A computer virus is a program that
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

+ is able to create copies of itself (not necessarily completely consistent with the original) and incorporate them into different objects/resources of computer systems, networks, etc. without the knowledge or consent of the user

- contains data compression algorithms

- creates graphical objects

- carries the text information

- creating spreadsheets



Viruses can be divided into the following classes

- Habitat

- by way of living environment

- on the destructive capabilities of the

- the characteristics of the algorithm of virus

+ all of the above listed



Microsoft Excel – it is:

+Program designed electronic table running Windows.

-Information management system under the control of Windows.

-Windows-application designed to create, view, modify and print text documents.

-System for creating and editing images on the screen.

-Application editing a graphic editors.



Operation with the data that is used to filter out unnecessary data, which are not necessary for making decision:

+Filtering data.

-Data Collection.

-Formalization of data.

-Archiving data.

-Transportation data.



Operation with the data that is used to organize the data:

+Sort data.

-Formalization of data.

-Filtering data.

-Archiving data.

-Transportation data.



Enter the correct writing the range of cells in MS Excel.

+C20: D35.

-C20 ... D35.

-C 20 / D 35.

-C20 \ D35.

-C20 - D35.



To call Wizard function you must use the line:








What is the name of the smallest structural unit for placing in a work paper?








MS Excel. When you draw a graph what we must use...

+Chart Wizard

-Drawings Wizard

-Report Wizard

-Function Wizard

-Form Wizard



Absolute addressing allows you to:

+Not to change the cell references in formulas when you’re copying.

-To change the cell references in formulas by columns according to the new position of cells.

-To change cell references in formulas according to the new position of the cells.

-Not to change the cell references in formulas by columns according to the new position of the cells.

-To change the cell references in formulas only the rows according to the new position of cells



Enter a formula in Excel cell should begin with the character:



-(no sign is not required)





To record a range of cells, use the symbol:








List the types of cell references used in formulas in Excel

+Absolute, relative, and mixed

-Cell references cannot be mixed

-Absolute and mixed

-Absolute, relative

-Absolute, relative and adjacent



The cell address, written as "$ C $ 5" is called:








The cell address, written as "$ C 5" is called:








Cell address is defined by:

+column letter and row number

-row number

-row number and simultaneously pressing Alt

-column letter and sheet number

-sheet number - column letter



In Excel what format of cell is designed to represent numeric data?








Which key is used for automatically inserting the chart?








In order to make a cell absolute, you need to put a sign to the cell address in front of a letter and number








A legend is…

+An element of a diagram showing the name of the series of data displayed in the chart.

-The name of the file where pictures and graphs are posted.

-Chart template

-Scale selected by the user for plotting.

-Workbook that contains a chart.



Insert a formula in Excel by clicking

+Function Wizard

-Template functions

-Formula Workshop

-Chart Wizard

-Formula bar



What type of functions are the functions MAX, MIN?








Non-existent type of functions in Excel:








Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 1771.