Scan the text and give the main reasons due to which people choose cultural and educational tourism.
Cultural tourism is growing with the changing travel trends and tourist demographics. Tourists are currently taking shorter vacations, mainly in urban destinations and a more sophisticated and educated tourist is emerging. Europe continues to attract increasing numbers of tourists to their cultural locations. The European Commission reported 20% of European tourists are responding to cultural motivations, while 60% of European tourists are interested in cultural discovery during their stay.
As tourism popularity and international travel continues to increase, cultural tourism interest will see a substantial increase. Moreover, interest in cultural tourism peaks for individuals between the ages 45 and 65. As the population life expectancy continues to rise, so will the interest in cultural tourism.
Currently, there is a lack of statistical research focusing on the impact of cultural tourism and its projected popularity.
Learning-oriented tourism includes audio tourism and audio walking tours; bookstore tourism, in which travellers visit independent bookstores; creative tourism workshops; educational tourism for classes; ancestry tourism, to visit birth places; Hobby tourism (such as garden tours, amateur radio DX-peditions, or square dance cruises).
The cultural sub-type of learning-oriented tourism focuses on cultural and arts activities, including cultural tourism, music tourism, and heritage tourism. The nature and environment-oriented sub-types include Coastal tourism; Ecotourism (e.g. sustainable tourism in Rainforests or national parks); Garden tourism; and Rural tourism such as Agritourism.
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) forecasts that international tourism will continue growing at the average annual rate of 4 %. By 2020 Europe will remain the most popular destination, but its share will drop from 60% in 1995 to 46%. Long-haul will grow slightly faster than intraregional travel and by 2020 its share will increase from 18% in 1995 to 24%.
Space tourism is expected to "take off" in the first quarter of the 21st century, although compared with traditional destinations the number of tourists in orbit will remain low until technologies such as a space elevator make space travel cheap. Technological improvement is likely to make possible air-ship hotels, based either on solar-powered airplanes or large dirigibles. Underwater hotels, such as Hydropolis, expected to open in Dubai in 2009, will be built. On the ocean tourists will be welcomed by ever larger cruise ships and perhaps floating cities.
1 to emerge - появляться
2 to respond to - реагировать, отзываться
3 stay - пребывание, жительство, остановка
4 substantial - важный, значимый, значительный
5 expectancy - ожидание
6 currently - теперь, в настоящее время
7 impact - сильное воздействие; влияние
8 ancestry - происхождение; родословная
9 heritage - наследство; наследие
10 average annual rate -средний годовой уровень
Text work
1. Answer the following questions:
1 Why is the popularity of cultural tourism going to increase?
2 People of what age are interested in cultural tourism?
3 What influences the rise of cultural tourism?
4 What types of educational tourism can you name?
5 What types of educational tourism can be the motivation for traveling for you personally?
6 What forecasts does The World Tourism Organization give?
7 What kind of tourism is expected to appear in the beginning of the 21st century?
8 What other types of tourism can you imagine in the near future?
2. Scan the text once again and explain the meaning of the given dates, numbers and names:
1 20% and 60%
2 45 and 65
3 2020
4 2009
3. Project work
Look through the list of services suggested at the resort. Choose some kind of tourism. Make an advertisement for this resort; create the list of services you would like to suggest to your customers.
Typical services include:
Chapter 3. Extreme tourism
1 What is extreme tourism?
2 What types of extreme tourism do you know?
3 Have you ever experienced any type of extreme tourism? Was it dangerous? When was it? Did you go with an instructor? Give some details.
4 What other types of extreme tourism would you like to try? Why?
5 What company is the best for extreme tourism?
6 Look through the pictures and answer the question: Why do people risk?
Canyoning in the Rocky Mountains Crossing a swing bridge on the Huxley
River in the South Island of New Zealand
Eagle Creek, Oregon hiking Canyoning via packraft in the U.S. southwest
7 What can make you risk your life?
8 Do you consider it reasonable to risk your life for entertainment?
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 599.