Delete key previous character
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

- Home

- Insert

- End

- Delete

+ Backspace



Manipulator "mouse" is a device ...

- reading of information from the disk

- Scan Information

+ to display pointer position on the screen

- scan graphics

- output graphics



Computer - it's ...

- device for storing the computer input data

- storage device

- arm to connect to the Internet system

+ universal device for inputting, storing and processing information

- your CD drive



The main chip, which is made all the calculations is called ...

- monitor;

- hard disk;

- Mouse;

+ microprocessor;

- keyboard



The operating system-is it. ..

- graphic information processing system;

- special computer devices;

- computer game;

+ complex of programs for user interaction with the computer and its performance;

- automation program accounting;



The file is:

- a unit of information.

- the program in memory.

- the text printed on the printer.

+ a byte sequence that has its own name.

- Chip located on the motherboard.



In Windows, you can access the main system settings by using:

- Printer.

- Monitor.

- The folder properties. 

- desktop

+ Control Panel



Copy to Clipboard in Windows is carried out combinations of keys::

- Delete+X

- Ctrl+X

+ Ctrl+C.

- Ctrl+Z

- Ctrl+PgUp



The context menu of object can be caused the screen having:

- hang the mouse pointer over the object.

+ click on its icon with the right mouse button.

- click on its icon with the left mouse button.

- pressing the F1 key

- double-click on its icon with the left mouse button.



Standard Windows programs are

- WordPad, Explorer, My Computer

+ WordPad, Paint, Calculator

- My Computer, Paint, Windows Explorer

- Calculator, Windows Explorer, My Computer

- The Windows Explorer, My Computer, WordPad



Catalogs are intended for:

+ conveniences of work with files and their systematization

- information transfers

- information transfers on a network

- creations of contemporary records

- Verifications of files on a virus



At an archiving the volume of files...

+ decreases by 10-70%

- doesn't change

- increases by 10-70)

- increases by 100%

- decreases by 0,1-0,7%



Desktop is:

- A string of jobs

+ The image on the screen

- File

- Background

- Shortcut



The file with extension .EXE is :

- the graphic

- file of the data

+ the command

- the program

- the text



The folder of a desktop of Windows for work in a local network

- Internet Explorer

- portfolio

- My computer

- My documents

+ Network environment



Where the list of the started applications is displayed?

- in any place of an active application window

+ on the panel of tasks

- in a window caused by a combination of the Alt-F4 keys

- on an empty seat of a desktop

- in a line of heading of an active window



What symbol means any number of symbols in a file name?

- %

+ *

- ”

- -

- -



Correct way of access to the file letter.txt.

- C/My documents-letter.txt

- Letter

- My documents

- My documents-letter

+ C:/My documents/letter.txt.



What is a toolbar?

- Menu commands.

+ The set of buttons executing certain commands.

- Menu item.

- Sets the buttons to change the font style.

- Shortcuts.



Describe the key combination, through which you can close the window:

- Alt-F2

- Alt-F1

- Alt-F5

- Alt-F3

+ Alt-F4



Specify the main elements of a standard window:

+ Title bar, menu bar, status bar

- the Drawing toolbar, title bar, menu bar,

- Desktop, drawing toolbar, taskbar

- Line, the taskbar, the status bar

- Desktop, drawing toolbar, title bar



For the file system and navigate the file structure is the program:

- WordPad

- Excel

- Word

- Paint

+ Windows Explorer



To undo your last action uses a combination of keys?

- Ctrl-Delete

- Ctrl-Y

+ Ctrl-Z

- Shift-Insert

- Ctrl-C



The maximum file name length is not more than ...

- 8 characters

+ 255 characters

- 8 characters

- 200 characters

- 100 characters



On the Habitat of viruses can be divided into

- Active and passive

+ File, boot and network

- character and graphics

- Text and graphic

- Batch and interactive



The programmes – archivers are

+ WinRar, WinZip

- The Doctor Web, AVP

- Microsoft Office


- FoxPro



Specify an archive file is

- ITOG.exe

- Itog.doc

- Rar.bmp

+ ITOG.rar




Дата: 2018-09-13, просмотров: 1678.