Можно выписать на отдельный лист 15 слов из каждого текста с переводом. Распечатанные тексты принести с собой на зачёт. Над словами в тексте ничего не надписываем
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Вариант в соответствии с порядковым номером в журнале группы, т.е.

№ п.п вариант
1 I
2 II
4 IV
5 V
6 I
7 II
9 IV
10 V
11 I
12 II
13 III
14 IV
15 V
и т.д…

Свой вариант делаем полностью, и текст, и упражнения. Из остальных вариантов только переводим тексты УСТНО

Можно выписать на отдельный лист 15 слов из каждого текста с переводом. Распечатанные тексты принести с собой на зачёт. Над словами в тексте ничего не надписываем.

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное

учреждение высшего образования

«Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет»

Филиал в г. Октябрьском



Л. З. Самигуллина, И. В. Павлова

Английский язык

для студентов заочного отделения

Учебное пособие




Издательство УГНТУ


УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2Англ-923



Утверждено Редакционно-издательским советом УГНТУ

в качестве учебного пособия


И. А. Латыпова – канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры ООД филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Уфимский государственный авиационный технический университет» в г. Туймазы.

Р. М. Шайдуллина – канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры ГСЭН филиала ФГБОУ ВО «Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет» в г. Октябрьском.


_____ Самигуллина, Л.З.

С17__ Английский язык для студентов заочного отделения [Текст]: учебное пособие / Л.З. Самигуллина, И.В. Павлова. – Уфа: Изд-во УГНТУ, 2017. – 74 с.


ISBN 978-5-93105-324-0



Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов заочного отделения специальностей: «Эксплуатация и обслуживание объектов добычи неф-ти», «Бурение нефтяных и газовых скважин» по направлениям подготовки: 21.03.01 «Нефтегазовое дело» и 15.03.02 «Технологические машины и оборудование» по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» и нацелено на обучение студентов применению иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности. Пособие состоит из грамматических пояснений и упражнений, соответствующих программе высшей школы, а также текстов по основам специальности. Грамматические упражнения обеспечивают не только презентацию материала, но и целенаправленную его активацию, создание у обучаемого динамического стереотипа в использовании наиболее употребительных грамматических конструкций.


УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2Англ-923


ISBN 978-5-93105-324-0

© Уфимский государственный нефтяной

технический университет, 2017

© Л.З. Самигуллина, И.В. Павлова, 2017


Введение............................................................................................................ 4

Контрольное задание № 1............................................................................ 7

Грамматические комментарии к выполнению

контрольного задания № 1............................................................................. 7

Вариант I.......................................................................................................... 12

Вариант II......................................................................................................... 16

Вариант III....................................................................................................... 19

Вариант IV....................................................................................................... 23

Вариант V........................................................................................................ 26

Контрольное задание № 2.......................................................................... 31

Грамматические комментарии к выполнению

контрольного задания № 2........................................................................... 31

Вариант I.......................................................................................................... 35

Вариант II......................................................................................................... 39

Вариант III....................................................................................................... 43

Вариант IV....................................................................................................... 47

Вариант V........................................................................................................ 51

Контрольное задание № 3.......................................................................... 55

Грамматические комментарии к выполнению

контрольного задания № 3........................................................................... 55

Вариант I.......................................................................................................... 57

Вариант II......................................................................................................... 59

Вариант III....................................................................................................... 62

Вариант IV....................................................................................................... 65

Вариант V........................................................................................................ 68

Список литературы..................................................................................... 72



I. Программа. Целевая установка


Развитие и улучшение заочного и вечернего высшего образования имеют важное значение в современных условиях для обеспечения производства высококвалифицированными специалистами. Важную роль в этом играет владение иностранным языком. Оно является неотъемлемой частью современной подготовки специалистов высшими учебными заведениями. Основной целью обучения специалистов английскому языку в неязыковом вузе является достижение ими практического владения этим языком, что предполагает при заочном обучении формирования умения самостоятельно читать литературу по специальности вуза с целью извлечения информации из иноязычных источников.

Данная программа предусматривает, главным образом, самостоятельную работу студентов. Работа под руководством преподавателя рассчитана на 16–20 учебных часов в год, которые используются для групповых занятий различного характера (установочные, контрольно-закрепительные и опрос).


II . Структура курса

Группа Аудиторные занятия (час) СРС (час) Контрольные работы Зачет (семестр) Экзамен (семестр)
БГРЗ БГБЗ БМПЗ БГРЗc БГБЗc БМПЗc 10 10 10 10 10 10 98 98 98 98 98 98 № 1, 2, 3 № 1, 2, 3 № 1, 2, 3 № 1, 2, 3 № 1, 2, 3 № 1, 2, 3 I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II III III III III III III

III . Требования

Зачет. К зачету допускаются студенты, выполнившие контрольные работы и сдавшие тексты в объеме, предусмотренном программой (по профилю вуза).

Для получения зачета студент должен уметь:

1. Прочитать со словарем незнакомый текст на английском языке, содержащий изученный грамматический материал.

Форма проверки – письменный или устный перевод.

Норма перевода – 600–800 печатных знаков в час письменно или 1000–1200 знаков в час устно.

2. Прочитать без словаря текст, содержащий изученный грамматический материал и 5–8 незнакомых слов, на 500–600 печатных знаков.

Форма проверки понимания – передача содержания прочитанного на русском языке.

Время подготовки – 8–10 минут.

Экзамен. К экзамену допускаются студенты, имеющие зачет за первый – третий семестры, выполнившие письменные работы и сдавшие полный материал по чтению за 2-й курс.

На экзамене по английскому языку проверяются умения:

1. Читать со словарем текст по специальности вуза.

Форма проверки понимания – письменный или устный перевод.

Норма перевода – 1000 печатных знаков в час письменно.

2. Читать без словаря текст, содержащий изученный грамматический материал и 5–8 незнакомых слов, на 600–800 печатных знаков.

Время подготовки – 8–10 минут.


Роль практических занятий при изучении дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в техническом вузе состоит в том, чтобы обеспечить наиболее полное усвоение студентами основ грамматической структуры английского языка, сформировать у студентов компетенции применять свои знания в их будущей профессиональной деятельности. Формирование иноязычной компетентности будущих специалистов нефтегазовой отрасли основывается, прежде всего, на тщательной подготовке студентов к практическим занятиям по иностранному языку, глубоким усвоением ими рассматриваемых вопросов, способностью самостоятельно осмыслить материал, разобраться в нем, связать его с жизнью. В результате освоения дисциплины у студента должны быть сформированы следующие компетенции (табл. 1).

Таблица 1

Шифр компетенции Результат обучения


Способность к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия

знать: – основные явления в области фонетики, лексики и грамматики; – функционально-стилевые особенности современного литературного языка; – культуру и традиции стран изучаемого языка, правила речевого этикета
уметь: – сообщать и запрашивать информацию в ситуациях повседневного и профессионального общения; – участвовать в беседе по содержанию прочитанного или прослушанного текста; – устанавливать и поддерживать социальные контакты, включая деловые связи
владеть: иностранным языком на уровне, обеспечивающем успешное устное и письменное межличностное и межкультурное взаимодействие
ОК-7 Способность к самоорганизации и самообразованию уметь: пользоваться иностранным языком для общения (устного и письменного), для получения информации из зарубежных источников


Упражнение № 1

Окончание -s может обозначать:

1) множественное число существительных:

a book – books                      a shelf – shelves

a city – cities                         a match – matches

London is one of the largest cities in the world.

2) глагол в 3-м лице единственного числа в Present Indefinite:

I, you, we, they                      read a book

Ho: He, she, it                        reads a book

        Hyde Park covers 360 acres.

3) притяжательный падеж имени существительного (отвечает на вопрос «чей?»)

My sister’s room – комната моей сестры;

The students’ classroom – аудитория студентов.

London is the centre of the country’s cultural life.

Упражнение № 2

Конструкция «существительное + существительное + существительное» представляет собой цепочку определений, в которой все существительные определяют последнее существительное (т. е. отвечают на вопрос «какой?»). Начинать перевод таких цепочек следует с последнего существительного, которое является главным в данной цепочке.


