional sentences.

1. If the track were not properly repaired and maintained, it would soon become so uneven and rough that it would be dangerous for trains to run upon it. 2. Had I known of his arrival, I would have met him at the airport. 3. If there were no electricity, we would have no radio, telephone, television or computers. 4. If he had received the ticket in time, he would have gone with others. 5. If the train comes in time, we shall be able to see the football match. 6. If I were you, I would learn to drive a car. 7. If he had come a minute later, he would have missed the trains. 8. Had he used new materials, the device would have been more reliable. 9. If the track were not properly repaired and maintained, it would be dangerous for trains to run upon it. 10. If the transportation costs are reduced, the total costs of the commodity will be reduced too.

Active Vocabulary

to energize - пропускать ток;

operation of points and signals - управление стрелками и сигналами;

a stop signal – запрещающий (закрытый) сигнал;

to complete a circuit – замыкать цепь;

voltage – напряжение;

low voltage current – ток низкого напряжения;

to run current - пропускать ток;

to set a signal (to danger/caution) – устанавливать предупреждающий / запрещающий сигнал;

rear – хвост поезда;

a rail joint – рельсовый стык;

insulated fishplate – изолирующий стык;

a running rail - ходовой рельс;

continuous welded rail – бесстыковой рельс;

resistance – сопротивление.

a wayside signal – путевой сигнал;

a fixed signal – стационарный / постоянный сигнал;

a semaphore (signal) arm – крыло светофора;

a restrictive position –сдерживающее положение;

to proceed – следовать (о поезде), продолжать (путь);

a protective device – предохранитель.





Safe operation of freight and passenger trains requires a system of signaling. To inform the locomotive and train crew of the position of other trains in relation to their own, signals installed at frequent intervals give indications which are visible both by day and by night. Wayside signals installed along railroad tracks are called fixed signals.

The semaphore is considered to be the earliest type of the signal. The relative position of the semaphore arm constituted the signal.

To indicate “stop” a horizontal arm was used. “Proceed” was indicated by vertical arm. To give restrictive indications the arm was inclined¹ up or down.

Color lights give the indications at night. The semaphore mechanism is equipped with lenses illuminated by a lamp, so that a red light shows when the semaphore is in the ‘stop’ position, a green light – when the semaphore is in the ‘proceed’ position, and a yellow light – when the semaphore is in the restrictive position. The color-light signal sometimes used is known to have semaphore arm and give both day and night indications by means of red, green and yellow lights. We know some signals to be operated by hand, others to be automatic.

On some railroads locomotives are known to be equipped with apparatus located in the cab, which gives a continuous indication² to the engineman identical with that shown by wayside signals.

By cab signals the engine crew is supposed to be always informed of conditions ahead regardless of the weather which could prevent the driver from seeing wayside signals. Locomotive cab signals are equipped to give audible warnings whenever the aspect changes to one more restrictive position. A protective device is installed on some railroads to apply the brakes automatically and bring a train to a stop if, for any reason, a “stop” signal is passed. It is called automatic train control. The earliest signals were hand-operated, usually by station employees.

Notes: 1) to incline – наклоняться; 2) continuous indication - непрерывная выдача показаний.


Unit 2

Active Vocabulary

increasingly –  adv все больше и больше;

trend –  п направление, тенденция;

brake –  п тормоз;

within –  prepв, в рамках чего-то;

supersede –  v заменять, смещать; syn replace ;

coupling –  п сцепка; couple –v сцеплять; п пара;

chain –  п цепь;

smart train –  поезд, оснащенный смарт-технологиями; syn . intelli ­ gent; smart card - смарт-карточка (платёжная карточка со встроенным микропроцессором);

profitability –  п прибыльность, рентабельность; profit - п прибыль; v получать прибыль; profit­able- adj прибыльный;

leap –  п прыжок; leap year- високосный год;

establish –  v устанавливать, основывать;

constantly –  ad jпостоянно, все время; constan t- adj постоянный;

update – v обновлять;

protection –  n защита, охрана; protect - v защищать;

be underway –  проходить, совершаться;

throughout –  adv всюду, во всех отношениях; through - prep через, сквозь

visible- adj очевидный, явный;

interoperable adj эксплуатационносовместимый (интероперабельный)

be aimed at –  быть нацеленным на;

cross - border traffic – движение через границу;

involve- v включать в себя, предвидеть касаться;

