Scan the text and define the main concept of health tourism. Define the main constituents of a resort.
Health tourism has always existed, but it was not until the eighteenth century that it became important. In England, it was associated with spas, places with supposedly health-giving mineral waters, treating diseases from gout to liver disorders and bronchitis. The most popular resorts were Bath, Cheltenham, Buxton, Harrogate, and Tunbridge Wells. Visits to take 'the waters' also allowed the visitors to attend balls and other entertainments. Continental Spas such as Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary) attracted many fashionable travellers by the nineteenth century. Resorts combine a hotel and a variety of recreations, such as swimming pools.
A resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation, attracting visitors for holidays or vacations. Resorts are places, towns or sometimes commercial establishment operated by a single company. Such a self-contained resort attempts to provide for most of a vacationer's wants while remaining on the premises, such as food, drink, lodging, sports, entertainment, and shopping. The term "resort" sometimes is misused to identify a hotel that does not provide the other amenities required of a full resort. However, a hotel is frequently a central feature of a resort, such as the Grand Hotel at Mackinac Island, Michigan. A resort is not merely a commercial establishment operated by a single company, although in the late twentieth century this sort of facility became more common.
Towns that contain resorts—or where tourism or vacationing is a major part of the local activity—are often called resort towns. Towns such as Sochi in Russia, Newport, Rhode Island or St. Moritz, Switzerland, or larger regions, like the Adirondack Mountains or the Italian Riviera are well known resorts. The Walt Disney World Resort is a prominent example of a modern, self-contained commercial resort. Resorts exist throughout the world, increasingly attracting visitors from around the globe. Thailand, for instance, has become a popular destination. Resorts are especially prevalent in Central America and the Caribbean. Closely related to resorts are convention and large meeting sites. Generally these occur in cities where special meeting halls, together with ample accommodations as well as varied dining and entertainment are provided.
Resort at a destination is a commercial establishment at a resort destination such as a recreational area, a scenic or historic site, a theme park, a gaming facility or other tourist attraction competes with other businesses at that destination.. Examples would be hotels in and around Walt Disney World, resorts in St. Martin in the Caribbean, and establishments at Aspen, Colorado in the USA.
1. to associate with - ассоциировать, связывать
2. supposedly - по общему мнению, предположительно
3. disorder - нарушение, расстройство ( какой-л. функции организма )
4. recreation - отдых; восстановление здоровья, душевных и физических сил; выздоровление
5. premise - помещение, дом
6. lodging - жилище, жилье
7. amenities - прелести, красоты
8. self-contained - изолированный, отдельный
9. prevalent - распространенный, общепринятый
10. ample - богатый, просторный
Text work
1. Give Russian equivalents:
1 treating diseases from gout to liver disorders
2 to take 'the waters'
3 to combine a hotel and a variety of recreations
4 operated by a single company
5 to attempt to provide
6 a prominent example of a modern, self-contained commercial resort
7 to exist throughout the world
8 a scenic or historic site
9 a gaming facility
10 to compete with
2. Find synonyms to the following words:
1 to treat diseases
2 to attend
3 recreation
4 to operate
5 vacationer
6 facility
7 to relate to
8 to vary
9 tourist attraction
10 to provide
3. Answer the questions:
1 How can you define a spa?
2 Can you imagine what services are provided there?
3 What is the difference between a hotel and a resort?
4 Give examples of resort towns in Russia.
5 What resort would you like to visit and why?
4. Look through the pictures and scan the given information. Choose the type of resort you would advise your friend to visit. Explain your choice.
A destination resort is a resort that contains, in and of itself, the necessary guest attraction capabilities—that is to say that a destination resort does not need to be near a destination (town, historic site, theme park, or other) to attract its public. Consequently, another characteristic of a destination resort is that is offers food, drink, lodging, sports, entertainment, and shopping within the facility so that guests have no need to leave the facility throughout their stay. Commonly these facilities are of higher quality than would be expected if one were to stay at a hotel or eat in a town's restaurants. Some examples are Atlantis in the Bahamas, Costa do Sauípe in the Northeastern Brazil, Laguna Phuket in Thailand and Sun City near Johannesburg in South Africa.
The "Paradise" resort in Catskills.
An all-inclusive resort is a resort that, besides providing all of the common amenities of a resort, charges a fixed price that includes most or all items. At a minimum, most inclusive resorts include lodging, unlimited food, drink, sports activities, and entertainment for the fixed price. In recent years, the number of resorts offering "all-inclusive" amenities has decreased dramatically; in 1961, over half offered such plans and in 2007, less than ten percent do so.