Bridge construction – строительство моста.

Bridge construction problem – проблема строительства моста.

Bridge construction problem solution – решение проблемы строительства моста.

Volgograd is now a five sea port. – Волгоград сейчас – порт пяти морей.

Упражнение № 3

Упражнение № 5

Indefinite Tenses Active

Времена группы Indefinite обозначают часто повторяющееся, обычное действие (I go to the Institute every day). В данных временах не определяется конкретный момент, в который выполняется действие, т. к. важен не момент, а сам факт выполнения действия.


Yesterday I saw an interesting TV programme. – Вчера я смотрел интересную TV-программу. (В данном предложении важно, не когда это происходило, а то, что программа была интересная.)


Упражнение № 6

Indefinite Tenses Passive

Present Past Future
Am Is           asked  Are        written To be + Participle II Was        asked Were      written (- ed , 3-я ф-ма глагола) shall be      as ked will be       written

Вариант I

1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа имени существительного;

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного (см. образец выполнения № 1)


1. The UK consists of four countries.

2. The UK is one of the worlds smallest countries.

3. The foundation of London dates back to AD 50.

4. The Great Britain exports a great variety of goods.

5. Last month my friend read a very interesting book on London's history

6. The inhabitants of London are fond of their city


2. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. The Queen is the State Head.

2. Volgograd is now a five-sea port.

3. The election campaign in Great Britain lasts about 3 weeks.

4. The students of our group will go to the State History Museum tomorrow.

5. This is the building of the Tallinn City Soviet.

6. Teams of figure skaters and ice-hockey players undergo intensive training at the Sports Centre.

3. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательных (см. образец выполнения № 3).


1. The more often you visit London, the more you admire it.

2. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.

3. They will make many more important discoveries in the near future.

4. Hyde Park is one of the most favorite parks of the Londoners.

5. The more I thought of that plan, the less I liked it.

6. Your translation is better than mine.

4. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений (см. образец выполнения № 4).

1. There are some educational institutions in London.

2. Are there any hotels in this town?

3. Any exhibit in this museum is valuable.

4. Some 350 people attend a yachting school in London.

5. Does he know any foreign language?

6. Any exhibit of this museum is valuable.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Определите в них видовременные формы глагола и укажите их инфинитив (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. The rivers in Great Britain are not very long.

2. The Tower of London was a fortress and a royal residence.

3. In two years my brother will become a doctor.

4. One of London museums functions for more than 550 years.

5. This engineer first came to our pant three years ago.

6. The scientific conference took place at our Academy last year.

6. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. Americans are made up from nearly all races and nations.

2. Every day students usually have seven periods which last 50–55, sometimes 45 minutes.

3. The students have spent a lot to time participating in various activities.

4. The text was being translated all the evening yesterday.

5. The problems that Russians are facing now are of great interest to the whole world.

6. Renewable energy in Russia mainly consists of hydroelectric energy.

7. The abundance of fossil fuels in the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation has resulted in little development of the renewable energy sector.

8. Roughly 68% of Russia's electricity is generated from thermal power and 16% from nuclear power.

9. Today scientists are still looking for the substance as a source of energy.

10. Russia is one of the world's largest producers of energy, most of which it obtains from oil, natural gas and coal.



1) The Energy policy of Russia is contained in the Energy Strategy document, which sets out policy for the period up to 2020. This document outlines several main priorities: an increase in energy efficiency, reducing impact on the environment, sustainable development, energy development and technological development, as well as improved effectiveness and competitiveness.

2) Russia, one of the world's two energy superpowers, is rich in natural energy resources. It has the largest known natural gas reserves of any state on earth, along with the second largest coal reserves, and the eighth largest oil reserves. Russia is the world's fourth largest electricity producer after the USA, China, and Japan.

3) Russia exports 70% of oil produced, about 7 million barrels a day (2010), the largest net oil export of any country, as well as a major supply to the European Union. The entire Middle East, in comparison, exports 20 million barrels daily.

4) Renewable energy in Russia is largely undeveloped although there is considerable potential for renewable energy use. Geothermal energy, which is used for heating and electricity production in some regions of the Northern Caucasus and the Far East, is the most developed renewable energy source in Russia.

5) Renewable energy in Russia mainly consists of hydroelectric energy. The country is the fifth largest producer of renewable energy in the world, although it is 56th when hydroelectric energy is not taken into account.

6) Only 179 TWh of Russia's energy production comes from renewable energy sources, out of a total economically feasible potential of 1823 TWh. Only 16% of Russia's electricity is generated from hydropower, and less than 1% is generated from all other renewable energy sources combined. The abundance of fossil fuels in the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation has resulted in little development of the renewable energy sector.

7) There are currently plans to expand the share of renewable energy in Russia's energy output. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has called for renewable energy to have a larger share of Russia's energy output, and has taken steps to promote the development of renewable energy.

8 . Прочитайте 6-й и 7-й абзацы текста и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1) How much energy does Russia produce from renewable energy sources?

2) Why is the renewable energy sector in Russia undeveloped?

3) What has the Russian President called for?

Вариант II

1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа имени существительного;

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного (см. образец выполнения № 1).


1. The surface of the British Isles varies very much.

2. There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks here.

3. London in one of the worlds largest cities.

4. The total area of the United Kingdom is 242000 square kilometers.

5. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the South.

6. The Nelson’s Column stands in the middle of Trafalgar Square.

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. This power-station equipment is quite new.

2. Britain is famous for motorcar racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even donkey-racing.

3. He passed his graduation exams with excellent marks.

4. This laboratory is a young people work place.

5. The scientists developed new synthetic rubber products.

6. We have a large State Library in our city.

3. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательных (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. London is the largest city in Europe.

2. The more you travel, the better you know your country.

3. In Great Britain winter is warmer and summer is cooler than in Europe.

4. One of the most famous buildings in England is St. Paul’s Cathedral.

5. This room is smaller than that one.

6. The longer is the night, the shorter is the day.

4. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений (см. образец выполнения № 4).

1. Some 58 million people live in the UK.

2. Have you any relatives abroad?

3. Any student in our group can speak good English.

4. At some of the London Underground stations there are lifts, others have escalators.

5. Any student of our group can speak on the history of London.

6. No park in London is as popular as Hyde Park.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Определите в них видовременные формы глагола и укажите их инфинитив (см. образец выполнения № 5)

1. Every monument and every building in London has a history of its own.

2. The Tower of London was one of the first castles built after the Norman invasion.

3. Our train will arrive at 5 oclock.

4. This student first came to Moscow in 1998.

5. The Port of London is to the east of the City.

6. In a few days she will leave for Cardiff.

6. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. Ford was nominated for the office of U.S. senator from Michigan in 1918.

2. The climate of this country varies greatly.

3. Newton had established his law of gravitation before 1670.

4. In the period from 1937 to 1941 the Ford Company was producing a lot of automobiles in the Detroit area.

5. Next week, leaders of the world's largest economies will meet in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

6. Most new jobs in the United States are created by small businesses.

7. Thousands of new products are being presented at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

8. Small businesses were hit hard by the recession and problems in getting loans.

9. More companies are using 3-D printing to directly manufacture some products.

10. The Committee on Banking Supervision has been working on a set of recommendations.

The Russian energy industry

1) Russia is one of the world's largest producers of energy, most of which it obtains from oil, natural gas and coal. The country's focus on those resources for production and export, which constitute 80% of foreign trade earnings, means it has paid little attention to renewable energy. Out of the 203 GW of electric generation capacity that Russia has, 44 GW comes from hydroelectricity, 307 MW from geothermal, 15 MW from wind and negligible amounts from other renewable sources.

2) President Dmitry Medvedev announced in May 2010 that the Russian government would strongly consider purchasing electricity generated from renewable energy sources in an attempt to encourage development of renewable energy. The government has plans for 4.5% of Russia's energy output to come from non-hydroelectric renewable energy sources. Additionally, in November 2010, the government approved a US$300 billion program to make factories and buildings more energy efficient; it also announced plans to construct eight energy-efficient lamp production plants, promote recycling and support the construction of a hybrid car plant.