implement – v использовать, выполнять;

hardware –  п техническое обеспечение, оборудование; softwarе програмное       обеспечение

flexible – adj гибкий

interface –  п связь; syn link , communication

simulation n моделирование; simulate - v моделировать; simulator – тренажёр, макет;

create – v творить, создавать;

multiple adj сложный, многочисленный, разнообразный, многосоставный;

trainee –  практикант, стажер

affect –  v влиять

ever - expanding –  adj постоянно расширяющийся;

concept – п идея, концепция

pay – v платить

foreseeable adj предсказуемый; foresee -v предвидеть

pursuit п преследование, погоня


Pre-text discussion.

Have new technologies changed our everyday lives? Give a few ex­amples to support your standpoint. 2. What are the most important (revolutionary, recent) innovations you can remember? 3. What do the abbreviations high tech, hi-fi, R&D mean? 4. How have new technologies changed modem railways?



(1) Nowadays one can hardly find fields in human activity where electronic machines or devices are not used. Traffic control, sorting yard operations, compiling schedules, designing locomotives and many other hard and time-consuming jobs are being increasingly performed by computers.

(2) Perhaps, the most important trend in train control at present is the change of technology. Yesterday’s technology was electro-mechanical; today electronic and computer technology dominates in rail traffic control and safety systems. Modem signalling is one important sphere of new technologies. Railroad signals (like the semaphore signal) are form of communication designed to inform the train crew of track conditions ahead and to instruct it how to operate the train. Traditional signals, which can be recorded, are speed, time, and distance. A number of digital signals such as door opening, brake application, switch positions, lamps, etc, as well as some analogue signals such as current and catenary1voltage, are now added for recording. Recently the terms like radio-based signalling or telematics2 have been added to traditional signalling terminology. We are on the brink of3 a revolution which will transform signalling as we know it within the next decade.

(3) The automation of railway services is leading to computer- integrated railroading, in which radio plays a very important role. On modem railways there is a clear trend towards the so-called railway operation control system (ROC) based on radio transmission. ROC includes traffic safety and train control, which supersedes traditional signalling. It helps to coordinate the operation of high-speed passenger services and slower freight trains on the same tracks, as well as the use of double-track lines in both directions. With the help of ROC, there will soon be virtual or electronic coupling of trains into a chain driving at a high speed. Together with ‘smart’ trains and ‘intelligent’ dispatching and control centres, ROC will form a triangle4 for improved profitability for the railways.

(4) A great leap forward in radio-based communications systems is Transmission Based Signalling (TBS). The first systems are now being developed and installed, and undoubtedly TBS will become the preferredsignalling technology for the world’s metro and mainline rail­ways.

TBS has a number of essential advantages over conventional signal­ling- First of all, it eliminates the need for tracks-circuits5. Under TBS, trains establish their position through the use of the train equipment. Each train receives a movement authority6 based on the speed of the train that is constantly updated by radio. This information is presented to the driver on a, cab display or passed to an Automatic Train Opera­tion (ATO) controller. Safety is also increased due to the use Auto­matic Train Protection (ATP), which is a feature of TBS.

(5) Britain is one of the first countries to adopt TBS. Jubilee Line of London Underground is currently the largest metro project underway in Europe. It needs the most technically advanced and innovative train control and signalling system, which is why the London Underground chose TBS. TBS is also being considered by railways throughout the world, from New York City Transit in the United States to metros in the Far East, and for many of the Trans European Network (TEN) routes throughout Europe.

(6) The second trend, which becomes visible, is increasing standardi­zation. Within Europe, there exist 27 different signalling systems, five different types of electrification, different track and loading gauges, and different operating rules between national railways. It stands to reason7, that signalling and train control systems have to be interoper­able to ensure the safe and smooth flow of rail transport. With this aim, the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) has been designed. ERTM consists of European Train Control System (ETCS) and Global Systems for Mobile Communication for Railways (GSM-R). They are all aimed at ‘Europeanizing’ national signalling systems and improving cross-border traffic so that the driver will always receive the same signalling information regardless of which country he is operating at the time. As all major signalling companies are involved in the development of ERTMS, it will soon be a radio-signalling standard for the world. German Rail (DB) became the first railway in Europe to implement GSM-R - the new standard for digital train radio on the Cologne - Frankfurt high-speed line in 2002. Thus, DB is pioneering the technological transition from older analogue networks to the new generation of digital systems.

