Don’t Be Disappointed in Others, or if Recognition Doesn’t Come
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We all have expectations of ourselves and often expectations of others. We wish relatives and friends would see the need in their lives to be more giving, achieve more, use their talents better and in general “why can’t you be more like me.” Of course, if we look inwardly, maybe the “me” is not all that attractive. This is normal because we see life from only one perspective, our own. It is amazing how heritage, genes, education, problems and other influences can affect one’s wishes, ambitions, love and viewpoint of the present and future.

All of this is normal, but when we attempt to evaluate others by the standards that we feel are important, through our experience or background, we run into conflict and disappointment. Why can’t they see what they are doing is a disaster? Why don’t they do it another way? Can’t they see what needs to be done? Why don’t they listen to my advice? My expectations are not the expectations of others! If we express our thoughts, they are rejected. If not expressed, it can lead to frustration and inner turmoil within us. Thus, people are different and as we say in church, “leave it with the Lord!”

Another area of disappointment is when accolades or compliments we feel are deserved are not forthcoming. An act of kindness, a project around the house, an achievement, a well cooked meal, a change of appearance, etc. We are pleased to perform these acts, but all we expect is a little recognition. But reciprocating is not forthcoming. Our level of expectation is not met and disappointment, angst and even anger may follow. Once again, people see things differently and “leave it to the Lord!”

Learning Activities 3


Reading for Details

I. Answer the following questions:

What special talent did Mr. Strunk’s wife possess?

In what ways did God intervene in the life of Mr. Strunk?

What hinders social activities of people?

How is it possible to learn to engage others in conversation?

Why do we run into conflicts and disappointments?

II. True / False:

Mr. Strunk’s wife did not contribute to his enthusiastic nature.

People usually respond to those with an enthusiastic approach to the task and future.

Most management techniques emphasize harsh criticism.

The ability to engage others in conversation is innate.

You must expect success all the time.

III. Complete the following sentences:

After a disappointment or failure nobody wants to…

People react more positively to…

People often comment that Mr. Strunk seems to…

When you engage complete strangers in conversation…

When our level of expectation is not met…

Word Study

IV. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:

antithesis; guiding light; associate (noun); turmoil; accolade; small talk; to reciprocate; ardor; overture; taboo.

V. Give the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

утверждение; заразный; придавать особое значение; потенциальный клиент; препятствовать; быть уверенным в себе; значимая встреча; общая нить (разговора); сквозь призму нашего опыта; признание.

VI. Find the right word in the English text for the following definitions:

the state of being unsure, or slow in acting or speaking;

the things and conditions around a person or thing;

to develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in detail.

VII. Interpret the following phrases:

to put a positive twist on smth; to reach out to; to see life from only one perspective; to engage others in conversation.

VIII. Give synonyms:

inconsistent; to estimate; to find out; standpoint; shy.

IX. Give antonyms:

to lessen; avaricious; on the outside; final; success.

X. Give the derivatives:

encourage; fortune; observe; initiate.

Follow-up Activities

XI. Thought-provoking questions:

To your thinking, why are many people unable to begin a conversation?

Does enthusiasm facilitate life?

What can we do to stop getting disappointed all the time? Is it important?

Part 4

Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 295.