3) At the moment, renewable energy development is slowed by low investment, economic instability, low public demand and low tariffs on heat and electricity.

4) Hydropower is the most used form of renewable energy in Russia, and there is large potential in Russia for more use of hydropower. Russia has 102 hydropower plants with capacities of over 100 MW, making it fifth in the world for hydropower production. Russia is home to 9% of the world's hydro resources, mostly in Siberia and the country's Far East.

5) RusHydro is the largest hydroelectric company in Russia and the second largest hydroelectric producer in the world. In October 2010, China Yangtze Power, the largest hydropower corporation in China, and Euro-SibEnergo, a Russian energy company, signed a cooperation agreement to expand hydroelectric energy production in Russia and export energy to China's northern territories. The West Siberian Generating Company has plans to start construction of eight mini-hydroelectric power plants in the Altai region before 2015.


8 . Прочитайте 4-й и 5-й абзацы текста и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1) What is the main form of renewable energy in Russia?

2) How many hydropower plants are there in Russia and what is their capacity?

3) What energy companies are mentioned in the text?

4) How do the Russian energy companies contribute to energy production?


Вариант III


1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа имени существительного;

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. He always watches TV on Sundays.

2. The UK is known as one of the worlds largest producers and exporters of machinery.

3. His lectures are very interesting.

4. The education in the United States gives a person many advantages.

5. These manufacturers produce high-quality computers.

6. A well-known producer of computer systems works out a new one.

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. The workers’ hostel is within 20 minutes walk from the plant.

2. The Tower security is ensured by a military garnison.

3. The third reading in Parliament is a report stage.

4. A signal antenna picks up the picture and audio signals.

5. Submarine telephone cable systems are free from fading and interference.

6. He passed his graduation examinations with excellent marks.

3. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательных (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. The House of Lords has more than 1000 members.

2. Most public schools in England are boarding schools.

3. The longer I stayed in Minsk, the more I liked it.

4. The speed of our computer is as high as that in their one.

5. The more you know about the computer, the better you can work on it.

6. Our engineers introduced one of the most efficient computer programs.

4. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений (см. образец выполнения № 4).

1. Some people in Britain are very interested in races and risk money on the horse.

2. No student can translate this text without a dictionary.

3. Any state school in Britain is free.

4. Nobody in our group speaks German.

5. Some friends of mine live abroad.

6. Any student of our group can speak English fluently.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Определите в них видовременные формы глагола и укажите их инфинитив (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. The second reading in Parliament involves debate on the principles of the bill.

2. Westminster Abbey was a monastery for a long time.

3. They will be glad to see us again.

4. The dean of our faculty spoke at the meeting of our Institute.

5. The Institute provides students with methodical instructions on all subjects.

6. In his free time he studies English.

6. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. USA occupies the southern part of North America.

2. The corner stone of the Capitol was laid by George Washington in 1753.

3. I have been invited to visit their house.

4. The problem was being discussed when I joined my colleagues.

5. The food is sold at local markets.

6. I suspect that I have been followed and watched in London for the last three or four days.

7. The goods are being sent by air.

8. Russian chemical science is successfully solving many complex problems.

9. Radio astronomy has given mankind efficient means for penetration into space.

10. Heat energy is transmitted in two different ways.

Primary energy sources

1) Russia is rich in energy resources. In recent years, Russia has frequently been described in the media as an energy superpower. The country has the world's largest natural gas reserves, the 8th largest oil reserves, and the second largest coal reserves. Russia is the world's leading natural gas exporter and leading natural gas producer, while also the largest oil exporter and producer, though Russia used to interchange the latter status with Saudi Arabia until 2008. On 1 January 2011, Russia said it had begun scheduled oil shipments to China, with the plan to increase the rate up to 300,000 barrels per day in 2011.

2) Russia is the 3rd largest electricity producer in the world and the 5th largest renewable energy producer, the latter due to the well-developed hydroelectricity production in the country. Large cascades of hydropower plants are built in European Russia along big rivers like Volga. The Asian part of Russia also features a number of major hydropower stations, however the gigantic hydroelectric potential of Siberia and the Russian Far East largely remains unexploited.

3) Russia was the first country to develop civilian nuclear power and to construct the world's first nuclear power plant. Obninsk Nuclear Power Station was built in the «Science City» of Obninsk, about 110 km southwest of Moscow.

4) Currently the country is the 4th largest nuclear energy producer, with all nuclear power in Russia being managed by Rosatom State Corporation. The sector is rapidly developing, with an aim of increasing the total share of nuclear energy from current 16.9% to 23% by 2020. The Russian government plans to allocate 127 billion rubles ($5.42 billion) to a federal program dedicated to the next generation of nuclear energy technology. About 1 trillion rubles ($42.7 billion) is to be allocated from the federal budget to nuclear power and industry development before 2015.

5) Russia is moving steadily forward with plans for much expanded role of nuclear energy, nearly doubling output by 2020. Exports of nuclear goods and services are a major Russian policy and economic objective. Russia is a world leader in fast neutron reactor technology.

8 . Прочитайте 4-й и 5-й абзацы текста и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1) What are the objectives of nuclear power development in Russia?

2) What are the plans of Russia in the field of nuclear energy production?

3) What place does Russia take as nuclear energy producer?

Вариант IV

1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа имени существительного;

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. Session of the British Parliament usually begins early in November.

2. The Westminster Abbey is also known for its Poets Corner.

3. One of the greatest treasures of the Abbey is the oaken Coronation Chair made in 1300.

4. The production of this device requires a lot of engineer's work.

5. Some students choose the oilman’s profession.

6. The professions of teacher and doctor are very important.

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. St. Pauls Cathedral is the largest protestant church in England.

2. A fine armour collection is exhibited in the Crown Jewels.

3. There are many football grounds in our city.

4. The bus stop is not far from here.

5. Several Moscow University physicists work at this problem.

6. There are only daylight lamps in this room.

3. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательных (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. The game which attracts the greatest attention in England is football, or soccer.

2. The more you practice English, the better you know it.

3. This text is not so difficult for translation as the previous one.

4. He often spends more money than he earns.

5. The more he studies the problem, the more he likes it.

6. Your translation is better than mine.

4. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений (см. образец выполнения № 4).

1. There are some 200 museums in London.

2. Has anybody seen this movie?

3. There was nothing to eat at home.

4. I got the book without any difficulty.

5. I don’t know about it, ask somebody else.

6. There is no uniform school organization or curriculum in the USA.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Определите в них видовременные формы глагола и укажите их инфинитив (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain.

2. The dean will receive you on Monday.

3. The Great Fire destroyed many Saxon and Norman churches.

4. In 1980 the best sportsman from five continents met in Moscow.

5. Practical work is an essential part of University education.

6. A group of foreign students will arrive at our city in five days.

6. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. The experiment had been completed by the end of last month.

2. What are you looking at?

3. There are two main political parties in the USA.

4. Teenagers study at high school four years.

5. Agriculture of the USA is highly developed.

6. High-quality computers are being produced by this American company.

7. English is spoken in many countries.

8. My friend has mastered two foreign languages.

9. When I entered the room the secretary was speaking to somebody on telephone.

10. She announced to the workers that the experiment was dangerous.

Solar energy

1) Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar radiation, along with secondary solar-powered resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for most of the available renewable energy on earth. Only a minuscule fraction of the available solar energy is used.

2) Solar powered electrical generation relies on heat engines and photovoltaics. Photovoltaics (PV) is a method of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors that exhibit the photovoltaic effect. Photovoltaic power generation employs solar panels composed of a number of solar cells containing a photovoltaic material. Materials presently used for photovoltaics include monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon and others. Due to the growing demand for renewable energy sources, the manufacturing of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has advanced considerably in recent years.

3) A partial list of solar applications includes space heating and cooling through solar architecture, potable water via distillation and disinfection, daylighting, solar hot water, solar cooking, and high temperature process heat for industrial purposes. To harvest the solar energy, the most common way is to use solar panels.

4) The first Russian solar plant was opened in Belgorod Oblast in November 2010. The southern parts of Russia, especially the North Caucasus, have the greatest potential for solar energy. Russia plans to set up an overall solar capacity of 150 MW by 2020.