(7) Another highly-significant project for an interoperable railway system will be a standardized European Driver’s Desk (EUDD) designed for interoperable rail services across borders. The EUDD will improve safety and working conditions by replacing hardware controls with flexible software display functions. The new driver’s desk should also allow the introduction of new technologies, such as the further development of telematics-based control systems and Man-Machine-Interface.

The electronic technique known as simulation creates virtual rail environment. Cab simulators have traditionally been applied only to driver training. The latest generation of multiple simulators can now be networked together to represent an ‘integrated railworld’ which is much more complex than a single train in isolation. Such integrated simulators offer joint training for drivers, train controllers and opera­tions control staff, all interacting in multidisciplinary teams. Using virtual reality theatres, a wider range of training scenarios can be pro­vided. The trainees then can fully understand how their position through the use of the train equipment. Each train receives a movement authority6 based on the speed of the train that is constantly updated by radio. This information is presented to the driver on a, cab display or passed to an Automatic Train Opera­tion (ATO) controller. Safety is also increased due to the use Auto­matic Train Protection (ATP), which is a feature of TBS.

(8) Britain is one of the first countries to adopt TBS. Jubilee Line of London Underground is currently the largest metro project underway in Europe. It needs the most technically advanced and innovative train control and signalling system, which is why the London Underground chose TBS. TBS is also being considered by railways throughout the world, from New York City Transit in the United States to metros in the Far East, and for many of the Trans European Network (TEN) routes throughout Europe.

(9) The second trend, which becomes visible, is increasing standardi­zation. Within Europe, there exist 27 different signalling systems, five different types of electrification, different track and loading gauges, and different operating rules between national railways. It stands to reason7, that signalling and train control systems have to be interoper­able to ensure the safe and smooth flow of rail transport. With this aim, the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) has been designed. ERTM consists of European Train Control System (ETCS) and Global Systems for Mobile Communication for Railways (GSM-R). They are all aimed at ‘Europeanizing’ national signalling systems and improving cross-border traffic so that the driver will always receive the same signalling information regardless of which country he is operating at the time. As all major signalling companies are involved in the development of ERTMS, it will soon be a radio-signalling standard for the world. German Rail (DB) became the first railway in Europe to implement GSM-R - the new standard for digital train radio on the Cologne - Frankfurt high-speed line in 2002. Thus, DB is pioneering the technological transition from older analogue networks to the new generation of digital systems.

(10) Another highly-significant project for an interoperable railway system will be a standardized European Driver’s Desk (EUDD) designed for interoperable rail services across borders. The EUDD will improve safety and working conditions by replacing hardware controls with flexible software display functions. The new driver’s desk should also allow the introduction of new technologies, such as the further development of telematics-based control systems and Man-Machine-Interface.

(11) The electronic technique known as simulation creates virtual rail environment. Cab simulators have traditionally been applied only to driver training. The latest generation of multiple simulators can now be networked together to represent an ‘integrated railworld’ which is much more complex than a single train in isolation. Such integrated simulators offer joint training for drivers, train controllers and opera­tions control staff, all interacting in multidisciplinary teams. Using virtual reality theatres, a wider range of training scenarios can be pro­vided. The trainees then can fully understand how their actions affect each other, which, in effect, helps to reduce human error in critical situations.

(12) New developments in information technology and ever-expanding Internet have changed the world and the way of presenting passenger information. CyberRail is a new multi-media concept providing real­time information for passengers throughout their journey from door-to-door, taking into account every mode of transport. Passengers, railway operators and other railway companies can freely transmit, collect, and process the information. Passengers receive personalized travel plans, and railway operators can offer services according to de­mand.

Electronic smart card ticketing and booking tickets on the internet have become a regular thing for passengers. More and more countriesare adopting smart cards with embedded chip instead of paper-basedticketing systems. Smart cards hold much more information than a magnetic stripe, and can be also used outside the mass transit systems for which they were designed, for instance, as ‘electronic purses’. From contactless cards reloaded via the Internet to virtual tickets onmobile phones, today’s technology has no limits.

It is safe to say that investment in rail research is paid many times over. New technologies will transform railways in the foreseeable future. In this information-intensive age, the modernization of signaling and telecommunications is even more important than the pursuit of higher train speeds. Future railway technologies have to be highly effective interoperable, safe, environmentally friendly and allow for rapid innovation in the railway system.

