I. Answer the following questions:
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. Heredity and genes have a great influence on one’s general health.

2. As a youth, Mr. Strunk was active in sports and Boy Scout activities such as camping and hiking. Later in college, he played in the tennis team and boxed. He still plays tennis regularly and tries to walk three miles each day.

3. To make life more interesting we need to explore and try new avenues of thoughts, sports and arts.

4. We can find beauty everywhere. We should just look for it. For many a symphony orchestra playing a Beethoven masterpiece, a visit to an art museum is beautiful. Others see beauty in a well run factory or an inspiring church service. People are using their abilities, talents, and energy to make things happen and this is beautiful to his mind.

5. The real appreciation of beauty occurred with the birth of his first child, Nancy. For the first time he marveled at the structure of the little fingers, the first emergent smile and the pleasure he felt looking at her: the eyes, the tiny mouth and everything, although small, was perfectly made. This was real beauty for him.

II. Complete the following sentences:

1. Some people seem to go through life with little or no sickness, when others have difficulty going through a year without sickness or congenial health problems.

2. Fortunately, my generation and especially younger people are embarking on a path to improve their health with proper eating, exercise and being alert to potential health problems.

3. Playing badminton improves your quickness and increases the hand-eye coordination.

4. In my long career I had many job changes and was permitted to introduce a number of promotional events and new banking ideas.

5. I met a number of wonderful people, some are still my friends, and learned much about a number of different areas of the World.

6. The nighttime sky is a marvel of thousands of twinkling lights moving across the blackened Colorado sky.

7. Some reading this will think of a dozen other ways in which beauty is portrayed and I agree, but I have listed a few and hope the reader will be encouraged to enlarge their scope and variety of beauty.

III. Give the Russian equivalents for the following expressions:

to raise money – заработать деньги;

appreciation of beauty – оценка красоты;

emergent smile – неожиданно возникшая улыбка;

to miss out on flora and fauna – не обращать внимание на флору и фауну;

eagerness to participate in something different – стремление участвовать в чем-то другом;

snowcapped mountains – заснеженные горы.

IV. Give the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

выдающийся успех – outstanding success, источник наслаждения – source of enjoyment, чувство красоты – sense of beauty, наследственность – heredity, расширять кругозор – to enlarge one’s scope.

V. Give synonyms:

dissipation – scattering, ruin;

salient – notable, outstanding;

to introduce – to present;

to enrich – to improve;

to assume – to accept;

to portray – to depict, to draw;

to marvel – to admire.

VI. Give antonyms:

to embark – end, finish;

stately – insignificant, ordinary, unimportant;

avid – generous;

steadfast – unstable, weak, changeable;

incongruous – suitable, harmonious, compatible.

VII. Give the derivatives:

diversity – diverse, diversify;

cheer – cheerful, cheerfully, cheerfulness, cheered;

courage – discourage, encourage, encourager, courageous, courageously;

observe – observer, observation, observant, observational, observatory, observably, observance;

assistance – assist, assistant;

various – vary, varied, variable, variety;

influence – to influence, influenced, influencer, influential;

control – controlled, controlling, controller, controllable, controllability;

regular – irregular, regulation, regulative, to regulate, regulator, regularly.

Learning Activities 5

I. Answer the following questions:

1. Sometimes we need to keep silent to encourage others, to let them voice their views.

2. The connotation of the response “No problem” is “I am doing this because it doesn’t require great effort on my part”, the connotation of the response “You are welcome” is “I am pleased to help, appreciate or provide a little or large courtesy to you.”

3. When Mr. Strunk was young the influence, stimulation and education came from books, lectures from travelers, explorers. They also had radio.

4. Many people nowadays can’t carry on a conversation with a foreigner as successfully as before because our reasoning skills are not developed and information is not stored internally.

5. It’s difficult to be fair-minded because we accumulate viewpoints and prejudices either from past influences or current activities and friends, we absorb attitudes regarding race, riches, poverty, class of people, etc.

II. True / False:

1. You must never “bite your tongue” – False. There are times we need to “bite our tongue” and sometimes silence is golden.

2. All grandchildren of Mr. Strunk say “thank you” for the little courtesies. – True.

3) In the 1930s photography was already of a very good quality. – False. Photography was not able to project magnified pictures on a screen.

