I. Answer the following questions:
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

What is the main factor influencing one’s general health?

How did Marvin R. Strunk use to keep fit in the youth? How does he do it now?

What are the ways to make life more interesting? What is Marvin R. Strunk’s idea about it?

What is Marvin R. Strunk’s approach to beauty?

When did the real appreciation of beauty occur for the first time in his life?

II. Complete the following sentences:

Some people seem to go through life with little or no sickness, when others…

Fortunately, my generation and especially younger people are embarking on a path to…

Playing badminton improves your…

In my long career I had many job changes and was permitted to…

… met a number of wonderful people, some are still my friends, and learned much about a number of different areas of the World.

The nighttime sky is a marvel…

Some reading this will think of a dozen other ways in which beauty is portrayed and I agree, but I have listed a few and…


III. Give the Russian equivalents for the following expressions:

to raise money; appreciation of beauty; emergent smile; to miss out on flora and fauna; eagerness to participate in something different; snowcapped mountains.

IV. Give the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

выдающийся успех, источник наслаждения, чувство красоты, наследственность, расширять кругозор.

V. Give synonyms:

dissipation, salient, to introduce, to enrich, to assume, to portray, to marvel.

VI. Give antonyms:

to embark, stately, avid, steadfast, incongruous.

VII. Give the derivatives:

diversity, cheer, courage, observe, assistance, various, influence, control, regular.

Follow-up Activities

VIII. Thought-provoking questions:

How can you define the concept of “beauty”?

What is your idea of a healthy lifestyle?

Do you agree with the saying “Variety is the spice of life”?


Part 5

Sometimes Silence Is Golden

Often we feel we have to express an opinion on every subject under discussion. True, we may have something very meaningful to add to the deliberation. I have been in meetings where a member feels compelled to express an opinion of every issue even though he or she may not be informed about the subject. I often have to hold back because my experience, age and knowledge will tend to stifle participation of others who will find it healthy and beneficial to voice their views. An example is a Bible study where an issue is being discussed with different convections being expressed. Maybe some views are not well Biblically founded but the discussion has value. Since with this group I have superior Biblical knowledge and with my age and experience, expressing my viewpoint, without being asked, will end the discussion. Of course, there are times when the direction must be challenged because of the direction the discussion has taken. But once again, sometimes we need to keep silent to encourage others.

 Then there are times we need to “bite our tongue.” Being critical is a big temptation for all, especially in family gatherings and situations. We have the tendency or wish to “straighten them out.” But usually the comments will only antagonize or debilitate a person to whom the aspersion is directed. In my case, too often an apology is required after the event, so I have learned to keep my comments positive.

Say “Thank You” and “You’re Welcome”

This little act of courtesy is so often not given, forgotten or ignored. Too bad. Whether it is a simple act of holding a door for me or someone else to enter or a more meaningful effort such as cooking a meal, giving a ride, etc. a response of Thank You is appreciated or even expected. Over the years, my grandchildren have learned to say “thank you” for little courtesies and what a pleasure for me to respond with a “You are Welcome”. They are not always perfect and neither am I in response, but usually very thoughtful. Two of my grandchildren are very careless about this response and I have to be careful not to let this lack of response affect my relationship with them.

A little note about the “You are Welcome” response. Twenty or thirty years ago, the culture gave a response of “No problem” to a simple “Thank you”. The connotation of this response is “I am doing this because it doesn’t require great effort on my part” rather then “I am pleased to help, appreciate or provide a little or large courtesy to you.” Fortunately, “no problem” has been dropped in the last twenty years to “You’re Welcome”.

Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 286.