1catenary - контактный провод

2telematics -телематика, интегрированные системы,

3we are on the brink of - мы на пороге, на грани

4triangle- треугольник

5track circuit - рельсовая цепь

6 a movement authorit -  путевые инструкции

7it stands to reason - само собой разумеется




For use on busy lines various safety devices are additionally available. One of these is the inductive train control.

Each signal on a section of line equipped with this system has a device which activates the brakes of a passing train. The locomotive is provided with a” transmitter” which has an iron-core coil and a condenser. This oscillating circuit is tuned to 2000 cycles/sec. and is supplied with current from a high-frequency generator to which the coil of an electromagnet for a relay is connected. The high-frequency generator is driven by an electric motor or a small steam turbine which also drives a 24-volt direct-current dynamo. A second relay and two pilot lamps are connected to this dynamo. When the system is in operation, the high-frequency generator supplies current to the oscillating circuit of the locomotive and to the high-frequency relay, so that the armature of the latter is attracted by the electromagnet and allows current to flow through the 24-volt direct-current relay. When thus energized, the relay interrupts a flow of current to the actuating electromagnet of a valve.

The signal beside the railway track is also equipped with an oscillating circuit tuned to 2000 cycles/sec. When the signal is at “safe”, its oscillating circuit is short-circuited and has no effect on the passing locomotive. However, if the signal is at “stop” and the train nevertheless fails to stop, the oscillating circuit of the signal will resonate in tune with that of the passing locomotive and withdraw so much energy from the latter circuit that the armature of the high-frequency relay is no longer sufficiently strongly attracted by the electromagnet and is therefore released. This in turn cuts off supply of current to the 24-volt relay, which then likewise (так же) releases its armature. This completes the electric circuit to the electro-magnet that controls the monitoring valve. When this happens, the monitoring valve causes the brakes to be applied and the driving motor of the locomotive to be switched. At the same time, the pilot lamp “a” goes out and the lamp “b” lights up.


Exercise 2.  Copy the following words. One word in line doesn’t belong to the group. Cross out the odd word and explain your choice.

1) a train, a plane, an automobile, a rail car.

2) steam, diesel, electric air.

3) a second, an hour, a mile, a minute.

4) current, voltage, time, resistance.

5) relay, transistor, diode, photo.

6) turbine, motor, generator, electron.

7) a railway, a highway, a runway, a road.


Lesson 4

GRAMMAR. Infinitive Constructions. Complex Object. (Grammar Comment §5).


Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to using Complex Object.

1. Everybody knows the electric current to be the motion of electrons through an electric conductor. 2. I consider this business to be very profitable. 3. The firm can’t expect this unskilled man to become an experienced engineer overnight. 4. I admit the weather this year to be unpredictable. 5. I want your appraisal to be objective and true. 6. I think us to gain a bigger profit building a salt mine in Siberia than making a road project in South Africa. 7. I can’t believe your personnel manager to pull the workers off the job every two weeks because they are unskilled. And I don’t expect him to give any reasons. 8. He found his colleague to accept responsibility every time he was asked to. 9. We expect them to clear up several terms of the contract. 10. I want you or somebody from your company to meet our guests at the airport. 11. The engineers wanted cab signals to be located in the locomotive cab.




1. Railway transport plays a very important part in the development, both political and economical, of any country. The railway system is very complicated and to cope all the problems and tasks the railways need highly qualified engineers.

The АТC Department of Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport trains railway engineers in speciality of Supporting Systems for Train Operation for working in the field of automation and telemechanics. The graduates of the АТC Department work at different enterprises of the country as well as at the research and designing institutions. They deal with the developing and operating the most up-to-date train control systems and communication systems.

2. Automation has found wide application on the railway transport. An "Automatic Train Operation System" is a railway system where all the railway train movements, such as accelerating, braking, switching, etc. should be performed automatically by electronic and electromechanical devices from a central control point. Automation offers several advantages:

1) safety is improved; 2) the economic efficiency of railway traction is raised; 3) the line capacity is increased; 4) comfort is improved.

3. Two independent systems have been adopted for automatic railway operations: a control system in the vehicle itself, and fail-safety system which makes use of information transmitted from the line. Scientists have created automatic equipment ensuring a high traffic capacity of railway lines and the fail-safe running of trains.