4) Reading skills are much lower today than previously. – True.

5) Mr. Strunk’s parents were prosperous. – False. His parents came from a meager financial but morally strong background.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. There are times when the direction of the discussion must be challenged because of the direction the discussion has taken.

2. People learnt about far-off lands by means of radio and books.

3. TV and movies provide a dramatic presentation of the situation of events unfolding in the story.

4. Growing old provides real freedom to engage in different and new activities that can be invigorating and educational.

5. Over the years some politicians had tried to establish a third party but after obtaining a small number of votes have been absorbed into the established parties.

IV. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

convection – перенос;

to debilitate – ослаблять;

to be dropped to – отпадать;

to maintain (herein) – утверждать;

to store – хранить

fair-minded – беспристрастный;

mundane – мирской;

to trump – превосходить;

upheaval – переворот.

V. Give the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

oзвучить своё мнение – to express an opinion; требовать больших усилий – require great effort; с моей стороны – on my part; придержать дверь для кого-то – to hold a door for someone; подбросить (до дома) – give a ride; источник знаний – a source of knowledge; увеличенная картинка – a magnified picture; словесное описание – a word description; действие разворачивается – the event is unfolding; воодушевляющий – invigorating.

VI. Find the right word in the English text for the following definitions:

to grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate – to develop;

to decrease in vigour or extent; become weaker – to wane;

to long to possess something – to covet.

VII. Interpret the following phrases:

to hold back – not to do something, often because of fear or because you do not want to make a bad situation worse;

to bite one’s tongue – to stop yourself from saying something that you would really like to say;

to straighten smb out – to improve in conduct or character;

to rise from the horizon – to appear on the horizon.

VIII. Give synonyms:

discussion – deliberation;

to smother – stifle;

to oppose – resist, antagonize;

impetus – stimulus, incentive;

scanty – scarce, poor, meager.

IX. Give antonyms:

voluntary – forced, obligatory;

disadvantageous – beneficial;

to have no influence over smth – to influence, to have an impact on smth;

external – internal;

biased – fair-minded, impartial.

X. Give the derivatives:

to mean – meaning, meaningful, meaningless;

to tempt – temptation, tempted, tempting, temptable;

benefit – to benefit, beneficial, unbeneficial, beneficiary;

a fold – to fold, folded, folder.

Learning Activities 6

I. Answer the following questions:

1. Ethnic diversity in the USA is strongly connected with the history of the country: original settlers coming to shores were primarily from England, other small groups originated from France, Spain, and Holland. As the country grew, opportunity was abundant, immigrants from many countries flocked to America.

2. Mr. Strunk’s parents used their native tongue when they didn’t want their children to know about something, such as, Christmas presents.

3. Mexicans are not forced to learn English rapidly and thus integrate with others because they have Spanish speaking TV and radio stations, etc.

4. The most important advantage is that young people may travel throughout the country, go long distances to attend colleges and universities, visit friends in cities away from their home so it gives independence to the young and opportunity to explore nature, develop new interests away from their home location.

5. Since readers and listeners are influenced by newspapers, radio and TV, the politicians use these media to publicize their position on various issues. Hence, a news conference, or position statements, or one-on-one interviews to announce or argue a position or rebut an argument – these are normal actions. Mass media is a tool to achieve the goals.

II. True / False:

1. The United States has always been a country of immigrants. – True.

2. As soon as people moved to the USA they forgot the traditions of their own culture. – False. These people came from many European countries. They brought with them their language, customs, religion, talents, and beliefs.

3. There are no illegal immigrants in the USA. – False. Many people have come into the country illegally, some by swimming the Rio Grande River, which is the border between Mexico and the United States.

4. In general auto and air transportation is expensive – False. In general auto and air transportation is readily available and cheap.

5. People are not influenced by mass media – False. Readers and listeners are influenced by newspapers, radio and TV, and the politicians use these media to publicize their position on various issues.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. In the last thirty years there has been a large influx of men and women coming from Mexico, the country south of the United Sates.

2. One group that has not been permitted to become part of the melting pot is the negro population.

3. The excess of money can lead to excessive freedom and lessened influence of the parents when the young people may need direction and discipline from their parents.

