Ex.4. Translate the following words and word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Ограничение; право на что-либо; подразделять, разбирать; состоятельный; отказаться от законопроекта; верность, преданность; распространение; донести сообщение; воспользоваться чем-либо; крошечный; обычный, традиционный; отвергать, отталкивать; изменить ситуацию к лучшему; завеса, прикрытие; захватывающий; знающий; непочтительный; побуждать, заставить; оговаривать, порочить; неконтролируемый.

Ex.5 Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. His only design was to denigrate my contribution to the project.

2. I always scheduled her last, so that I could exceed the 45 minutes straightjacket of the classic therapy session.

3. The amount doesn’t seem quite so bad when you break it down into monthly payments.

  1. Named the safest city in California, its 100,000 residents are mostly white and affluent .

5. At the last moment the President had to drop the legislation.

6. Each side seeks our allegiance based on our fear, and they are becoming more and more frightening as time goes by.

7. But it led to the proliferation of electricity, which changed everything about life on Earth.

  1. It was clear that it was impossible to get the message across to him.

9.  Please take advantage of the consultant while she is here in the office.

10. I had to work terribly hard to try to infuse some miniscule bit of humor into it.

11. You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven.

12. The boots are designed to repel moisture.

13. Each politician should try to make a difference.

14. The red Cadillacs were only a smoke screen for something else.

15. In the event he has made a movie that is brutal, horrific, and riveting .

  1. He was a really adept programmer.

17. The novel can only be described as irreverent.

18. They used medications to induce James to talk.

19. In each school there are always a few rogue students.

20. One woman in six retires with an entitlement to a full basic pension.


Ex.6. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

1. Любого рода ограничения всегда раздражали его.

2. Он имеет право на получение всего наследства.

3. Рабочие разобрали оборудование и положили его в тенты.

4. Целевой аудиторией компании всегда являлись состоятельные клиенты.

5. Члены парламента окончательно приняли решение отказаться от законопроекта.

6. Преданность не может быть основана только на страхе.

7. Распространение ядерного оружия представляет угрозу всему человечеству.

8. Трудно было понять какое сообщение он пытался донести до аудитории.

9. Удачливые бизнесмены всегда умеют воспользоваться ситуацией.

10.  Потратив миллиарды долларов, правительство достигло лишь крошечных результатов.

11. Традиционные методы рекламы тут никогда не сработают.

12.  В прошлом году Джон сделал ей предложение, но был отвергнут.

13. Пытайтесь каждый день менять ситуацию к лучшему.

14.  Все понимали что парламентские выборы – всего лишь прикрытие.

15.  Вообще то фильм был достаточно скучным, но развязка к удивлению была захватывающей.

16. Все знали что Джо – самый знающий студент факультета.

17.  Как ты мог быть таким непочтительным?

18.  Ничто не заставит его начать учиться.

19.  Он получил повышение по службе, оговорив своих коллег.

20. Стивен всегда был неконтролируемым, но весьма способным.


Ex. 7. Translate the following texts from English into Russian

The Importance of Product Positioning to the Marketing Plan


Product positioning is an important element of a marketing plan. Product positioning is the process marketers use to determine how to best communicate their products' attributes to their target customers based on customer needs, competitive pressures, available communication channels and carefully crafted key messages. Effective product positioning ensures that marketing messages resonate with target consumers and compel them to take action.

Customer Needs

Effective product positioning requires a clear understanding of customer needs so that the right communication channels are selected and key messages will resonate with customers. Product positioning starts with identifying specific, niche market segments to target -- not just women over 25 but women from 25 to 30 who work in senior-level management positions, make $X per year, are single and enjoy sporting activities. The more specific, the better. In addition to identifying the customer based on demographic and psychographic (personality/lifestyle) attributes, marketers need to understand customer needs, especially relative to the products and services they have to offer, to clearly convey value as part of their marketing plan.

Competitive Pressures

Marketers must weigh competitive pressures when they are considering the positioning elements of their marketing plans. Effective positioning conveys to consumers why this company's product or service should be preferred over other competitive options based on what the company knows about the target audience's needs. Effective marketing plans clearly identify how the company's products or services are different from competitors' offerings and in what ways. There is no value in being a "me too" product offering and simply copying what competitors are doing. Marketers must stand out from the crowd in ways that hold value for their target markets.

Related Reading: Marketing Plan of a Product

Communication Channels

Product positioning helps marketers consider how their offerings are different from others that consumers have to choose from. But it is not enough to know this from an internal perspective -- marketers must communicate this to the target audiences. To do this effectively, they must choose communication channels that are designed to connect with their identified target audiences at times when they will be most receptive to these messages. Consider how automobile manufacturers position their products through communication via television commercials during sporting events, for instance, or how cosmetics manufacturers run full-page, full-color ads in women's magazines.

Дата: 2018-12-21, просмотров: 328.