Study the text and do the tasks given below.
1 expenditures – расходы
2 to exceed – превышать
3 to spring up – возникать, появляться
4 accurate – правильный, точный
5 excursionist – турист, экскурсант
6 in accord with – в соответствии с (чем-л.)
7 convention – собрание, съезд
8 incentive – побуждение, стимул
9 fare – стоимость проезда, тариф, плата за проезд
10 in advance – до, заблаговременно
The tourist industry has become one of the most important economic influences of modern times. Expenditures for international tourism - the travel of tourists from one country to another - should exceed 20 billion dollars a year by the end of this decade. The total expenditures for internal or domestic tourism- travel within only one country-may total more than 100 billion dollars by 2010!
Tourism has been one of the fastest growing industries in recent years. Indeed, the growth rate of tourism has generally exceeded the growth rate for the worldwide economy. Sometimes it seems as though a new resort area springs up every day wherever there are sun and sea. The shores of the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas and the Pacific coastlines of Mexico, Florida, and Hawaii are only a few of the areas that have been intensively developed in the past few years.
In spite of this rapid growth, it is not easy to define tourism, and accurate statistics are not easy to obtain. Tourism necessarily involves travel; a tourist is usually defined as a person who is visiting some place other than his usual residence for more than 24 hours. A tourist is distinguished by the length of his trip from an excursionist, who is away from his usual residence for less than 24 hours, or at most a weekend.
The question of purpose, however, also must enter into the definition of tourism. Many people travel entirely for the purpose of recreation or pleasure; they are people on holiday. Other people travel for reasons of health. Originally, both the Riviera and Switzerland were tourist destinations as health resorts. Other people travel to visit friends or relatives, a reason that has become more important because of increased mobility throughout the world. Still others travel in order to educate themselves in accord with the old precept that travel is broadening.
All of these people are generally considered tourists since the primary reason for their trips is recreation. Most tourist statistics also include people who are traveling on business. Among them are businessmen and government officials on specific missions, as well as people attending meetings or conventions. Another kind of business travel is the incentive trip. A bonus or reward is given, for example, to a salesman who has exceeded his quota. Many people among those traveling on business often combine pleasure with their work. They also use the same transportation, accommodations, and catering facilities as the holiday tourists. Accommodation refers to hotels or other places where a traveler can find rest and shelter; catering facilities refers to places where a traveler or another member of the public can find food and drink.
Not included in the area of tourism are people who travel to some place in order to take up a job there. This excludes from tourism the migrants who have been an important part of the modern industrial scene in the more industrialized countries of North Europe or in the continental United States. Students who travel to another region or country where they are enrolled in a regular school are also not usually included in tourist statistics.
The marketing approaches for the two major divisions among tourists-recreational and business travelers - is somewhat different. The recreational travelers respond to a greater degree to lower fares and other inducements in pricing and selecting the destination for their trips. In a technical phrase, they make up a price elastic market. The business groups, on the other hand, make up a price inelastic market. Their trips are not scheduled according to lower fares, the destination is determined in advance, and the expense is usually paid for by their employers. They are looking for dependable rather than inexpensive service. Business travelers also make more trips to large cities or industrial centers than to resort areas, although many conventions are now held at resort hotels. It should be noted, however, that some large cities, such as London, Paris, New York, Rome, and Tokyo, are themselves the most important tourist destinations in the world. Because of this, it is difficult to separate pure recreation travel from business travel.
Text work
1. Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations
1. затраты
2. появляться
3. место проживания
4. отдых
5. посещать встречи
6. побудительная поездка
7. услуги общественного питания
8. проводить съезды, собрания
9. составлять
10. оплата за проезд
2. Find synonyms to the following worlds from the text
1. impact
2. significant
3. aim
4. to extend
5. area
6. to extend
7. to search
8. contemporary
9. to be a student
10. various
3. Find antonyms to the following words from the text
1. excursionist
2. to diminish
3. temporal living
4. recreational traveler
5. work
4. Match the given words with definitions
1. Residence a) a journey; an excursion
2. Trip b) refreshment of body or mind, that refreshes, e.g.
3. Mobility exercise, sport, amusement
4. Recreation c) an ability moving easily or able to be moved easily
5. Facilities d) a meeting or number of meetings, arranged for a special
6. Convention purpose
7. Market f) having one’s home in or at, occupying an official place in
which one lives
g) things or circumstances that help one to do something
e) a public place where goods are bought and sold
5. Read and translate the following groups of words derived from a common root
To grow – growth – grower – growing
To combine – combination – combinatorial – combinative
To recreate – recreation – recreative
To accommodate – accommodation – accommodating
To depend – dependence – dependable
6. Study the main terms of health tourism:
1. Health tourism – a kind of tourism which combine rest, entertainment and treatment.
2. health farm – a place where people go in order to try to improve health by eating certain food, exercising, etc.
3. health food – natural food, usually free of artificial substances, which is thought to be especially good for the health.
4. fit – means that your body is in very good condition, especially because you take regular exercise.
5. mineral water – water from a spring in the ground that contains dissolved mineral salts or gases.
6. sanatorium – a place like a hospital where patients who have a lasting illness or who are recovering from an illness are treated.
7. vitamin – any of a number of organic substances which are present in certain foods and are essential to the health and growth of humans and animals.
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 1190.