4. The politicians use mass media to publicize their position on various issues due to a powerful influence of mass media on people’s minds in the United States.

5. The mass media holds a powerful position in the United States because people are and want to be informed, listen or read extensively and because of this widespread reception, politicians are very attuned to the market as represented by the media.

IV. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

to flock – стекаться;

melting pot – плавильный котел;

to be decremented against – быть приниженным;

to subscribe – подписываться;

to rebut – опровергать;

one-on-one interview –интервью один-на-один;

to be attuned to – быть настроенным на;

to run for office – баллотироваться на должность;

prevalent – преобладающий.

V. Give the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

поселенцы – settlers; обычай – custom; приспосабливаться к – to adjust to; этническое разнообразие – ethnic diversity; развиваться – evolve; спутник жизни – a life mate; финансовые возможности – financial resources; рекламировать – publicize; сдерживать – restrain; погрешность – err.

VI. Find the right word in the English text for the following definitions:

relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal – civic;

making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible – conducive;

a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election – candidate;

VII. Interpret the following phrases:

to take a position on – to agree with a point of view;

to sway the opinion of – to change the opinion;

to hinder someone from – to prevent someone from doing something;

to be on the air – to be broadcast.

VIII. Give synonyms:

to withdraw – remove; recede;

to merge – integrate;

to be isolated – to be segregated;

obstacle – barrier, hindrance;

partiality – bias.

IX. Give antonyms:

to increase – decline, decrease;

impartiality – bias;

attached – detached;

immobilized – mobilized, flexible;

unfavorable – fortunate, auspicious, advantageous.

X. Give the derivatives:

to reside – resident, residence;

evolution – evolve, evolutionary, evolutional;

mobile – to mobilize, immobile, mobilized, mobilization;

bias – biased, unbiased.

Learning Activities 7

I. Answer the following questions:

1. There are many reasons for emigration such as the opportunity for economic advancement, freedom and a dream for a new and bright future.

2. During the building of the transcontinental railroad in the 1960s workers were required to cut through mountains in dangerous terrain in California, so Chinese men were imported to accomplish this task and when they completed, they chose to remain.

3. Yes, it has. America has always been open to hardworking people who are willing to compete and may create new ideas.

4. The established immigrants resent and look down on more recent arrivals. Instead of assisting new comers, they place roadblocks in their way.

5. The US admits several million immigrants legally each year.

II. True / False:

1. America is a nation of immigrants. – True.

2. The overriding reason for immigrants has been the opportunity for economic advancement, freedom and a dream for a new and bright future. – True.

3. Women were brought into the country to perform necessary tasks. – False. Men were brought into the country to perform necessary tasks.

4. Imported workers decided to return to their country. – False. When imported workers completed their task, they chose to remain.

5. People enter the United States from many countries and generally are welcomed. – True.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. The incentive to emigrate will vary from time to time and is often driven by unsatisfactory conditions in the native country.

2. During the building of the transcontinental railroad in 1960’s workers were required to cut through mountains in dangerous terrain in California, so Chinese men were imported to accomplish this task.

3. Although we are all immigrants, sometimes the established immigrants resent and look down on more recent arrivals.

4. Several millions in addition are admitted on student visas and more are given work permits authorize the entry for a short period of six months or even several years.

5. To these one must add the influence of communication from TV and now “social” communication, level of education, different ideas from younger generations and the recognition that drawing closer to other societies through travel, business, education and interfacing affects people’s thinking.

IV. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

an overriding reason – первостепенная причина;

an ancestor – предок;

a source of talented immigrants – источник талантливых иммигрантов;

to lend tacit support – оказывать молчаливую поддержку;

citizenship test – тест на гражданство;

economic upheavals – экономические потрясения;

famine – голод.

V . Give the English equivalents for the following expressions:

картофельный голод – potato famine; попытка сместить правительство – upheaval attempt; бессмысленная война – senseless war; маршрут был чреват опасностями – the route was fraught with hazards; политические гонения – political persecution; дешевая рабочая сила – low wage workers; в соответствии с законодательством – in accordance with legislation, by legislation.