A famous resort of the ancient world (historical resort) was Baiae, Italy, popular over 2,000 years ago. Capri, an island near Naples, Italy, has attracted visitors since Roman times. Another famous historical resort was Monte Ne, Arkansas, which was active in the early 20th century. At its peak more than 10,000 people a year visited its hotels. It was disenfranchised in the 1930s and flooded in the 1960s and all that remains are ruins.
A destination spa is a short term residential/lodging facility with the primary purpose of guiding individual spa-goers to develop healthy habits. Historically over a seven-day stay,such facilities typically provide a comprehensive program that includes spa services, physical fitness activities, wellness education, healthful cuisine and special interest programming.
Some destination spas offer an all-inclusive program that includes facilitated fitness classes, healthy cuisine, educational classes and seminars as well as similar services to a beauty salon or a day spa. Guests reside and participate in the program at a destination spa instead of just visiting for a treatment or pure vacation. Some destination spas are in exotic locations or in spa towns.
Text 3. Leisure tourism
Scan the text and find the main advantages of different kinds of rest.
Leisure travel was associated with the industrialisation of United Kingdom – the first European country to promote leisure time to the increasing industrial population. Initially, this applied to the owners of the machinery of production, the economic oligarchy, the factory owners, and the traders. These comprised the new middle class. Cox & Kings were the first official travel company to be formed in 1758. Later, the working class could take advantage of leisure time.
The British origin of this new industry is reflected in many place names. At Nice, one of the first and best-established holiday resorts on the French Riviera, the long esplanade along the seafront is known to this day as the Promenade des Anglais; in many other historic resorts in continental Europe, old well-established palace hotels have names like the Hotel Bristol, the Hotel Carlton or the Hotel Majestic - reflecting the dominance of English customers.
A seaside resort is a resort located on the coast. Where a beach is the primary focus for tourists, it may be called a beach resort. The coast has always been a recreational environment, although until the mid-nineteenth century, such recreation was a luxury only for the wealthy. Even in Roman times, the town of Baiae, by the Tyrrhenian Sea in Italy, was a resort for those who were sufficiently prosperous. During the early nineteenth century, the Prince Regent popularised Brighton, on the south coast of England, as a fashionable alternative to the wealthy spa towns such as Bath. Later, Queen Victoria's long-standing patronage of the Isle of Wight and Broadstairs in Kent ensured the seaside residence was a highly fashionable possession for those wealthy enough to afford more than one home. Now a days, many beach resorts are available at Goa Kerala and West Bengal in India such as Club Mahindra, Taj, The Sana Beach etc.
It was in the mid-nineteenth century that it became popular for people from less privileged classes to take holidays at seaside resorts. Improvements in transportation brought about by the industrial revolution enabled people to take holidays away from home, and led to the growth of coastal towns as seaside resorts. This is perhaps most strongly evidenced in England and Wales, where no point is more than 180 km from the coast.
A lot of seaside towns have turned to other entertainment industries and a lot of which have a good deal of nightlife, the cinemas and theatres often remain and a lot of seaside towns become host to a number of pubs, bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Most of their entertainment facilities cater for more local people and the beaches still remain popular during the summer months. Although international tourism turned people away from the British seaside towns, it also brought in a lot of foreign travel and many seaside towns are the host of foreign language schools and many of the students return for holidays and sometimes to settle. As a result a lot of seaside towns are culturally diverse.
