Pre-agreed standard, which allows data exchanging
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


-Internet address

-Web site






-Some name that helps to find some page (e-mail) or just some file

+A set of web-pages, combined by a common theme, navigation, a common URL-address, related with each other by hyperlinks and located in the same server

-A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier

-A set of computers concentrated in a small area

-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication



Computer net-

+A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier

-Unites users all over the world at a considerable distance from each other

-Unites users of the town, oblast, small countries

-A set of computers concentrated in a small area

-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication



Global nets-

-A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier

-Unites users of the town, oblast, small countries

-A set of computers concentrated in a small area

-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication

+Unites users all over the world at a considerable distance from each other



Regional nets

-A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier

+Unites users of the town, oblast, small countries

-A set of computers concentrated in a small area

-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication

-Unites users all over the world at a considerable distance from each other



Local nets-

-A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier

-Unites users of the town, oblast, small countries

+A set of computers concentrated in a small area

-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication

-Unites users all over the world at a considerable distance from each other



How does Windows program, used for browsing web-pages, call?

+Internet Explorer

-MS Word

-MS Access

-MS Excel

-Outlook Express



A function of Rambler server in the Internet:

-Testing Service

-Dating Service

+Searching service

-Weather forecast

-A possibility to communicate in the real time mode



Hyperlink lets

-View pictures

-Archive documents

-Create new documents

+Make the transition to a place of specified bookmark

-Save documents



A special computer, emphasized for joint using by net users, is called








Specify the function of E-mail service in the Internet

-Testing means

-Work with the text


+Electronic mail

-Data base



Local net. How does configuration (ink circuit) of local net call?








How does nets, which combine computers in one particular place, call?








Means for viewing Web-documents is called

-Graphics editor


-Multimedia Player

-Text editor




HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is…

+Means of creation web pages

-Programming language

-Programming language translator

-Means of viewing web pages

-Server of the Internet


Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 2391.