5) Plans for the construction of a new solar plant on the Black Sea have been announced and the plant is expected to begin operations by 2012. This plant, which will have a capacity of 12.3 MW, is being built by Rusnano and Renova. Solar Wind LLC and Rusnano are building a plant that will produce double-sided solar panels, which will be able to collect solar energy from both sides. Construction is expected to finish in early 2011 and the plant will have an annual manufacturing capacity of 30 MW.


8 . Прочитайте 4-й и 5-й абзацы текста и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1) When and where was the first Russian solar plant opened?

2) When will a new solar plant on the Black Sea be put into operation?

3) What is the advantage of double-sided solar panels?

4) What companies take part in the development of solar energy sector in Russia?

Вариант V

1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова с окончанием -s и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа имени существительного;

б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. In the UK the Queen reigns, but does not rule.

2. Mountains in Britain are not very high.

3. Most of Londons places of interest are in the West End.

4. The Institute trains specialists for industry and agriculture.

5. The Institute provides with hostel those who came from distant part of the country.

6. What is the biggest hydropower plant on Siberia’s rivers?

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. Students are given their degree at a special graduation ceremony.

2. At boarding school children live at school during the school terms.

3. Windsor Castle is a favorite Royal Family home.

4. There are many concert halls and theatres in our city.

5. My sister's friend is the third year student and the editor of the university student paper.

6. He works at the foreign languages lab regularly.

3. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательных (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. Who is your most favorite English writer?

2. The more you read special literature, the more you know the subject.

3. Your translation is better than mine.

4. Mount Everest is the world’s highest peak.

5. This method of work is the most efficient.

6. Do you know that the Volga is eleven times as long as the Thames?

4. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений (см. образец выполнения № 4).

1. Yesterday I bought some new magazines.

2. Nobody could understand the film without translation.

3. Is there anybody there?

4. Some centuries ago people did not know anything about electricity.

5. They met nobody at the station.

6. In two years he will become an engineer.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Определите в них видовременные формы глагола и укажите их инфинитив (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. It was mild last winter.

2. The UK is a highly developed industrial country.

3. There will be a test at the next lesson.

4. In four years my brother will become an engineer.

5. She seldom cooks in the evening.

6. Last year my friend headed the research work at the Institute.

6. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. Astronomers have measured the exact length of the day.

2. Im sure the problem will be solved.

3. He had already left when I came there.

4. I was waiting for you the whole evening.

5. Science and engineering have made great progress during the last thirty years.

6. We were invited to the exhibition of new goods last week.

7. The farmers have gathered good harvests this summer.

8. In the War of Independence the USA freed herself and became independent.

9. They are raising all sorts of food products there.

10. The students have been given a difficult task.


Упражнение № 1

1) Participle I – причастие настоящего времени.

To work + ing = working – работающий, работая.

а) While bombarding the upper layers of the atmosphere, cosmic rays reach the surface of the earth. – Бомбардируя верхние слои атмосферы, космические лучи достигают поверхности земли (bombarding – обстоятельство).

б) The smallest particle having all the characteristics of an element is called an atom. – Мельчайшая частица, имеющая все характеристики элемента, называется атом (having – определение).

2) Participle II – причастие прошедшего времени образуется:

а) у правильных глаголов – +ed: asked – спрошенный;

б) неправильных глаголов – 3-я форма: written – написанный.

When heated to a certain temperature, this alloy increases in volume. – Нагретый до определенной температуры, этот сплав увеличивается в объеме.

Упражнение № 2

Упражнение № 3

Спряжение глагола to be

Местоимение Present Past Future
I            am was Shall be
You        are were Will be
He, she, it is was Will be
we are were Shall be
you are were Will be
they are were Will be



PRESENT Past Future Passive
Ask Asks (he, she, it) Asked wrote Shall ask Will ask To be + Participle II



To be + Participle I (-ing) to be + being + Participle II (-d, 3-я форма)



Have + Participle II (-ed, 3-я форма) Have + been + Participle II


Упражнение № 4

To have

1) смысловой глагол (иметь):

He has one sister.

2) вспомогательный глагол (во временах Perfect):

He has done this work. – Он сделал эту работу.

3) have to (эквивалент модального глагола must) – быть вынужденным, приходиться (в силу обстоятельств):

He had to buy another newspaper. – Ему пришлось купить другую газету.

To do

1) Смысловой глагол (делать):

2) Do this work at once! – Сделай эту работу немедленно!

2) Вспомогательный глагол (в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях):

We do not like this film.

Do you speak English?


Упражнение № 5

Неличные формы глагола

Инфинитив : To measure volume we must know the dimensions of a body. – Чтобы измерить объем, мы должны знать размеры тела.

Причастия :  

Participle I (-ing): The man writing the letter is my brother.

Participle II (-ed, 3-я форма): The letter written by my brother is on the table.

Герундий: глагол + ing (обозначает процесс):

I like reading . – Я люблю чтение.

Упражнение № 6

Образец выполнения № 1

Nylon was the first synthetic fiber used in clothing. – Нейлон был первым синтетическим волокном, используемым в одежде.

Used – Participle II, определение.

Образец выполнения № 2

These metal parts had to be subjected to X-ray examination. – Эти металлические детали пришлось подвергнуть рентгеновскому исследованию.

Had to – эквивалент модального глагола must.

Образец выполнения № 3

The main question has already been discussed. – Главный вопрос уже обсудили (Present Perfect Passive).

Образец выполнения № 4

You have to study hard to know English well. – Ты должен много заниматься, чтобы знать английский хорошо.

Have to – эквивалент модального глагола «must».

Образец выполнения № 5

Reading the article I learnt many interesting facts. – Читая статью, я узнал много интересных фактов.

Образец выполнения № 6

New technological processes having been developed , new types of equipment have been installed in the shop. – Когда были разработаны новые технологические процессы, в цехе было установлено новое оборудование (независимый причастный оборот).



Вариант I

1. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них Participle I и Participle II и установите их функции в предложении – определение, обстоятельство или часть глагола-сказуе-мого (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. Students can be educated not only for academic professions, but also for technical professions.

2. When placed in a strong magnetic field iron becomes magnetized.

3. The Blue Room in the white house is an oval-shaped room connecting the Green and the Red Rooms.

4. A person beginning some experiment should be very careful and attentive.

5. The importance of the scientific researches and discoveries is growing with every year.

6. Speaking about the new method of work the engineer told us many interesting details.

7. Hydrogen is the lightest substance known.


2. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. Making friends can be difficult in American schools, as the same group of students does not attend all the classes together.

2. Parents have to pay the sum equivalent to the school tax directly to the school the child goes to.

3. Soon we shall be able to understand many phenomena which occur on the solar surface.

4. This mixture is to be heated before the experiment.

5. Due to the energy of the atom man can produce electric energy at atomic power stations.

6. In scientific work we must measure in units of the metric system.

7. Man-made satellites had to use solar cells as a source of power.

8. This power station was to supply us with all necessary energy.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите видовременную форму и залог сказуемого ( см . образец выполнения № 3) .

1. Hundreds of technologies have been invented to carry out energy conversion processes.

2. The expanding thermal energy is converted to mechanical energy.

3. Electric cars will be widely used in future.

4. Today plastics are being applied for car bodies.

5. The importance of scientific research is growing with every day.

6. A group of seven engineers had worked out the technology for producing a new alloy.

7. By that time Niels Bohr had already accepted Rutherford's model of the atom.

8. The data of the latest research in this field of science were discussed at our conference.

9. Gold is not affected by moisture.

10. The laboratory of our Institute was given a new task.


4. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do (см. образец выполнения № 4) .

1. Compressed steam has more power than hot water.

2. The engine walls have to be cooled or the engine will melt.

3. This material does not possess elastic properties.     

4. The exam was to start in the morning.

5. They have graduated from the University this year.

6. You have to come to the language laboratory of the university to work at your pronunciation.

7. Do you really know this man?

8. The exam was to start in the morning.

5. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. Automobile has reduced effort required to transport people and materials.

