Look around your house for potential problems. And unless you're a trained electrician, be careful about do-it-yourself electrical projects. Studies have shown that many home fires are caused by improper installation of electrical devices.
Other tips:
Portable Heaters
The number of residential fires always goes up during colder months, peaking between December and February. Portable space heaters substantially contribute to this increase. Before plugging in your space heater, make sure you know how to use it safely:
Careful in the Kitchen
Did you know that cooking is the leading cause of home fires in the United States? The kitchen is rife with ways for a fire to start: food left unsupervised on a stove or in an oven or microwave; grease spills; a dish towel too close to the burner; a toaster or toaster oven flare-up; a coffee pot accidentally left on.
Always supervise kids while cooking and practice safe cooking habits — like turning all pot handles in so they can't be accidentally knocked over and not wearing loose-fitting clothing that could catch fire around the stove.
Beware of Cigarettes
According to the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), cigarettes are the No. 1 cause of fire deaths in the United States and Canada, killing about 1,000 people per year. Most are started when ashes or butts fall into couches and chairs. If you smoke, be especially careful around upholstered furniture, never smoke in bed, and be sure cigarettes are completely out before you toss them into the trash.
Matches and Lighters
You've heard it again and again, but children playing with matches are still the leading cause of fire-related deaths and injuries for kids younger than 5. Always keep matches and lighters out of children's reach. Store flammable materials such as gasoline, kerosene, and flammable cleaning supplies outside of your home and away from kids.
Using Candles Safely
As decorative candles become more popular, candle fires are on the rise. If you light candles, keep them out of reach of kids and pets, away from curtains and furniture, and extinguish them before you go to bed. Make sure candles are in sturdy holders made of non-flammable material that won't tip over. Don't let older kids and teens use candles unsupervised in their rooms.
Be Aware of Holiday Dangers
Around the holidays, there are even more potential fire hazards to think about. If you use a real Christmas tree in your home, make sure to water it daily — electric lights strung on a dried-out tree are a recipe for disaster.
All lights and lighted window ornaments should be inspected every year to make sure that cords are not worn or frayed, and all candles should be used with care. According to the NFPA, the number of fires started by candles nearly doubles during the month of December.
Watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovWF4MU25Z8
Check your comprehension and fill the gaps:
Hi kids, my name is Jim and I’m a volunteer __________. As a fireman, it’s my job to help people when there’s a fire. Today I want to tell you a few things you can do to help me _________ fires where you live.
Adults use ________ and lighters for many things like cooking food and lighting candles. Never _________ with matches lighters or candles. You could _________ a fire by accident. And that fire can very easily get out of _________. Many times I’ve had to go to a house fire that was started by a child playing with matches. The child didn’t mean for anything to happen, but that one mistake put a lot of people in __________. Tell an adult if you see any matches or lighters lying around the house. That way they can put the matches away.
A lot of house fires start in the ________. That’s why it’s very important to start some simple ________ rules. Always stay away from hot stove burners. If your parents are cooking in the kitchen, please stay at least 3 feet away from the cooking area so you don’t get burned. And if you’re old enough to help cook, you should never use the stove unless an adult is with you.
One way to stay save is by having smoke _______ in your home. What is a smoke detector? It’s something that senses smoke even before you can _______ it. When it senses smoke it creates a loud _______ so that you can hear the __________ and get out fast. It’s very important to have working smoke detectors in your home. Ask your parents to put working smoke detectors in your bedroom and any room you need. Make sure they check the batteries every month so that the smoke detector can help _______ you safe.
When I’m fighting fires I need to stay very ________. When you’re caught in a fire you need to stay calm to. What would you do if the fire touched you. There’s one simple rule to remember: stop, drop and _________. Have a little help, James help me out. If fire __________ you don’t run, stop what you’re doing, drop to the ground, cover your face with your hands, and role back and forth until the fires out. Then find an adult to help you. Now why don’t you try it with the help of some of my friends? Why doesn’t everybody stand up? If fire touches you, you need to stop, drop to the floor and cover your face, and roll until the fire’s _________. Good job, now you’ll know what to do if fire ever touches you.
When I’m in a fire, I have to wear a lot of gear to __________ myself so I don’t get burned. If you’ve ever seen a fire before, it might look a little scary, so let’s look at the things I need to wear when I’m fighting fires. I need a helmet, long pants __________, and a heavy jacket to keep me safe. So I can breathe in a fire, I need a breathing tank and a __________. When I have the mask on, and talk through it, it can seem like I’m an alien from outer space. But really, it’s just me. If you’ve ever been _________ in a fire and see someone like this, don’t ever be scared. Its just a fire fighter that’s trying to help get you out. Never __________ from a firefighter if you see one coming toward you. The firefighter is just trying to help. It’s very important that you never hide in a closet in your room or under a bed during a fire. If you can’t get out in a fire, and you’re trapped in your room, you need to stay where a _________ can save you.
On this dvd, you can learn to make a plan for your family so you can get out of a fire safely. Ask your parents to watch it with you now, so you know how to get out safely.
Take the Test (write down True or False and give a detailed explanation):
1. You can put out all fires with water.
2. You shouldn't store things in or around your stove.
3. Lamps can use any wattage light bulb.
4. Smoke detectors are of no value for people with hearing disabilities.
5. Not all clothing, bedding, and lampshades are fire-resistant.
6. 911 works everywhere.
7. Burns are not always caused by fire.
8. As long as you use extension cords, you can always plug more appliances into a socket.
9. It's safer to run electrical cords under the rug.
10. Smoking is the number one cause of fires.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 491.