I. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Блок 1 (Unit 1)

I. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)


 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола для каждого предложения на английском языке.

 1. The sequence of reasonable operations … now by this microcomputer.

a) were carried out

b) are carrying out

c) are being carried out

2. Many new branches of physical science … since the 19th century

a) have developed

b) have been developed

c) have been developing

3. Many books on computers’ organization and architecture… by the end of the year.

a) are translated

b) were translated

c) had been translated

4. The conference … by a well-known scientist.

a) addressed

b) had addressed

c) was addressed

5. They … about it by the end of the next week.

a) will be informed

b) will have inform

c) will have been informed


Выберите правильный перевод сказуемого

1.He was operated on yesterday.

a) он прооперировал

b) он оперировал

c) его прооперировали

2. Modern computers are always looked at with interest.

a) современные компьютеры рассматривают с интересом

b) современные компьютеры рассмотрят

c) на современные компьютеры смотрят

3. They were listened to with great attention

a) их слушали с большим вниманием

b) они слушали с большим вниманием

c) они прослушали с большим вниманием

4. She was taken care of by many people.

a) она позаботилась о многих людях

b) люди заботятся о ней

c) о ней позаботились многие люди

5. The discovery of X-rays was quickly followed by their application to medicine.

a) открытие рентгеновских лучей быстро последовало за их применением в медицине

b) открытие рентгеновских лучей быстро преследовало их применение

c) за открытием рентгеновских лучей быстро последовало их применение в медицине люди заботятся о ней

6. The human skin is chemically affected by ultraviolet light.

a) человеческая кожа химическим образом повлияла на ультрафиолетовое излучением

b) на человеческую кожу химически воздействуют ультрафиолетовым излучением

c) человеческая кожа химически подвержена воздействию ультрафиолетового излучения 


Выберите правильную форму сказуемого.

1. These data are referred to/are referring to.

2. He can be relied upon/can be relying upon.

3. This discovery was speaking of/was spoken of.

4. His lectures are always followed/are being followed by the discussion.

5. The quality of this substance will be affected/ will be being affected by the increase of temperature.

6. The consensus has just be arrived at/has just been arrived at.


Исправьте ошибки, где необходимо.

1. Faraday's law was been following by a series of other discoveries.

2. Nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons.

3. These data are being insisting upon.

4. Much personal information is be stored in computer files.

5. A new play has been staged.

6. They have never being explained by this rule.

7. The experiments had finished by the end of the week.

8. All materials are been affecting in some way by a magnetic field.

9. They have never been talked to like that before.

10. We were giving not much time to answer the questions by the examiners.

11. This flow of electrical charge is been referred to as electrical current.

12. The performance of CPU is affecting by a number of factors.


II. Неличные формы глагола (Verbals)


II.1. Инфинитив (Infinitive)


Укажите номера предложений в которых русский перевод должен начинаться со слова “чтобы”.

a) To find the mass of the electron was then very important.

b) To read a map it is important to understand what these symbols, lines and colours.

c) To make it easier to describe elements and molecules chemical formulas are used.

d) Signals are transmitted between devices in order to send and receive information which might be video, audio or some sort of encoded data.

e) To make the first step into the cosmic space was a difficult task.

f) In order to build circuits we will need to become familiar with a few basic components.


Блок 2. (Unit 2)


Блок 3 (Unit 3)

Блок 1 (Unit 1)

I. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)


 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола для каждого предложения на английском языке.

 1. The sequence of reasonable operations … now by this microcomputer.

a) were carried out

b) are carrying out

c) are being carried out

2. Many new branches of physical science … since the 19th century

a) have developed

b) have been developed

c) have been developing

3. Many books on computers’ organization and architecture… by the end of the year.

a) are translated

b) were translated

c) had been translated

4. The conference … by a well-known scientist.

a) addressed

b) had addressed

c) was addressed

5. They … about it by the end of the next week.

a) will be informed

b) will have inform

c) will have been informed


Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 858.