2. The shaft turns the magnet, creating a magnetic field.

3. To translate a sentence is to discover its meaning.

4. Combustion makes molecules move faster causing the gas to expand.

5. Carrying out the experiment they were wearing protective suits.

6. The broken cutter must be repaired today.

7. The number of solar power plants is increasing.

8. The aim of this experiment is to investigate the properties of tungsten.

6. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. A simple laboratory experiment demonstrating this principle is shown in Fig. 29.

2. Having done a number of calculations, our astronomers have shown that the basic mass of the galaxies is concentrated outside their visible part.

3. Ordinary light entering a crystal of tourmaline, the phenomenon of «selective absorption» takes place.

4. Having improved living standards, the mankind partly damaged environment.

5. There is a high level of air pollution in Eastern Europe, it causing serious health problems.

6. The water crisis being crucial for the survival of our planet, we should take care about keeping it clean.

Вариант II

1. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них Participle I и Participle II и установите их функции в предложении – определение, обстоятельство или часть глагола-сказуе-мого (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. Hot winds blowing from the Gulf of Mexico often bring typhoons.

2. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is located in Alaska.

3. When heated to a certain temperature, water increases in volume.

4. The intensity of this process is influenced by many factors.

5. A body moving with a certain velocity carries within itself the kinetic energy of motion.

6. While absorbing the energy of cosmic rays the upper atmosphere becomes radioactive.

7. The Russian government will strongly consider purchasing electricity generated from renewable energy sources.

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. These substances are to be analyzed at our laboratory.

2. Nobody will be able to measure the density of this substance without a special device.

3. Manhattan can be called the centre of New York City.

4. Each invalid is to attend school in USA as there are all necessary conditions for them to study.

5. Energy can exist in many forms and each form can be transformed into the other.

6. Using radioactive isotopes the scientists will be able to carry out many experiments.

7. He had to work hard before he was able to submit his paper to a scien-tific journal.

8. The chemists may use the reactor to analyze various substances for their exact composition.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите видовременную форму и залог сказуемого (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. As an economy becomes more developed, a larger variety of energy sources are tapped.

2. Petroleum has been used throughout recorded history.

3. When more useful energy is extracted from a system, less waste results.

4. The research of planets is being developed with the help of cosmic apparatus.

5. The special application of light has led to the development of lasers and masers.

6. The scientists are working on an interesting problem for obtaining power from atom.

7. We solved this problem with the help of computers.

8. The delegation of foreign specialists was shown the new electronics equipment.

9. They will be given new interesting data by the end of the month.

10. The parts of this device are acted upon by more than two forces.


4. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do (см. образец выполнения № 4) .

1. People have taken advantage of other kinds of energy transformation, using machines and fuels to help do their work.

2. 150 years ago, you had to chop wood to heat water.

3. Most people had very little time for education or leisure activities.

4. The modern petroleum industry was born in the 1800s in the United States.

5. According to the curriculum all the students are to study foreign languages.

6. All the books are taken from the library.

7. You have to study well.

8. We do not know the results of this test.


5. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. As an economy becomes more developed, the energy consumed per person increases.

2. Wood was used not only for heating and cooking, but also as source of charcoal for reducing ores to metals.

3. Coal was difficult to mine with primitive tools.

4. The first fossil fuels to be used were surface deposits of asphalt, peat and coal.


6. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. Light and food industries have been modernized, much being done to expand the production of consumer goods.

2. An experiment demonstrating the existence of an ultraviolet and infrared spectrum must be performed.

3. The economic incentive has led to energy use and fuel consumption becoming progressively cleaner over time.

4. Having explained the biotic structure the lecturer presented the major abiotic factors.

5. Oceans include a variety of environments, each of these environments depending on water temperature, depth, nature of bottom and concentration of nutrients.

6. Every year people consuming more goods, production of goods uses more energy and natural resources which cannot be replenished fast.


Вариант III


1. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них Participle I и Participle II и установите их функции в предложении – определение, обстоятельство или часть глагола – сказуемого (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. All objects surrounding us are composed of different substances.

2. USA is a highly developed industrial country.

3. While absorbing the energy of cosmic rays the upper atmosphere becomes radioactive.

4. These reactions convert hydrogen into helium, giving off a great amount of light and heat.

5. In recent years, Russia has frequently been described in the media as an energy superpower.

6. The sector is rapidly developing, with an aim of increasing the total share of nuclear energy from current 16.9% to 23% by 2020.

7. If heated molecules of the material move faster.

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. Every technical student is to study English for some years.

2. You should study more if you want to pass your exam.

3. We had to stay after lessons as we couldn’t solve that problem.

4. As the student was late he was not allowed to enter the classroom.

5. He could not complete his research in time as he worked very slowly.

6. Heat is a form of energy and may be measured in the units in which energy is measured.

7. In spite of all the hardships he had to overcome, Yablochkov continued working in the field of electricity to the day of his death.

8. About 1 trillion rubles ($42.7 billion) is to be allocated from the federal budget to nuclear power and industry development before 2015.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите видовременную форму и залог сказуемого (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. Best energy sources depend on many factors-how the energy is being used, where it is being used, etc.

2. Coal is widely used for power generation in many fast-developing countries.

3. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, significant progress has been made in the efficient use of fossil fuels.

4. Efficiency of hybrid-fuel cars will be improved by capturing kinetic energy from the wheels to power the battery.

5. We often use plastics nowadays.

6. Scientists have found ways of measuring the sizes and positions of bodies in the Universe.

7. Scientists had solved many interesting problems by the end of the 19th century.

8. Iron is referred to as the most important metal of our metallic age.

9. The name electron was given to the small negative particle discovered by Thomson.

10. The ignition was followed by combustion.


4. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do (см. образец выполнения № 4) .

1. Some energy sources have advantages for specific uses or locations.

2. For renewable energy resources to become more widely used, hurdles have to be overcome.

3. World reserves of fossil energy are to last for many more decades.

4. These systems do not use solar cells.

5. He is still doing his ordinary everyday job for the company.

6. Did the company guarantee the delivery of each lot without delay?

7. Each country in the world, even each state of the United States, has its own system of law.

8. In Britain most court cases are open to the public.

9. When you go to America you have to get a visa.


5. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. Hydrogen, when burnt, produces water.

2. Today’s methods include «reforming», which uses heat to separate hydrogen from hydrocarbons.

3. When pure hydrogen gas is formed, it will immediately evaporate, and then condense with oxygen to become water.

4. Automakers are developing fuel cells extracting hydrogen from gasoline or methanol.


6. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. Having built a new automobile plant, we increased the output of cars and buses.

2. Knowledge being the most valuable wealth of our times, the information theory became of great importance for the national economy.

3. On this planet, hydrogen is an unstable element existing in stable from only in combination with other molecules.

4. Working with machines, sharp tools, motors one must always be careful.

5. Knowledge being the most valuable wealth of our times, the information theory became of great importance.

6. The energy used per second is proportional to the frequency.


Вариант IV

1. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них Participle I и Participle II и установите их функции в предложении – определение, обстоятельство или часть глагола-сказуе-мого (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. The USA in the worlds leading producer of cooper.

2. Early in 1941 Henry Ford was granted government contracts.

3. One can use several modern devices while detecting and measuring radioactivity.

4. Photovoltaic power generation employs solar panels composed of a number of solar cells containing a photovoltaic material.

5. Approximately 30% of incoming solar radiation (insolation) is reflected back to space while the rest is absorbed by clouds, oceans and land masses.

6. The latent heat of water condensation amplifies convection, producing atmospheric phenomena such as wind, cyclones and anti-cyclones.

7. While bombarding the upper layers of the atmosphere, cosmic rays reach the surface of the earth.

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. A computer in to solve complicated problems many millions of times faster than a mathematician.

2. To measure the vast distances between different planets scientist had to use special instruments.

3. He can speak English fluently.

4. He has to work much before he is able to complete his research.

5. Heat can be divided into three different types.

6. A great number of plastics should find their applications in the electrical industry.

7. He had to work hard before he was able to submit his paper to a scientific journal.

8. Solar photovoltaic installations may be ground-mounted or built into the roof or walls of a building.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите видовременную форму и залог сказуемого (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. Fossil fuels were created by the decomposition of primitive organisms.

