Text 1. Asian and European cuisine
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Study the text and enumerate the main peculiar features of European and Asian cuisines.


1 umbrella term – широкий, общий термин

2 fusion – объединение, слияние

3 to refer to – иметь отношение, относиться к чему-либо

4 in particular – в особенности, в частности

5 to assume – принимать, считать

6 authentic – аутентичный, истинный, настоящий

7 to exclude – исключать

8 nomenclature – перечень, список

9 prominent – выдающийся, знаменитый, известный

10 substantial – питательный, основной

11 condiment – приправа

12 gravy – подливка (из сока жаркого), соус, сок

13 seasoning – приправа; специи

14 accompaniment – сопутствующий продукт

15 to penetrate – пропитывать

Asian cuisine is a term used in the West as an umbrella term for the various cuisines of South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia and for fusion dishes based on combining them. It does not usually include Polynesian, Central Asia or Middle Eastern cuisine.

In the United Kingdom, the term "Asian cuisine" generally refers to the cuisine of South Asia, such as Indian cuisine, while in the United States, the term Asian Cuisine usually refers to cuisine from the countries of east Asia (particularly Chinese, Japanese, and Thai). The usual dining term is to go out for "Chinese food", "sushi" or "Indian food". In particular, the term Chinese cuisine is automatically assumed to be American Chinese cuisine. Authentic Chinese cuisine is rare in the US. Being authentic, it is not known to employ the use of lobster meat. They are exclusive to urban districts with high Asian population such as Chinatowns. Even so, not every Chinatown serves authentic styles.

In much of Asia, the term does not include the country's native cuisines if it is used. For example, in Hong Kong and mainland China Asian cuisine is a general umbrella term for Japanese cuisine, Korean cuisine, Thai cuisine, Vietnamese cuisine, Malaysian and Singaporean cuisine, Indonesian cuisine, and Indian cuisine, but importantly, Chinese regional cuisines are excluded. Any Chinese regional cuisines will be referred to by their own names.

European cuisine could simply mean as culinary styles from countries in Europe in the Western world.

A collective definition of European cuisine , or alternatively Western cuisine is a generalized nomenclature for people especially from South, East and Southeast Asian countries referring collectively to the cuisines of the Western countries including Europe, Russia, North America, and Australasia, Oceania, and Latin America. This term is rarely used in the West except in the context of contrasting with Asian styles of cooking. It is analogous to Westerners referring collectively the cuisines of Asian countries as Asian cuisine.

The cuisines of Western countries are diverse by themselves, although there are common characteristics that distinguish Western cooking from cuisines of Asian countries. Compared with traditional cooking of Asian countries, meat is more prominent and substantial in serving, and Westerners traditionally have a far more in depth knowledge concerning specific methods of preparing and serving different cuts of meat than Asians. Steak in particular is a common dish across the West. Western cuisines also put in substantial emphasis on sauce (or called gravy in meat dishes) as condiments, seasonings, or accompaniments due to the difficulty of seasonings penetrating larger pieces of meat used in cooking. Plenty of dairy products are utilized in the cooking process, except for the nouvelle cuisine days. Spices are more prominent than many East and Southeast Asian cuisines due to the heavy use of meat. Carbohydrate staples play a more minor role than Asian cuisines.

Restaurants advertised to be specializing in generic Western cuisine in Asia tend to have menus containing a mixture of dishes mainly from France, the English-speaking world, and Germany. Since the early 1990s dishes from Italy and Spain have become more prominent on these restaurants' menus.

Text work

1. Give Russian equivalents:

1 an umbrella term for the various cuisines

2 fusion dishes based on combining

3 the use of lobster meat

4 exclusive to urban districts

5 in the context of contrasting

6 characteristics that distinguish Western cooking

7 more prominent and substantial in serving

8 substantial emphasis on sauce

9 plenty of dairy products

10 menus containing a mixture of dishes


2. Find synonyms to the following words in the text above:

1 notion

2 different

3 mixing

4 stylish, fashionable

5 comparison

6 divergent

7 nourishing

8 to use

9 new

10 milky


3. Find antonyms to the given words in the text:

1 native

2 not original

3 distinguished

4 simplicity

5 ordinary


4. Match the given words with definitions:

1 Cuisine                 a. known to be true or genuine       

2 Dish                      b. goods made from milk

3 Authentic              c. substances like salt or pepper that are used to give

                                    flavour to food

4 Condiments          d. food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal

5 Dairy products      e. a style of cooking; food cooked in a certain style


5. Read and translate the following groups of words derived from a common root:

1 To vary – various – variety – varied

2 To combine – combination – combined – combining

3 To exclude – exclusion – exclusive – exclusively

4 To generalize – generalization – generalized – generalizing

5 To accompany – accompaniment – accompanied – accompaning


6. Answer the questions:

1 What is Aisn cuisine?

2 What is the meaning of the term “Asian cuisine” in different countires?

3 What is European cuisine?

4 What countries are included in this group?

5 What are the differences between those two types of cookery?

6 What goods are used in European cuisine?

7 What cuisine would you like to taste? Why?

8 What cuisines have you tasted already? Which was the most delicious?


7. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1 Asian and European cuisines are similar.

2 Asian cuisine is spicier than European one.

3 There are a lot of restaurants of Asian cuisine in Russia now.



Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 1400.