I am constantly amazed what a human body can absorb, how it can change and strike out in a new direction or be receptive to new challenges or difficulties. Somehow we muddle through or glory in a new path. We have the inbred genes. This is why I preach we can do more and different things than we sometimes originally think and from this experience we grow in confidence, knowledge and become an incentive to others.
Although I worked at one bank for 33 years the experience was full of new thrusts, such as organizing two new banks on my own impetus. The trips to Russia are another example. By trying new endeavors, life becomes more interesting, exciting and rewarding and we learn about new areas, such as countries, technical advances, new friends, etc. However, the point is – we have to try, make the initial effort and that is where the fun and challenge comes. Not all new actions are going to be successful, some will fail, but at that stage we gather up our ego and think, it will be different next time!
Education Is the Key
The process of being educated elevates one’s thoughts, ambitions, knowledge and sense of understanding the World around us. Education also opens the door to the future. It is well established that college educated people earn more money than those without college experience. Sometimes people question the value of a liberal arts degree versus a more technical course. Initially, the technical course wins easily but in later years as advancement occurs a person will be judged also on his ability to converse and discuss intelligently different subjects other than technical problems.
People with varying intellectual abilities will not be able to advance in education as some brighter students, but the need is to proceed as far as one’s talents carry them. Also, education is much more than college grades, it is the development of the individual and most of this occurs outside the classroom. Reading, understanding the arts: art, music, drama, etc., participating in discussions, learning from others, realizing and utilizing one’s talents are all part of the education process. I dislike seeing young and old minds being understimulated by overindulgence on TV, video games, sports talk. There is a balance and the saying “Moderation in all things is wise” is appropriate.
I admit to being a little prejudiced on the matter of education. Growing up in a college professor’s house, there was never any question about my going to college. It was just understood. Also, I was fortunate to attain good grades and that opened doors for me. My education occurred during wartime so I was able to attend Northwestern and Harvard Universities courtesy of the United States Navy. Following the war I completed my studies at Harvard.
But education doesn’t stop at the conclusion of schooling. By engaging our minds and stimulating our thoughts we continue a lifetime of education. Observe what you read, be inquisitive about new things, ask questions, participate in discussions to learn and have your thoughts and ideas tested. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo in your life.
Learning Activities 1
Reading for Details
I. Answer the following questions:
What is the road to happiness according to Mr. Strunk?
Where does the real good come from?
What influence do children have on their parents?
In what way is a failure beneficial?
How one can make life more interesting?
II. True / False:
Mr. Strunk believes that one must be selfish to be happy.
Mr. Strunk believes that we can do more and different things than we sometimes originally think.
Education is restricted only to receiving grades.
Mr. Strunk dislikes seeing young and old minds being understimulated.
Education stops at the conclusion of schooling.
III. Complete the following sentences:
Often the new idea is rejected when first introduced…
It is often when we experience failure…
Mr. Strunk is constantly amazed what the human body can absorb…
By trying new endeavors, life…
Mr. Strunk’s education occurred during…
Word Study
IV. Give the Russian equivalents for the followings words and expressions:
impetus; to preach; to assess; liberal arts degree; technical course; indulgence; courtesy; to mold; to be aware; to have firm roots.
V. Give the English equivalents for the followings words and expressions:
врождённый; развитие / продвижение; сотрудник; предостережение; старание; бомбардировать; в жертвенной манере; любознательный; начеку; жизнь, посвящённая службе другим.
VI. Find the right word in the English text for the following definitions:
having or showing an interest in learning things;
a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something;
providing satisfaction, gratifying.
VII. Interpret the following phrases:
to be all part of; at the foot of; problem laden; to espouse a different set of values.
VIII. Give synonyms:
to achieve; attainment; to sieve; to judge; devoted.
IX. Give antonyms:
to lower; ungratifying; unwatchful; instability; improper.
X. Give the derivatives:
influence; rewarding; to assess; sacrificial.
Follow-up Activities
XI. Thought-provoking questions:
To your thinking, what are the possible ways to happiness? Do you agree with Mr. Strunk?
Do you believe that young people hold the power in their hands to change not only their parents, but also the world around themselves? Why?
Do you believe that education of any kind is vital? Why?
Part 2
Yes, There Really Is a God!
I have never really doubted there is a God, my God. All during my growing years, I believed and just accepted that God was real and looking after my welfare. This has manifested itself in later years in so many ways: in answers to prayers, in avoidance of accidents, in life’s direction, in actions in the family, my life as a widower, and in health. He has always been there for me, even in times when I haven’t been there for Him.
One of the reasons I enjoy our Lookout Mountain ranch in Colorado is the peace and closeness to God that I feel, especially when I am alone. After an hour of Bible reading, a prayer time and reading other Christian or inspirational book I feel a special presence of Him. It’s the same feeling I have after a two hour prayer meeting at church. Then I look up to the snow capped Flattop Mountain only eight miles away and sense the peace, security, strength and majesty only He can give. Yes, I believe!
There have been so many examples in my life where he has intervened and answered my need. I knew I was not living a lifestyle pleasing to God when I first started working. I knew I needed a companion, a wife. He brought the most wonderful, loving woman to me and we enjoyed 34 glorious years together. While advancing slowly at Marshall Field’s, I knew I was not in a good position to succeed to higher levels of management for a variety of reasons, such as age of the Vice-Presidents, lack of growth of the company, etc. I needed to make a change. Once again, the Lord provided an open door at the Madison Bank where I was happily employed for 33 years and became President and CEO. Following the untimely death of Ruth, he has blessed my years as a widower and opened new doors and vistas to me that have made these years educational, interesting and productive. These are just three of many examples how the Lord has helped me on life’s journey. With this evidence I can state, “Yes, there really is a God, my God.”
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 272.