2. Deposits of coal, oil and gas are now found below ground in many areas of the world.

3. Cars have been designed that burn gasoline more cleanly and efficiently, with better filtering mechanisms.  

4. This material is unaffected by solar radiation.

5. There are many properties that man has found useful in his application of electromagnetic waves.

6. The flow of electrons in one direction results in an electric current.

7. The energy sources of the world are decreasing while the energy needs of the world are increasing.

8. The isotopes of the element hydrogen were given individual names.

9. Electronics is usually thought of as that part of electricity which deals with vacuum tubes and transistors.

10. The behaviour of metals is greatly affected by the changes in temperature.


4. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do (см. образец выполнения № 4) .

1. Fossil fuels are sources of energy that humans have taken advantage of over thousands of years.

2. Hydrogen, a simple, abundant element, has very high energy potential.

3. Many specialists do not believe that hydrogen is the fuel of the future.

4. The exam was to start in the afternoon.

5. He is still doing his ordinary everyday job for the company.

6. Did the company guarantee the delivery of each lot without delay?

7. You are to live here for the next six months.

8. You do not have to be a computer programmer to use a computer.

9. Scientists had to create new materials for industry.


5. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. Fossil fuels – including coal, oil, and natural gas – are the most important energy sources at present.

2. Fossil fuels were created by the decomposition of primitive organisms, buried in sand and mud, and compressed under the weight of accumulating layers.

3. To control these emissions, today`s coal-fired power plants are equipped with scrubbers, filters, and other devices

4. Planting more trees in one way to remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

5. Einstein didn’t enjoy talking very much; in fact, he waited till he was three before he started to talk.

6. Opening her eyes, the baby began to cry.

7. The book published last week is his first book written for children.

8. Some of the first communications satellites were designed to operate in a passive mode.

6. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. The computer`s electronic memory recording all the operator`s commands, the picture of deviations was produced.

2. A curve showing the behavior of metal is given in Fig. 21.

3. Automakers also are developing fuel cells extracting hydrogen from gasoline or methanol.

4. The teacher having asked many questions, a friend of mine had to spend much time to answer them.

5. The information mentioned above is very interesting.

6. Having finished this work he started to solve another problem.



Fossil fuels-including coal, oil, and natural gas-are sources of energy that humans have taken advantage of over thousands of years. About 90 percent of the world's energy consumption comes from fossil fuels. These were created by the decomposition of primitive organisms, buried in sand and mud, and compressed under the weight of accumulating layers. Over millions of years, temperatures and pressures changed the organic matter into coal, oil, and gas. Deposits of these resources are now found below ground in many areas of the world.

Combusting fossil fuels with oxygen releases water, carbon dioxide, and other substances into the environment. In the case of coal, these substances include sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which have been shown to be responsible for acid rain. To control these emissions, today's coal-fired power plants are equipped with scrubbers, filters, collectors, electrostatic precipitators, and other devices. Natural-gas-fired power plants release virtually no sulfur dioxide, but require controls to limit their nitrogen oxide emissions.

Smog is created by a photochemical reaction of sunlight with hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and other molecules emitted in car exhaust. To control smog, oil companies have reformulated gasoline, and automakers have designed cars that burn gasoline more cleanly and efficiently, with better filtering mechanisms. The results: tailpipe emissions from the average new car contain 95 percent less hydrocarbons than they did in the 1960s.

Global climate change is another environmental issue linked to fossil fuel use. As a greenhouse gas, the carbon dioxide released in the combustion of fossil fuels traps infrared radiation from the earth that would otherwise radiate out to space. This effect is believed to raise the heat of the earth's atmosphere. Planting more trees is one way to remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, since trees need carbon dioxide as part of photosynthesis. Other greenhouse gases – like methane and carbon dioxide – come from animals and industry practices.

Oil spills in the oceans can damage coastal and marine plants and wildlife. Double-hulled tankers and rigorous safety practices are highly effective in preventing spills and limiting damage. Since 1990, more than 99.999 percent of oil delivered by tankers to the U.S. reached its destination without incident.


Вариант V


1. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них Participle I и Participle II и установите их функции в предложении – определение, обстоятельство или часть глагола-сказуе-мого (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. Testing the operation of the system, engineers used different kinds of equipment.

2. When electrified a body may repel as well as attract different objects.

3. Heat gained by one substance is heat lost by another.

4. The tides in the Penzhin Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk are the highest ones for Pacific Ocean reaching the height 13,4 metres (44 ft).

5. One of proposed variants of power station presumes installed capacity 87 GW and annual production 200 TWh of electricity.

6. One can use several modern devices while detecting and measuring radioactivity.

7. As a rule one great discovery is generally followed by numerous others.

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните в них модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. Infra-red waves can be stopped by glass.

2. Nobody will be able to translate this text without a dictionary.

3. This substance is to be heated before the experiment.

4. He had to return home as he had left his bag.

5. We can think of heat as a special form of kinetic energy.

6. The Kola Bay and Sea of Okhotsk alone could produce 100 GW with tidal power stations, and the national energy potential from tidal energy can compete with current total energy production

7. New types of plastics had to be obtained for space technology.

8. The second project suggests smaller scale plant, which must use northern part of basin with higher tides.

3. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите видовременную форму и залог сказуемого (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. That steam in then used to turn a turbine generator to make electricity.

2. Ocean thermal energy conversion in currently being used in Japan and Hawaii in some demonstration projects.

3. To control smog, gasoline has been reformulated by oil companies, and cars have been designed that burn gasoline more cleanly and efficiently.

4. The heat of the earth`s atmosphere will be raised by this effect.

5. Industry has developed various applications for the electromagnet.

6. Newton has established his law of gravitation before 1670.

7. The application of electronics changes the entire life of the people.

8. They will be given the new data of the experiment.

9. The speaker was asked a number of difficult questions.

10. Today polymers are referred to as materials of vital importance.


4. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do (см. образец выполнения № 4) .

1. High-level radioactive waste will be dangerous for the next 100 to 1,000 years.

2. Does combusting fossil fuels with oxygen release water?

3. To control emission, coal-fired power plants, are to be equipped with scrubbers, collectors, etc.

4. We have to plant more trees to remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

5. Computers can do the work more quickly and more accurately than people.

6. The goods are to be delivered by the end of June.

7. The law has to regulate relations between people who neither know nor trust each other and who are in unfamiliar situations.

8. You have to come to the language laboratory to work at your pronunciation.

9. This material does not possess elastic properties.

5. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на неличные формы глагола (см. образец выполнения № 5).

1. Of the oil consumed in the United States, most is used in transportation.

2. To make the most of this valuable resource, energy producers are developing more efficient refining methods.

3. New techniques of locating and extracting oil from the earth are also making it possible to recover oil that was once too expensive to produce.

4. In general, about 30 percent of the oil trapped can be economically recovered by pumping.

5. As an economy becomes more developed, the energy consumed per person increases.

6. Wood was used not only for heating and cooking, but also as source of charcoal for reducing ores to metals.

7. Coal was difficult to mine with primitive tools.

8. The first fossil fuels to be used were surface deposits of asphalt, peat and coal.


6. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов (см. образец выполнения № 6).

1. Having used a laser beam, scientists obtained accurate calculations of Jupiter’s temperature.

2. The engineers of our institute having developed a new type of semiconductor laser, it was tested at several plants.

3. All machines that have been built by man have some energy « loss», this energy being converted into useless heat due to friction.

4. Working with machines, sharp tools, motors one must always be careful.

5. Knowledge being the most valuable wealth of our times, the information theory became of great importance.

6. The energy used per second is proportional to the frequency.



Oil comes from crude oil, which is a mix of hydrocarbons with some oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur impurities. One barrel of oil (42 U.S. gallons) can provide about 6 million Btu. Crude oil reserves are found all over the world, but the Middle East alone has about 63 percent of the known reserves. Of the oil consumed in the United States, most is used in transportation, and much of the rest goes to industrial, commercial, and residential uses. Crude oil is used to produce not only a range of fuels, but also petrochemical ingredients for plastics, inks, tires, pharmaceuticals, and a host of other products.