4. At present the systems of automation and telemechanics perform the most complicated functions of automatic traffic control which is necessary for fail-safe working of railways. The electronically operated systems of signal interlocking, for example, perform the basic function of all railway signalling apparatus. Increasing the train weights, speeds and carrying capacity of the railway sections must be accompanied by enchancing the safety of the train movements. An important role in fulfilling all these tasks belongs to the systems of automation, telemechanics and communications.

5. The development of automation in each control system has the effects of simplifying the remote control system, shortening the control time, improving the reliability and extending the controllable area designed to each central controller. Nowadays the automatic block-signalling installations control the train movements at waysides. The modern interlocking systems enable an attendant to control the points and signals of the whole station.

6. Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) is also one of the modem installations used on the railway transport. It is the centralized control system which is installed at stations Station interlockings may be controlled either locally from the station panels or remotely by the operator at the CTC installation. This system permits the dispatcher alone to operate the train movements at the 100-150 km sections.

7. At the sections where trains travel at 200 km/h train speed is controlled by the multi-aspect automatic cab signalling system. This system provides continuous transmission of aspects from the track to the locomotive.

8. One of the most perfect systems of automation and telemechanics developed for classification yards is the installation of automatic hump interlocking and automated hump marshalling of trains. This system is designed for the automatic control of the speed of cuts down a hump.

At present scientists and designers in the field of railway automation and telemechanics go on working at tne development of complicated cybernetic systems of train operation that are based on the wide application of computers and computing technology.

The graduates of Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport will do their best to keep the railway system working and developing.

Exercise 2. Give the tytle to each group of the words:

a) central control points; remote control; centralized control system.

b) traffic capacity; automatic control system; centralized traffic control;

c) station interlocking; hump interlocking; interlocking of points and signals; sуstem of signal interlocking.


Lesson 5

GRAMMAR. Infinitive Constructions. Complex Subject. (Grammar Comment §6).


Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to using Complex Subject.

1. The railroad engineers are said to be improving a protective device on the locomotives. 2. The efficiency of electric locomotives is stated to be much higher than that of steam locomotives. 3. That railroad appears to have been the first in the world. 4. High-speed trains is likely to be introduced on this section of the mainline early next year. 5. The timetable is known to be changed for the summer period. 6. The failure in power supply system is reported to have caused considerable alarm in the work of several industrial enterprises. 7. Everyone seems to be worried about environmental protection and careful use of resources. 8. The railroad engineers are said to be improving a protective device on the locomotives. 9. The efficiency of electric locomotives is stated to be much higher than that of steam locomotives. 10. The system is expected to be most effective on single lines.


Personal details

Please complete all the details in 1________________________________


First name: _________________ Surname: ________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________


Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________

Please V all boxes which apply:

own home ___                   rented _____                       parental home ___

3____________       single ______          divorced _____              separated_____

Please send statements 4 ____________         quarterly____

5 __________________: _________/ ________/ ________                   Age: _______________

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Are you employed full- or part-time? __________


Do you have any other accounts with London Bank? _____________________________________

Do you have a mortgage? ____________________________________________________________

Who is it with?____________________________ ____________________________________

Do you have any accounts with another bank? _________________________________________

Do you have any of these?

Mastercard ___ American Express _____ Gold Card ____ Diners' Cards ____ Visa Card ____

Do you have any of these?

Stocks and shares ____ Personal pension _____ Company pension _____

Education .

3 Work experience. Don’t just describe the job - stress what you achieved and what you learnt.

4 Positions of responsibility. If you do not have a lot of work experience, this section will show employers your potential.

5 Skills. Be positive about your ability - never undersell your abilities.

6 Interests. Stress any significant achievements related to your interests.

Referees .

§ Current students and recent graduates should choose an academic referee and a personal one (this could be an employer).

§ Get your referees' permission first and tell them what you are applying for and what you would like them to stress in a reference.

Exercise 5. Using the advice in ex. 4 do the following:

Exercise 6. Prepare your own CV ( use Business Writing Reference).

Lesson 7

WRITING   Business letters (Business Writing Rreference).

Exercise 1. Study the structure of the letter. Define the type of the business letter.


Exercise 2. Define the type of the business letter.

Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of the 4th June and of two copies of your General Catalogue of Machine Tools sent by you by parcel post.

The Catalogue is of considerable interest to us. We are particularly interested in your Grinding Machines shown on pages 9—12 of the Catalogue and shall appreciate it if you send us detailed descriptive literature relating to these machines.