VI. Find the right word in the English text for the following definitions:

a very big change that often causes problems – upheaval;

a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time and many people die – famine;

a large group of families that often share the same name – clan.

VII. Interpret the following phrases:

to cut through mountains – to make a detour across;

an immigrant – a person who legally moves to another country;

low wage workers – people who earn little money.

VIII. Give synonyms:

pogrom – massacre;

an overriding reason – primary, dominating;

persecution – prosecution;

to make it easy for smb – to simplify.

IX. Give antonyms:

ancestor – descendant;

to bring into the country – take out of the country;

imported – exported.

X. Give the derivatives:

communication – communicate, communicative;

to operate – operation, cooperate, operative, operator;

recognition – recognize, recognized, recognizable;

to invent – invention, inventor.

Learning Activities 8

I. Answer the following questions:

1. It was interesting for the author to see the changes over the 20-year period.

2. With oil money Russia seemed to be enjoying new attitudes, hopes. Life was dramatically different. People seemed to have money, the newly opened malls were busy, stores were well stocked and food was plentiful.

3. He visited his good Russian friend and English professor – Vladimir K.

4. Yes, it was. It was interesting to communicate with Russian students because they seemed to be alert and intelligent.

5. Yes, he did. He felt it had been a real privilege to be a witness of the changes and to admire and enjoy Russia and its wonderful people.

II. True / False:

1. The author came to Russia for the first time – False. It was not the author’s first visit to Russia.

2. Nobody came to listen to his lectures. – False. He had expected only ten students to be present but over sixty showed up.

3. The Russian students are interested in the United States. – True.

4. The author thinks that there is no alcohol problem in Russia. – False. The author thought alcohol was a huge problem in Russia.

5. It was a real privilege for the author be a witness to some of the changes and to admire and enjoy Russia and its wonderful people. – True.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. Ten years ago Russians had severe inflation, no jobs, food was available but was very expensive and the citizens were very discouraged with life and especially with the introduction of capitalism.

2. While visiting five years ago, the city began to extend the subway line across the Oka River with an accompanying automobile bridge.

3. My friend, Vladimir, lives in a five floor apartment building located in a fine neighborhood a block away from the wonderful views and sights of the Oka and Volga River.

4. The students asked about democracy in America and what I thought about democracy in Russia.

5. Few sporting events, theaters, concerts, etc. are there for people to attend, thus the socializing takes place around the dinner table and drinking is pervasive.

IV. Give the Russian equivalents for the following expressions:

to walk along a blacktop path – ходить по асфальтобетонной дороге;

to spend money on beautification projects – тратить деньги на проекты по благоустройству;

weather-beaten and unpainted one-story houses – потрепанные и неокрашенные одноэтажные дома;

to be based on smb’s brief intelligent reaction – основываться на кратком, разумном ответе;

a barrage of inquires – шквал запросов;

exponentially increase – показательно увеличивается.

V. Give the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

cмертная казнь – death penalty; двойная раскладка (клавиатуры) – dual language keyboard; православная церковь – Orthodox church; высокая инфляция – high inflation; инвестиции – investments; девальвация – devaluation; пожарная тревога – fire alarm; враждебные отношения – antagonistic relations.

VI. Find the right word in the English text for the following definitions:

an economic and political system in which businesses belong mostly to private owners, not to the government – capitalism;

a small but interesting piece of information, news – titbit;

a lot of criticism, questions, complaints etc. that are said at the same time, or very quickly one after another – a barrage of inquiries.

VII. Interpret the following phrases:

to be discouraged with smth – to lose hope;

to remodel – to reconstruct;

a precarious experience – doubtful, risky practice;

a great thrill – enormous excitement.

VIII. Give synonyms:

destruction – damage, ruin;

advertisement – announcement, commercial;

a barrage of inquires – a lot of requests;

rampant – uncontrolled, galloping.

IX. Give antonyms:

a poor answer – an excellent answer;

fair – unjust;

poverty – richness;

to be pleased with – to dislike;

qualified – incompetent.

X. Give the derivatives:

to attend – attendance, attender;

to describe – description, described, describing;

to entertain – entertainment, entertainer, entertaining;

to paint – painted, painting, painter.


Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 275.