High-tech oil exploration technology and practices have led to the discovery of as many new reserves as have already been used. To make the most of this valuable resource, energy producers are developing more efficient refining methods, product makers are finding more efficient ways to use petrochemicals, and manufacturers are developing more efficient cars. New techniques of locating and extracting oil from the earth are also making it possible to recover oil that was once too expensive to produce.

Oil is usually recovered by drilling wells through the non-porous rock barrier that traps the oil. In general, about 30 percent of the oil trapped can be economically recovered by pumping. «Secondary» recovery can remove another 10 percent, by flooding the well with high-pressure water or gas. Another 10 percent can sometimes be recovered with «tertiary» methods that heat the oil to scrub it out. About half of the oil is left trapped in the rock. Oil producers are continually seeking economical ways to recover more of this oil.

The oil refining process separates crude oil into different hydrocarbons and removes impurities such as sulfur, nitrogen, and heavy metals. The first step is fractional distillation, a process that takes advantage of the fact that different hydrocarbons boil at different temperatures. In a tall tower called a fractionating column, crude oil is heated until it boils. Horizontal trays divide the column at intervals. As the oil boils, it vaporizes. Each hydrocarbon rises to a tray at a temperature just below its own boiling point. There, it cools and turns back into a liquid.

The lightest fractions are liquefied petroleum gases (propane and butane) and the petrochemicals used to make plastics, fabrics, and a wide array of consumer products. Next come gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel. Heavier fractions make home heating oil and fuel for ships and factories. Still heavier fractions are made into lubricants and waxes. The remains include asphalt.

The refining process then continues, with heavy fractions converted into lighter fractions. In most cases, «cracking» processes are used to transform large (heavy) hydrocarbon molecules and make the smaller, lighter molecules such as gasoline and jet fuel. Better refining technologies have made it possible to produce over 21 gallons of gasoline from a 42-gallon barrel of crude oil-a remarkable advance over the industry's early days, when a barrel of oil yielded just 11 gallons of gasoline.


Упражнение № 1

Сложные формы инфинитива

Passive Continuous Perfect
To be + Participle II Обозначает будущее время или долженствование: The text to be translated is very difficult. – Текст, который нужно перевести, очень трудный. To be + Participle I Обозначает действие, продолжающееся в какой-то момент: He was happy to be working with that famous scientist. – Он был счастлив, что работает с этим известным ученым. To have + Participle II Обозначает завершившееся действие: He was glad to have finished his report at last. – Он был счастлив, что наконец закончил свой отчет.

Упражнение № 2

Упражнение № 3

Условные предложения

I тип – реальные (относятся к Present , Past , Future ):

If it does not rain tomorrow we shall go to the country. – Если завтра не будет дождя, мы поедем за город.

II тип – маловероятные или нереальные (относятся к Present или Future ):

If the quality of the equipment were higher, the results of the experiment would be more accurate. – Если бы качество оборудования было выше, результаты эксперимента были бы точнее.

III тип – нереальные (относятся только к Past – речь идет об упущенной возможности):

If the geologists had used the proper instruments, the measurement would have been correct. – Если бы геологи использовали надлежащие приборы, измерения были бы правильными.


Чтобы правильно выполнить задание № 3 необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику:

1. Сложные формы инфинитива (Passive Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive, Continuous Infinitive).

2. Обороты, равнозначные придаточным предложениям: объектный инфинитивный оборот, субъектный инфинитивный оборот.

3. Условные предложения.


Используйте образцы выполнения упражнений:

Вариант I


1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы инфинитива (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. She wanted to be answered at once.

2. The first oil well to be drilled was in Pennsylvania.

3. He was glad to have finished his research at last.

4. I am glad to have finished the work in time.

5. He likes to be working at this problem.

6. More oil reserves are to be discovered in East Siberia.


2. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. New kinds of computers are expected to perform calculations with great precision.

2. The designer expected the computer to perform over ten thousand operations every second.

3. We want this machinery to be used at our shop.

4. Under these conditions the output of the plant is likely to increase.

5. The sun and star are proved to be able to produce great quantities of energy by means of certain nuclear reactions.

6. French mathematician Pascal is known to construct the first mechanical computer.

7. For the experiment we want several electrical devices to be connected in series.

3. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие придаточные условия. Определите тип условного предложения (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. If we had tested this material, we should have used it in our construction.

2. If oil seeps to the surface it will mostly evaporate and leave behind bitumen.

3. It would be impossible to discuss oil industry if we did not trace it to the beginning of oil itself.

4. If they manage to agree the deal may be signed in December of 2004

5. If this decision had been carried out our region would have lost the factory that supplies heating, hot and drinking water and electricity for the entire town.

6. If that is approved school representatives will provide a detailed curriculum and texts free of charge.


Although we can trace the beginnings of oil itself to several million years ago, the oil industry is a comparatively recent development. Petroleum literally means «rock oil». It is the second most abundant liquid on Earth. Oil and also provide two-thirds of the world’s primary energy supplies.

Oil and gas are also non-renewable resources and our use of them has increased so much that we have worries about how long they will last. However, improved technology in the oil and gas industry now means that each we are finding more oil in the world than we are using.

First coal and now petroleum (which includes oil and gas) have played an essential role in changing our society from an agricultural to an industrial one. It is almost impossible to find any synthetic item where petroleum has not had any part in the process of its manufacture.

There is evidence that humans have used petroleum products throughout history. Oil that had seeped to the surface would mostly evaporate and leave behind bitumen – the tarry component of the mixture of hydrocarbons from which it is composed. This has been used for thousands of years as a waterproofing agent, for plumbing, boat building and brick bonding.

There is reference to bitumen being used as a coating for Moses` basked and Noah`s Ark being pitched inside and out with it. The American Indians collected oil for medicines. The American settles found its presence in the water supplies a contamination, but they learned to collect it to use as fuel in their lamps.

Petroleum became a valuable commodity in the nineteenth century. The whaling industry was failing to provide enough whale oil to light the lamps of the world and a new source was needed. The first oil well drilled in August 1859 by Edwin Drake in Pennsylvania, starting a new era in our history.


Вариант II

1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы инфинитива (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. The new channel to be constructed here will be the longest in the country.

2. I am glad to have given you this book to read.

3. He did not like to be doing that work.

4. The articles to be found in this magazine will help you to solve the problem you are working at.

5. We have tested the machine to be put into service the day after tomorrow.

6. They are glad to have passed their examinations with excellent marks.


2. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. We know our country to increase the output of power by erecting huge hydro-electric power-stations.

2. The plant is expected to manufacture new trucks next year.

3. The engineer is known to have made the experiment with these substances.

4. I want you to repeat this grammar rule again.

5. We know Newton's laws of motion to be based upon his own and Galileo's experiments.

6. For a long time, special paper impregnated with paraffin was considered to be the main non-conductor used for manufacturing small capacitors (конденсатор).

7. The metal to be poured into a mold for casting may contract or expand on solidifying.


3. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык предложения, содержащие придаточные условия. Определите тип условного предложения (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. If the geologists had used the proper instruments, the measurement would have been correct.

2. If the operator’s cabin were equipped with remote control he would be able to work faster and with greater precision.

3. If I go to the theatre, I shall not finish my report.

4. If the computer's electronic memory had recorded all the operator's commands, the picture of deviations from the required parameters would have been produced.

5. If biological experiments are continued, the problem of developing the technology for growing plants in space conditions will be solved.

6. It would be impossible to protect metal from corrosion without the films.

Вариант III

1. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы инфинитива (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. I am glad to have finished the work in time.

2. He likes to be working at this problem.

3. More oil reserves are to be discovered in East Siberia.

4. You have to be prepared to look after a car that will need a lot of maintenance.

5. People fear not being able to look after themselves and being a burden on others.

6. Whether art scholars can come to an agreement on the subject remains to be seen.

7. It remains to be seen how long they will accept taxation without representation.


2. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. We know a laser to be a device that stimulates the electrons of a light-producing material to vibrate simultaneously.