The seafront of Kemer, a seaside resort in Llandudno Pier
Antalya, Turkey
1 initially - в начале
2 owner - владелец
3 trader - трейдер, торговец
4 esplanade - эспланада, площадка для прогулок; ровная открытая местность
5 luxury - богатство, пышность, роскошь
6 prosperous - богатый, обеспеченный, состоятельный
7 patronage - покровительство, попечительство
8 possession - владение, собственность, имущество
9 to bring about - вызывать
10 to turn somebody away - отворачивать; отклонять
Text work
1. Find English equivalents in the text:
1 рекламировать отдых
2 первая официальная туристическая компания
3 воспользоваться чем-л., использовать что-л. в своих интересах
4 отражаться в названиях многих мест
5 преобладание клиентов – англичан
6 расположенный на побережье
7 роскошь только для состоятельных людей
8 достаточно обеспеченный
9 позволить людям проводить выходные (отпуск) вне дома
10 разнообразие ночной жизни
2. Look through the text once again and find the words which characterize such notions as:
1 leisure time
2 seaside resort
3 entertainment industries
3. Answer the questions:
1 What was the first tourist company in the UK?
2 What was the alternative to wealthy spa towns in the early nineteenth century?
3 Why was the seaside residence considered to be an extremely fashionable ownership?
4 When did people from less privileged classes begin to take holidays at seaside resorts?
5 What entertainment facilities are presented at seaside towns?
6 Why are many seaside towns culturally different?
7 What facilities can be observed in present day beach resorts?
8 What entertainment facility attracts you most of all? Why?
9 What seaside resorts have you visited?
10 How can you characterize Russian seaside resorts?
Text 4. Mass tourism
Scan the text and find the information about the factors which allowed the mass tourism to spread all over the world.
Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, Valencia, Spain. Saint Peter's Square, St. Peter's Basilica,
Vatican City.
Mass travel could only develop with improvements in technology allowed the transport of large numbers of people in a short space of time to places of leisure interest, and greater numbers of people began to enjoy the benefits of leisure time.
The pioneer of modern mass tourism was Thomas Cook who, on 5 July 1841, organized the first package tour in history. He arranged for the rail company to charge one shilling per person for a group of 570 temperance campaigners from Leicester to a rally in Loughborough, eleven miles away. Cook was paid a share of the fares actually charged to the passengers, as the railway tickets, being legal contracts between company and passenger, could not have been issued at his own price. There had been railway excursions before, but this one included entrance to an entertainment held in private grounds, rail tickets and food for the train journey. Cook immediately saw the potential of a convenient 'off the peg' holiday product in which everything was included in one cost. He organised packages inclusive of accommodation for the Great Exhibition, and afterwards pioneered package holidays in both Britain (particularly in Scotland) and on the European continent (where Paris and the Alps were the most popular destinations).
The spread of the railway network in the 19th century resulted in the growth of Britain's seaside towns by bringing them within easy distance of Britain's urban centres. Blackpool was created by the construction of a line to Fleetwood, and some resorts were promoted by the railway companies themselves - Morecambe by the Midland Railway and Cleethorpes by the Great Central Railway.
Increasing speed on railways meant that the tourist industry could develop internationally. To this may be added the development of sea travel. By 1901, the number of people crossing the English Channel from England to France or Belgium had passed 0.5 million per year. Shipping companies were anxious to fill cabin space that was under-utilized.
However, the real age of international mass travel began with the growth of air travel after World War II. In the immediate post-war period, there was a surplus of transport aircraft, such as the popular and reliable Douglas Dakota, and a number of ex-military pilots ready to fly them. They were available for charter flights, and tour operators began to use them for European destinations, such as Paris and Ostend.
The developments in technology and transport infrastructure such as jumbo jets and low-budget airlines have made many types of tourism more affordable. There have also been changes in lifestyle, such as retiree-age people who living as a tourist all the year round. This is facilitated by internet purchasing of tourism products. Some sites have now started to offer dynamic packaging, in which an inclusive price is quoted for a tailor- made package requested by the customer upon impulse.
1 improvement - улучшение, усовершенствование
2 benefit - выгода; преимущество
3 to charge - запрашивать цену
4 rally - съезд, слет; митинг
5 'off the peg' - готовый
6 anxious - озабоченный, беспокоящийся
7 surplus - избыток, излишек
8 jumbo jet - авиалайнер-гигант
9 affordable - возможный; допустимый; по средствам
10 to facilitate - облегчать; способствовать; помогать
Text work
1. Find English equivalents in the text:
1 наслаждаться преимуществами отдыха
2 организованная туристическая поездка; групповой туризм
3 часть стоимости проезда
4 все было включено в одну стоимость
5 распространение железнодорожной сети
6 заполнить каюты
7 избыток авиа транспорта
8 популярный и надежный
9 доступный для чартерных рейсов
10 люди пенсионного возраста
2. Agree or disagree with the following statements:
1 The founder of present day mass tourism was Christopher Columbus.
2 Mass tourism was widely spread since 11th century.
3 The spread of the railway network in the 19th century resulted in the decrease of Ireland's seaside towns.
4 Shipping companies were indifferent to filling cabin space that was under-utilized.
5 Nowadays the Internet assists in buying tourism products.
3. Scan the text once again and find out the meaning of the following dates and names:
1) 5 July 1841
2) 1901
3) Blackpool
4) Paris and Ostend
5) Thomas Cook
Дата: 2018-11-18, просмотров: 664.