Ex.11 Go over pages 161-167 of the book “PR Today”. Get ready to speak on the following issues of the topic: “Corporate social responsibility”
-Understanding of Corporate social responsibility
-Main CSR guidelines
-Dilemmas of CSR
- CSR in Russia
Chapter 9 PR and the Law
Ex.1 Answer the following questions:
1. How to develop a critical awareness of those aspects of the law which are most relevant to PR practice?
2. When should a PR practitioner seek professional advice?
3. How to contribute PR advice when legal action is being contemplated?
4. Why is it necessary to remain vigilant about the possible impact on PR of future developments in the law?
5. Why does the law matter?
6. How can legal and PR advice diverge?
7. What are the two main forms of intellectual property?
Ex.2 Match the words with definitions.
1. Enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act | a. binding contract |
2. a publication or broadcast program that provides news and feature stories to the public through various distribution channels | b. adhere |
3. watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will notice any problems or signs of danger immediately | c. media outlet |
4. an accusation, which is sometimes true and sometimes not | d. infringe |
5. any structure that makes progress difficult | e. public hostility |
6. resistant to change | f. trespass |
7. a public relations person who tries to forestall negative publicity by publicizing a favorable interpretation of the words or actions of a company or political party or famous person | g. Allegation |
8. a debt or fiscal obligation, like a mortgage or a loan | h. prior permission |
9. an official agreement in writing between two or more individuals or entities | i. hidebound |
10. something branching out | j. Vigilant |
11. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises | k. Liability |
12. the emotion of intense dislike | l. PR ramifications |
13.the right to do something that is given to you by someone in authority | m. obstruction |
14. to stick | n. spin doctor |
Ex.3 Give definitions of the following words and word-combinations
Fall foul of something, in-house PR practitioners, crisis management techniques, tried-and-tested approach, defamation, high-profile, long-drawn-out, end up out of pocket, salacious story, cross-examination, low-key campaign, to take a sledgehammer to crack a nut, heavy-handed bully, remain at the mercy of the law, to staunch the torrent.
Ex.4 Complete the words and translate the following sentences into Russian. Change the form of the word where necessary.
1. He succeeds Alexander Borodai, a Moscow s___________________ d____________________ who reportedly played a role in Russia's annexation of Crimea before moving to eastern Ukraine.
2. “We must remain v___________________ against these types of attacks and place a high priority on tracking and interdicting such plots.”
3. And that fight comes down to a simple question: Who decides when a religious person’s rights have been i__________________?
4. The question of what Lufthansa knew about any psychiatric problems may be a factor in its l____________________________ in the crash.
5. If you did a good job of deposing the expert before trial, your c_______________-e__________________ won't be as difficult as it might seem
6. On top of dealing with the P____ r________________________ of its massive data leak, two former employees filed a class-action suit against the company for failing to protect their data.
7. The types of m________________ o_________________ are print media, broadcast media such as television news, radio news and the internet.
8. While i_________________P_________ p____________________were weighing up the risks of putting their names ‘out there’ on blogs, on Twitter or in YouTube videos or podcast interviews, consultants were taking a chance and experimenting with these new media channels.
9. D________________________ is not a criminal offence in Singapore, but there are strict laws forbidding insults against race and religion.
10. They admitted involuntary manslaughter and criminal t____________________ing to avoid trial.
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