2. Lasers are known to have found an application in the printing industry.

3. Light waves are now believed to be due to the motions of electrons themselves within the atoms.

4. Chemical investigations have shown each element to combine with another only in definite proportions.

5. We know Pascal to be the first inventor of the mechanical computer.

6. Wood is unlikely to be used in rockets that fly from planet to planet.

7. Another factor to be considered is that we use a vegetable fibre.

3. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, содержащие придаточные условия. Определите тип условного предложения (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. If the scientists applied the new method they would get a different result.

2. If the checking up of the experimental data had not taken so much time, we should have completed our work long ago.

3. If I spend a whole day at my report, it will be ready by Friday.

4. We’ll discuss this problem when we meet next time.

5. You will get good results if you apply this method of calculation.

6. If you press the button, the device will start working.


Вариант IV


1. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы инфинитива (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. We know the Soviet oil industry to have halted its slide in 1997.

2. The oil well to be drilled here is very perspective.

3. I am glad to be finishing this work at last.

4. Good luck to all of you out there who would have reason to be reading this page.

5. I can't tell you much about the book because you're supposed to be reading it.

6. The city also encourages employees to consider taking the bus or biking to work.

7. We always have to consider the evidence if we want to know what reality is like.

2. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. Reserves of oil offshore Sakhalin are thought to be significant.

2. A large part of the reserves are thought to consist of heavy oil.

3. We know the Timan-Pechora basin to stretch from the Urals in the east to the Barents Sea in the north.

4. Specialists consider the region’s main drawback to be its distance from markets and the lack of transport infrastructure.

5. The future is expected to bring many new applications for ultrasonics.

6. The instruments to be used are made of copper.

7. The students watched the device work in the laboratory.


3. Перепишите и переведите предложения, содержащие придаточное условия. Определите тип условного предложения (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. If somebody wants to design a car of the advanced type, he must take into account the properties of some of the new materials.

2. If oil had not been discovered in Siberia, Baku oil field could not have satisfied all the needs in fuel.

3. It would be impossible to solve this problem unless new computers were used.

4. Should he fail his examination he will be allowed to try again in a month.

5. Had we come to the station a minute earlier we should not have missed the train.

6. You could stay in my place provided you promise to leave no mess.


The Subsurface Equipment of a flowing well consists of the tubing and various devices, serving for bringing the well into operation.

The tubing is lowered into the well, as noted in a previous section to ensure better utilization of the energy of the accompanying gas which evolves from the oil when it rises to the surface. In addition the tubing considerably simplifies and speeds up the process of starting and shutting in of a flowing well. It is possible to force out of the well through the tubing the liquid which previously filled the well and change the pressure exerted on its bottom hole by injecting air, oil water or drilling mud into the annular space.

The lower and of the tubing is arranged directly opposite the stratum which oil is produced from. This arrangement of the tubing makes it possible to wash the bottom hole. This is of especial importance when the latter is clogged with dirt and sand, and also in coning, when a column of water accumulates in the lower section of the well, creates an additional pressure on the bottom hole and prevents the inflow of fluid from the stratum.

 The diameter of the tubing is chosen depending on the expected rate of production. Tubes of smaller diameter are used in wells with low production and low formational pressure, where they permit the period of flowing to be prolonged.

In choosing tubes for a well in which paraffin may be deposited in operation, the possibility of using cleaning equipment such as scrapers inside the diameter of the tubes is so selected mat the velocity of the gas-oil flow will not be too high.

The tubes used in flowing wells are also used in wells from which oil is produced by the air – and gas-lift methods, and in pumping wells outfitted with subsurface pumps.

Taper threads with a special profile are cut on the ends of the tubes, which are joined to one another with the aid of couplings screwed on one of their ends at the manufacturing plant.

Tubing is costly equipment, and it should therefore be handled with care, preventing untimely damage and failure.

In transportation bending of tubes and sagging of their ends should be prevented. The threaded ends of tubes and couplings must be protected from damage with the, aid of metal rings and nipples which completely cover the threaded sections.

Tubes are not to be thrown down when loading and unloading then; they must be carried from place to place either by hand, holding their ends, or rolled along inclined ramps, seeing that they do not strike one another.

The threaded joints of tubes kept in storage for a long time must be given a protective coating of grease.

The preparation of tubing for lowering into a well is an important operation. It is necessary not only to measure each tube of the string, but also thoroughly check the condition of the tubes, looking for such faults as camber, the state of the internal surface and threaded joints.

The threaded joints are usually checked by external inspection. The threads must be smooth, and free of burrs, fissures, dents and other faults detracting from the strength and tightness of the joints.

When screwing tubes together see that the threaded joint is sufficiently strong. No more than two open turns of a thread are allowed on a tube screwed into a coupling. Depending on the nature of the faults serving as the cause for rejection, defective tubes are other not used at all, or are installed in less important places, for instance, in the lower section of a flowing well tubing, where the weight load on the tubes and threaded joints is not great.

Вариант V


1. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы инфинитива (см. образец выполнения № 1).

1. New cities are to be constructed in this region.

2. I am glad to have been invited to this party.

3. There are some problems to be solved immediately.

4. It suggested that I must have read all of the Belgian artist and writer's books.

5. A cracking noise made me think we might have brought home an unwilling creature.

6. Both experiences have made me want to experiment and challenge myself even more.

7. They made me wait 2 and half hours before a doctor finally agreed to examine me.


2. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям (см. образец выполнения № 2).

1. We know the geological prospecting to be developing now.

2. Decreasing of volumes of oil extraction is said to continue till 1996.

3. Samotlorskoye deposit is known to be one of the top ten largest deposits of the world concerning oil reserves.

4. We know the existence of oil and gas resources in Siberia to have been predicted by I.M. Gubkin in 1934.

5. We know a laser to be a device that stimulates the electrons of a light-producing material to vibrate simultaneously.

6. Lasers are known to have found an application in the printing industry.

7. Light waves are now believed to be due to the motions of electrons themselves within the atoms.

8. Chemical investigations have shown each element to combine with another only in definite proportions.


3. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, содержащие придаточное условия. Определите тип условного предложения (см. образец выполнения № 3).

1. If this article were on radio-electronics we should read it without dictionary.

2. It would have been impossible to launch space rockets, if we had not had the necessary polymeric materials and synthetic fuels.

3. If oil is found in a region, the oil extractive and oil processing enterprises are created.

4. If liquids expand upon freezing, an increase of pressure lowers the freezing point.

5. If the metal had been heated slowly, the first changes in its appearance would have occurred at a temperature of 1000 К.

6. It would be impossible to determine the properties of these materials without intensive studies in our research laboratory.

Список литературы

1. Андрианова, Л.Н. Учебник английского языка для заочных технических вузов и факультетов / Л.Н. Андрианова, Н.Ю. Багрова, Э.В. Ершова. – М.: Высшая школа, 1972, 1980, 1988, 2002. – 463 с.

Шляхова В.А. Английский язык. Контрольные задания для студентов технических специальностей высших учебных заведений: учеб.-метод. пособие / В.А. Шляхова, Т.Д. Любимова. – М.: Высшая школа, 2000. – 111 с.

3. Учебник английского языка для вузов заочного обучения / Е.В. Людвигова [и др.]. – М.: Высшая школа, 1982. – 318 с.

4. Морозенко, В.В. Английский язык для экономистов / В.В.  Морозенко. – М.: Высшая школа, 1986. – 63 с.

5. Новицкая Т.М. Практическая грамматика английского языка / Т.М. Новицкая, Н.Д. Кучин. – М.: Высшая школа, 1983. – 399 с.

Учебное издание



Вариант в соответствии с порядковым номером в журнале группы, т.е.

№ п.п вариант
1 I
2 II
4 IV
5 V
6 I
7 II
9 IV
10 V
11 I
12 II
13 III
14 IV
15 V
и т.д…

Свой вариант делаем полностью, и текст, и упражнения. Из остальных вариантов только переводим тексты УСТНО

Можно выписать на отдельный лист 15 слов из каждого текста с переводом. Распечатанные тексты принести с собой на зачёт. Над словами в тексте ничего не надписываем.

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное

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«Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет»

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Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 374.