Yours faithfully,

Business Journalist


§ 1. Независимый причастный оборот (Absolute Participle Construction)

Независимый причастный оборот (Absolute Participle Construction) представляет собой сочетание существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в именительном падеже и причастия (причем существительное или местоимение не является подлежащим в предложении). В конструкции может использоваться как причастие I, так и причастие II:

The door of the room being open, we came in. Так как дверь комнаты была открыта, мы вошли.

В предложении Absolute Participle Construction выделяется запятой и выполняет функцию обстоятельства.

Если Absolute Participle Construction стоит в начале предложения, он переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением времени, причины, условия с союзами когда, так как, если, поскольку, после того как).

Weather permitting (= if the weather permits), the airplane starts early in the morning. Если погода позволит, самолет вылетит рано утром.

Absolute Participle Construction в конце предложения обычно переводится самостоятельным предложением (иногда со словами при этом, причем, вто время как).

The article deals with microwaves, particular attention being paid to radio location. Статья посвящена микроволнам, причем особое внимание уделено радиолокации.

В научно-технической литературе Absolute Participle Construction вводится предлогом with, который не переводится.
   With the experements having been carried out, we started new investigations. После того, как были проведены эксперименты, мы начали новые исследования.

Герундий ( The Gerund )

Герундий – неличная форма глагола, имеющая грамматические особенности как глагола, так и существительного. Герундий образуется путём прибавления окончания ing к основе глагола. В русском языке соответствующей формы нет, поэтому герундий переводится существительным, глаголом, придаточным предложением или деепричастием.

Герундий имеет четыре формы – одну простую и три сложных, образованных с помощью вспомогательных глаголов. По форме герундий совпадает с соответствующими формами Причастия I (причастия настоящего времени).



(Active) Действительный залог

(Passive) Страдательный залог

Вспомогательный глагол Смысловой глагол Вспомогательный глагол Смысловой глагол


- IV being III

asking "спрашивание ", спрашивать

being asked - будучи спрошен (ным)


having III having been III

having asked - спросил (уже, до чего-либо)

having been asked - был спрошен (уже, ранее)


Инфинитив (The Infinitive)

Инфинитив, являясь неличной формой глагола, имеет свойства как существительного, так и глагола. Перед инфинитивом обычно стоит частица to.

Инфинитив бывает в различных формах: to help, to be helped, to be helping, to have helped, to have been helped. Инфинитив имеет шесть форм для переходных глаголов и четыре – для непереходных (у них нет форм страдательного залога). У глаголов, которые не употребляются в Continuous, количество форм инфинитива будет соответственно меньше. Значение вида и залога в инфинитиве не отличается от соответствующих значений личных форм глагола.


(Active) Действительный залог

( Passive ) Страдательный залог

Вспомогательный глагол Смысловой глагол Вспомогательный глагол Смысловой глагол


- to I to be III

to ask - спросить, спрашивать (вообще)

to be asked – быть спрошенным, спрашиваемым (вообще)


to be IV


to be asking – спрашивать (в тот момент или период)


to have III to have been III

to have asked - спросить, спрашивать (уже, раньше, до чего-л.)

to have been asked - быть спрошенным (уже, раньше)

Perfect Continuous

to have been IV


to have been asking - спрашивать (в течение отрезка времени)

The Complex Object

The Complex Object (сложное дополнение) представляет собой инфинитивный оборот, состоящий из имени существительного или местоимения (в объектном падеже) с инфинитивом. Вся конструкция выполняет функцию дополнения, часто переводится придаточным предложением с союзами что, чтобы, как.

Сложное дополнение употребляется после таких глаголов как: to want, to wish хотеть, желать; would (should) like хотелось бы; to suppose полагать, предполагать; to expect ожидать, предполагать; to consider , to believe , to think считать, полагать, думать; to watch наблюдать; to notice замечать; to see видеть; to hear слышать; to make , to force , to cause заставлять; to order приказывать; to enable позволять, давать возможность; to let разрешать, позволять и т.п.

- We know him to be a good specialist. Мы знаем, что он хороший специалист.

- They expect the ship to arrive tonight. Они ожидают, что пароход прибудет сегодня.

- I thought you to be late. Я думал, что вы опоздаете.

