The basic principles and components of computers in 1945, presented by
- Konrad Zuse
- Claude Shannon
- Alan Turing
- Howard Aiken
+ John von Neumann
The main element of the first generation of computers is
- The integrated circuit
+ electron lamp
- Transistor
- Most of the integrated circuit
- Most of the integrated circuit with a high degree of integration
The main element of the second generation of computers is
- The integrated circuit
- electron tube
+ Transistor
- Most integrated scheme
- Most of the integrated circuit with a high degree of integration
The main element of the third generation of computers
+ The integrated circuit
- electron tube
- Transistor
- Most of the integrated system
- Most of the integrated circuit with a high degree of integration
The main element of the fourth generation of computers
- The integrated circuit
- electron tube
- Transistor
+ Most of the integrated circuit
- Most of the integrated circuit with a high degree of integration
The main element of the fifth generation of computers
- The integrated circuit
- electron tube
- Transistor
- Most of the integrated circuit
+ Most of the integrated circuit with a high degree of integration
Carriers of the first generation were
- Magnetic Tape
- Hard disks and magnetic tapes
- Flexible and hard disk drives, magnetic tapes
- All of the known carriers
+ There were no
Carriers of the second generation were
+ Magnetic Tape
- Hard disks and magnetic tapes
- Flexible and hard disk drives, magnetic tapes
- All of the known carriers
- There was no
Information carriers of the third generation were
- Magnetic Tape
+ Hard disks and magnetic tapes
- Flexible and hard disk drives, magnetic tapes
- All of the known carriers
- There was no
Carriers of the fourth generation were
- Magnetic Tape
- Hard disks and magnetic tapes
+ Flexible and hard disk drives, magnetic tape
- All of the known carriers
- There was no
On the motherboard not place
- Processor
+ Hard Drive
- The microprocessor package (chipsets)
- Tires and slots
- Operational and constant memory
Compact disc (CD)-it
- small disc
- Magnetic disk with high-density media
+ The optical disk from which information is read by a laser beam
- The disk after archiving
- small removable magnetic disk
Unit of measure of clock frequency of the processor:
+ Hertz
- Byte
- Volt
- Amp
- W
The main input devices -are:
- modem, monitor and CPU
- Monitor, CPU, and plotter
- CPU, printer and modem
- printer, modem, and monitor
+ keyboard, mouse and scanner
For basic configuration PC does not include:
- System unit
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Mouse
+ Printer
The store on a magnetic hard disk is:
+ winchester
- scanner
- diskette
- modem
The book, a floppy disk, hard disk drives are used for:
- transmission
+ information storage
- information collection
- information processing
- creating information
A device designed to display text and graphics:
- Printer
- Streamer
- Video controller
- Scanner
+ Monitor
Memory is used to store data when the computer is on is called:
+ Operational
- permanent
- long
- Delayed
Which key is used to lock the mode capital letters?
- Num Lock
+ Caps Lock
- Alt
- Backspase
- Shift
The device necessary for combination of computers in a local network is
- video card
+ network interface card
- bus wire
- TV-tuner
- plume
The microprocessor is intended for
+ Implementation of all computer operations and data processing
- Control of external devices
- Perform mathematical calculations with real numbers
- Reading from disk for processing
- Office of the speed of the computer
Print device information
- Monitor
+ Printer
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Modem
What key separates words from each other
- Home
+ Space Bar (space)
- Shift
What do you call an input information into a computer directly from a paper document
- keyboard
+ scanner
- Trackball
- joystick
- Laser Printer
ZIP drives is
+ device for creating ZIP archive files
- means for converting an analog audio signal
- the device to work with a CD
- the device to convert sound into digital
- external storage device
What is a toolbar?
- Menu commands.
+ The set of buttons executing certain commands.
- Menu item.
- Sets the buttons to change the font style.
- Shortcuts.
