+ MS Access
- MS Outlook
- MS power point
- MS excel
- MS word
How the search for data in Access
- Alt-O
- Alt-F
+ Ctrl-F
- Shift-N
- Ctrl-O
Access to database objects does not apply
- form
+ scheme
- request
- report
- macro
Show impossible options for numeric date format
- January 29, 1994
- 4 - Apr-1995
- 02/10/00
+ 30/32/1996
- 14/03/1999
Database Access does not work with
- queries
+ presentations
- reports
- forms
- tables
To display the results of the calculations necessary
+ create a query with calculated fields
- enter a formula in a free table
- create a macro
- start the calculator
- create a table with calculated fields
What objects are stored in the database
- queries
- forms
- reports
+ tables
- modules
What types of fields used in tables
- text, numeric
- date/time
- field Memo
- OLE object
+ all of them
…-the biggest and most famous net in the world, which unites the millions of computers into the hugest net of the nets, providing unlimited access to the information and the possibility of communication by different methods.
Internet- this
-Means the large section of the internet, permitting to determine the country;
+The biggest and most famous net in the world, which unite the millions of computers into the hugest net of the nets, providing unlimited access to the information and the possibility of communication by different methods;
-Pre-agreed standard, which allows both of computers to communicate;
-Means for interchanging of information between computers, united into the net;
-A protocol, which manage the internet globally and, significantly, due to the net TCP/IP.
+Means the huge section of the internet, permitting to determine the country;
-A special computer, dedicated to the joint use by the participants of the net;
-Pre-agreed standard, which allows both of computers to communicate;
-Means for interchanging of information between computers, united into the net;
-A protocol, which manage the internet globally and, significantly, due to the net TCP/IP.
Provider- this is:
+Internet service provider.
-Programmer, who develops sites.
-Position in the computer firm.
-A peripheral for connection to the computer net
-Protocol Internet
URL- this is
-A protocol of transfer hypertext pages.
-Means for review of hypertext pages.
-A protocol of management of data transfer.
+An address of resource to the Internet.
-A protocol of firewall interaction.
A protocol TCP-this is:
-A protocol of transfer hypertext pages.
-Means for review of hypertext pages.
+A protocol of management of data transfer.
-An address of resource to the Internet.
-A protocol of firewall interaction.
A protocol IP-this is:
-A protocol of transfer hypertext pages.
-Means for review of hypertext pages.
-A protocol of management of data transfer.
-An address of resource to the Internet.
+A protocol of firewall interaction.
A service FTP:
+Removes copies of files from one Internet node to another
-Lets enter another computer system, working in the Internet
-Divides transmittable information into packages
-Addresses and iterates through multiple networks to a final destination
-Browses www-pages and interacts with www-servers and other resources of the Internet
It is a huge section of the Internet, which lets define a country…
This is some name, which helps people to find some page(e-mail) or just a file:
+Internet address
A set of web-pages, combined by a common theme, navigation, a common URL-address, related with each other by hyperlinks and located in the same server
-Internet address
+Web site
Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 2053.