Обратите внимание на то, что:

a) после глаголов восприятия (to see , to hear , to watch , to notice) и после глаголов (to make , to let) инфинитив употребляется без частицы to .

- I have never heard her praise anybody’s work. Я никогда не слышал, чтобы она хвалила чью-либо работу.

- I saw him drive a car. Я видел, как он водит машину.

b) сложное дополнение после глаголов (to make , to cause , to force , to allow , to order, to enable) не переводится придаточным предложением.

- He enabled us to repeat the experiment. Он дал нам возможность повторить


- What made her leave this job? Что заставило её уйти с этой работы?

§ 6. Инфинитивная конструкция “Сложное подлежащее”

(The Complex Subject)

The Complex Subject (сложное подлежащее) представляет собой инфинитивный оборот, состоящий из имени существительного или местоимения (в именительном падеже) и инфинитива с частицей to. Между ними всегда ставится сказуемое, которое может быть выражено:

A) глаголами to know знать; to expect ожидать, полагать; to find находить, устанавливать; to suppose предполагать; to report сообщать; to consider , to think думать, считать; to say говорить; to hear слышать и т.п. в форме страдательного залога.

- He is known to be a good specialist.

- The train was reported to have arrived.

Перевод таких предложений нужно начинать со сказуемого, которое переводится неопределённо-личным предложением (Известно, что…; Полагают, что…; Сообщили, что…; Слышали, что…). Известно, что он хороший специалист. = Он, как известно, хороший специалист. Сообщили, что поезд уже прибыл. = Поезд, как сообщили, уже прибыл.

B) глаголами в форме действительного залога to seem, to appear казаться, по-видимому, очевидно; to happen случаться; to prove , to turn out оказываться.

- The new methods of work seem to be very effective.  Очевидно, что новые методы работы очень эффективны.

- Do you happen to know Jane’s telephone number? Ты случайно не знаешь номер телефона Джейн?

C) составными глаголами to be likely вероятно, возможно; to be unlikely маловероятно, невероятно, невозможно, едва ли; to be sure, to be certain несомненно, обязательно, конечно.

- She is sure to come. Она обязательно придёт.

- He is unlikely to be able to start his car. Едва ли он сможет завести машину.

§ 7. Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом for

Этот оборот состоит из предлога for, существительного или личного местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива.


for + существительное / местоимение + инфинитив


В этой конструкции глагол в форме инфинитива обозначает действие, которое выполняется существительным (местоимением), стоящим после for. На русский язык такие обороты переводятся инфинитивом или придаточным предложением. Этот оборот представляет собой один член предложения и может служить:

1. Подлежащим:

For him to take this decision was not easy. Ему принять это решение было нелегко.

Обычно такие предложения начинаются с вводного it:

It’s necessary for me to know her new address. Мне нужно знать ее новый адрес.

2. Именной частью составного сказуемого:

That’s for you to think on. Об этом тебе нужно подумать.

3. Дополнением:

We waited for the rain to stop. Мы ждали, пока прекратится дождь.

4. Определением:

There’s nobody here for him to speak with. Здесь нет никого, с кем он мог бы поговорить.

5. Обстоятельством цели или следствия:

It was too dark for her to see him. Было слишком темно, чтобы она смогла видеть его.


§ 8. Разные способы выражения определения

В английском языке

Определение отвечает на вопросы: what? какой? whose? чей? which? какой? который? Оно может быть расположено перед определяемым существительным или после него. Определение может быть выражено:

1. прилагательным.

a fast train скорый поезд

the successful experiment удачный эксперимент

2. существительным.

a steam engine паровой двигатель

the car keys ключи от машины

the passenger train пассажирский поезд

the train speed скорость поезда


Если между артиклем (или другим определителем) и существительным, к которому оно относится, стоит несколько существительных, то они образуют цепочку определений. Последнее существительное в этой цепочке является главным, с него рекомендуется начинать перевод всей цепочки определений.

my telephone number мой номер телефона

the airplane wing крыло самолёта

a steam engine car автомобиль с паровым двигателем

the passenger service improvement улучшение обслуживания пассажиров

the train speed increase problem проблема увеличения скорости поездов

3. причастием (Participle I, Participle II), которое может стоять как перед существительным, так и после него.

the tunnel linking two islands - тоннель, соединяющий два острова

the terminal upgraded last year - вокзал, реконструированный в прошлом году

the developing countries - развивающиеся страны

the developed countries - развитые страны

4. герундием.

a cost of operating the line - стоимость эксплуатации линии

the possibility of constructing Metro - возможность строительства метро

5. инфинитивом.

the work to be done работа, которую предстоит сделать

the bridge to be built мост, который необходимо построить.