Describe the key combination, through which you can close the window:
- Alt-F2
- Alt-F1
- Alt-F5
- Alt-F3
+ Alt-F4
Specify the main elements of a standard window:
+ Title bar, menu bar, status bar
- the Drawing toolbar, title bar, menu bar,
- Desktop, drawing toolbar, taskbar
- Line, the taskbar, the status bar
- Desktop, drawing toolbar, title bar
For the file system and navigate the file structure is the program:
- WordPad
- Excel
- Word
- Paint
+ Windows Explorer
Specify an archive file is
- ITOG.exe
- Itog.doc
- Rar.bmp
+ ITOG.rar
MS Access program
-processing and provides a visual display of the data provided in table form
+provides information storage, input new records, edit existing ones, the sample data and presented it in the right way
-is a multi-processing program used to create documents and reports
-all answers are correct
-facilitates the creation and display of a set of information, which combines text with graphics, images, photographs, sound, video and animation features
A database created in Access with extension:
- *.dll
- *.ppt
What's a table in Access
- to display the data in a form
- to search data
- to sort
- for report
+ storage
The basis of the database (DB) is
- table, column, which is a record, and the string field
- the form allows more clearly display information database record
- objects designed to retrieve information from the database
+ table column is called a field, and the string writing
- forms, queries, tables, reports,
- is a question that refer to the table. When you save the issue persist the data
+ is a question that refer to the table. When you save, the data is not saved
- this is a question to which a table, form, report. When you save the data store
- this is a question to which a table, form. When you save the data stored
- this is a question to which a table, form. When you save the data is not saved
The report is
- object used to save the document
- object you want to remove the document
- object used for presentations
+ object used to print the document
- object used to create the document
The reports are
+ to release the information to the paper
- to sort
- to search data
- storage
- to display data on the screen
OLE Object field
- allows the user to enter data into the database tables, without direct access to the actual tables
- special type for storing calendar dates and the current time
- special type for storing large amounts of text
+ a special type of storage for archiving pictures, photos
- special type for storing unique natural numbers with automatic capacity
Internet- this
-Means the large section of the internet, permitting to determine the country;
+The biggest and most famous net in the world, which unite the millions of computers into the hugest net of the nets, providing unlimited access to the information and the possibility of communication by different methods;
-Pre-agreed standard, which allows both of computers to communicate;
-Means for interchanging of information between computers, united into the net;
-A protocol, which manage the internet globally and, significantly, due to the net TCP/IP.
+Means the huge section of the internet, permitting to determine the country;
-A special computer, dedicated to the joint use by the participants of the net;
-Pre-agreed standard, which allows both of computers to communicate;
-Means for interchanging of information between computers, united into the net;
-A protocol, which manage the internet globally and, significantly, due to the net TCP/IP.
Provider- this is:
+Internet service provider.
-Programmer, who develops sites.
-Position in the computer firm.
-A peripheral for connection to the computer net
-Protocol Internet
URL- this is
-A protocol of transfer hypertext pages.
-Means for review of hypertext pages.
-A protocol of management of data transfer.
+An address of resource to the Internet.
-A protocol of firewall interaction.
A protocol TCP-this is:
-A protocol of transfer hypertext pages.
-Means for review of hypertext pages.
+A protocol of management of data transfer.
-An address of resource to the Internet.
-A protocol of firewall interaction.
A protocol IP-this is:
-A protocol of transfer hypertext pages.
-Means for review of hypertext pages.
-A protocol of management of data transfer.
-An address of resource to the Internet.
+A protocol of firewall interaction.
A service FTP:
+Removes copies of files from one Internet node to another
-Lets enter another computer system, working in the Internet
-Divides transmittable information into packages
-Addresses and iterates through multiple networks to a final destination
-Browses www-pages and interacts with www-servers and other resources of the Internet
It is a huge section of the Internet, which lets define a country…
This is some name, which helps people to find some page(e-mail) or just a file:
+Internet address
Computer net-
+A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier
-Unites users all over the world at a considerable distance from each other
-Unites users of the town, oblast, small countries
-A set of computers concentrated in a small area
-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication
Global nets-
-A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier
-Unites users of the town, oblast, small countries
-A set of computers concentrated in a small area
-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication
+Unites users all over the world at a considerable distance from each other
Regional nets
-A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier
+Unites users of the town, oblast, small countries
-A set of computers concentrated in a small area
-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication
-Unites users all over the world at a considerable distance from each other
Local nets-
-A set of computers and various devices, providing information exchange between computers in the net without using any intermediate information carrier
-Unites users of the town, oblast, small countries
+A set of computers concentrated in a small area
-Physical location of computers, cables and other network components to each other and a way to connect them with lines of communication
-Unites users all over the world at a considerable distance from each other
Hyperlink lets
-View pictures
-Archive documents
-Create new documents
+Make the transition to a place of specified bookmark
-Save documents
The basic principles and components of computers in 1945, presented by
- Konrad Zuse
- Claude Shannon
- Alan Turing
- Howard Aiken
+ John von Neumann
Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 1891.