Forms are documents with questions and gaps for you to write the answer in. Forms ask you to give personal details, details about products or services, e.g. invoices and order forms. Write clearly and use CAPITAL LETTERS when asked. Always read the whole form before you write.


This is an application form for a job

Personal data





Patronymic (name)


Place of residence


Phone number






Date of birth Day









Marital status

Single      Married      Divorced  Widowed








Educational institution (name, faculty, department)


Speciality (qualification)


Education date

From month




To month




The name of the document



Foreign language knowledge

Foreign language (first)   Excellent Good Fair
Foreign language (second)        

Employment status

Employed full-time Employed part-time Self-employed Unemployed Retired
Income details


Additional information

Fund of computer knowledge  
Driving lisence  
Additional information you want to inform us (for example personal characteristics)  



be was, were been – быть

become became become – становиться, делаться

begin began begun – начинать 

break broke broken – ломать, нарушать

bring brought brought – приносить, привозить

build built built – строить

burn burnt burnt – гореть, жечь

buy bought bought – покупать

catch caught caught – ловить, схватить

choose chose chosen – выбирать

come came come – приходить

cost cost cost – стоить

cut cut cut – резать

do did done – делать

draw drew drawn – тянуть, везти

drive drove driven – везти, ехать; приводить в движение

find found found – находить, обнаруживать

fly flew flown – летать

forget forget forgotten – забывать

get got got – получать, доставать, становиться

give gave given – давать, предоставлять

go went gone – идти, ехать

grow grew grown – расти, увеличиваться

have had had – иметь

hear heard heard – слышать

hold held held – держать

keep kept kept – держать, хранить

know knew known – знать

lay laid laid – класть, положить

learn learnt learnt – узнавать, учить

leave left left – оставлять, уходить, уезжать

lie lay lain – лежать

light lit lit – освещать, зажигать

make made made – делать, заставлять

mean meant meant – значить, означать; иметь в виду

meet met met – встречать

pay paid paid – платить

put put put – класть, ставить

read read read – читать

ride rode ridden – ездить

run run run – бегать, управлять

say said said – говорить, сказать

see saw seen – видеть

sell sold sold – продавать

send sent sent – посылать

set set set – ставить, помещать, устанавливать

show showed shown – показывать

shut shut shut – закрывать

sit sat sat – cидеть

sleep slept slept – cпать

speak spoke spoken – говорить, разговаривать

spend spent spent – тратить, проводить (время)

spread spread spread – растягивать, распространять (ся)

stand stood stood – стоять; поставить; держаться

take took taken – брать, принимать

tell told told – сказать, сообщать, рассказывать

think thought thought – думать, полагать

wear wore worn – носить, изнашиваться

write wrote written – писать, сочинять



1. International Railway Journal, International Railway Gazette, Rail International. – 1998 – 2003.

2. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. – Cambridge University Press, 1999. – 350 pp.

3. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Exercises 1. Oxford University Press,1996. – 181 pp.

4. Английский для технических вузов: Учебное пособие. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2008. – 347 с. (Высшее образование)

5. Англо-русский железнодорожный словарь. – Пронина О.Ф. – Госуд. транспортное жел. издательство. – Москва, 1958.

6. Барканова З.А., Бубнева Н.Т., и др. English for institutes of railway engineers. – М.: Высшая школа,1977. – 119 с.

7. Богацкий И.С. Бизнес-курс англ. языка / И.С. Богацкий. – Киев: «Логос», 2001. – 352 с. – 49

8. Большой англо-русский политехнический словарь. В двух томах. М.: Русский язык, 1991. – 701 с.

9.  Донець С.М., Коростильова О.В. Англійська мова для студентів залізничних вузів: Навч. посіб. / за ред. С.М. Донець. – Х., УкрДАЗТ,2008. – 334 с.

10. Куклина И.П. Energy is the source of life. Санкт-Петербург: «КАРО», 2000. – 508 с.

11. Тучина Н.В. та ін. «Speak English with Pleasure». Сучасні розмовні теми–Х.: Торсинг; 2002.–288 с.



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Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 616.