One of the highlights on my trip to the Holy Land was sitting beside the Sea of Galilee and reading Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. He clearly brought to Earth a new message of love, peace and relationship with our fellow man. As I recently reread his famous sermon I was taken aback how far we have deviated from these marvelous principles. If we followed His teaching this would be a different world and our interdependent relationships would rise to a new level. Instead we are turned aside by actions of the world and follow the world’s criterion. Christians instead of demonstrating Jesus’ love and concern are focusing on side issues that divide and alienate rather than bring people closer to Jesus. I am guilty of the same thing also. The standard is there and with the help of the Holy Spirit we should dedicate ourselves to following Him.
The second purpose of his short time on earth was to redeem us, or “save us from our sins,” and prepare a place for us in heaven. What a glorious promise! At my age, I admit, I covet the promise to be with Jesus and our loved ones in heaven when I die. Sometimes as Christians we place total emphasis on the “saving” portion and neglect the example Jesus gave us. The pulpit of my church in Cape Girardeau had engraved “Preach Jesus.”
However, in spite of the criticism and rejections, the coming of Jesus has been the most significant event occurring on this earth in the last 2000 years. People have tried to destroy his image, influence and redeeming nature all during this period, yet he still stands paramount. Thank you, Jesus.
Learn to Listen
One of the key lessons I received from the retail business was to listen to what the customer was saying, in other words, what was her or his request. People often have strange ways to describe their wishes. Think of how you describe a car problem to an auto mechanic. Listening was especially important when adjusting complaints. The request could often be clothed in anger, dissatisfaction, blame and “just make it right.”
When I entered the banking business, I discovered the employees serving customers, especially complaints, didn’t know how to listen. They often took the approach that the bank was always right, we usually were, and all was the customer’s error. Also, they wanted to “protect” the bank from a customer wrongdoing. Thus, instead of hearing the customer out, they would inject their thoughts and solution prior to the customer “getting it of his chest.” Disagreements were magnified when a little listening would have solved the problem.
Naturally coming from an atmosphere where the “customer was always right” I was shocked and set about the change of which 90 % was just listening! We found personnel who are prepared to listen and a big customer service problem was solved.
Listening to what others are saying is a common problem because we are more interested in expressing our opinion than hearing others. Maybe with text messaging the problem is alleviated because one is forced to read the other’s message. So, learn to listen to others; it is sometimes difficult. Sometimes we are all guilty of planning what we are going to say and when an opportunity arises we don’t listen to the speaker. Maybe our statements are so important that everyone should be listening to me and my “superior” thoughts and what others have to say is not important. I doubt if that is the case.
Here’s why listening to others is vital. We can learn from other people opinions and suggestions. Second, other people’s experiences are often interesting (even if it takes a long time to tell about them). We can gain new knowledge on subjects we are uninformed. Example: proteins in cells and their growth. I knew nothing about this part of our bodies and found the subject very enlightening. Three, listening is a good way to build relationships. People enjoy telling about their experiences, new things they have learned, plays they have seen, etc. But not everyone is prepared to listen, and the speaker will respond to an interested hearer.
Example: a friend of mine had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I asked him about it and he responded with a generalized brief explanation. Then I asked him a follow up question about the disease, he responded by saying “Since you really seem to be interested I will tell you.” Then he launched into a detailed explanation of how it occurred, the symptoms, what the doctors are prescribing, and the cure. I learned a good lesson!
Maybe one test as to whether we are a good listener is: Can we listen to a friend tell about a subject we know nothing about and couldn’t care less about learning?
Learning Activities 2
Reading for Details
I. Answer the following questions:
In what way according to Mr. Strunk did God help him?
In what ways did God intervene in the life of Mr. Strunk?
What are the two purposes of Jesus’ life on earth as interpreted by Mr. Strunk?
What was one of the key lessons Mr. Strunk received from the retail business?
II. True / False:
Mr. Strunk doubted the existence of God.
As he reread Sermon on the Mount he was taken aback how far people have deviated from the marvelous principles exposed in it.
The employees serving customers often took the approach that the customer was always right.
Everyone is prepared to listen.
III. Complete the following sentences:
One of the reasons I enjoy our Lookout Mountain ranch in Colorado is…
Christians instead of demonstrating Jesus’ love and concern…
Listening to others is vital because…
Instead of hearing the customer out, the employees...
One of the ways to test whether you are a good listener is…
The speaker will respond to…
Word Study
IV. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions:
snowcapped; to redeem; vista; sermon; interdependent relationships; anointed; pulpit; key lesson; highlight; to manifest itself.
V. Give the Englishequivalents for the following words and expressions:
высший; просвещающий; жизненно необходимый; белки; выслушать клиента; доказательство; когда появляется возможность; мне совершенно безразлично; принимать позицию.
VI. Find the right word in the English text for the following definitions:
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil;
make someone feel isolated or estranged;
to long to possess something.
VII. Interpret the following phrases:
to be clothed in; to reach out to; side issue; to be turned aside.
VIII. Give synonyms:
to enlarge; to finish; noteworthy; well-being; to drift.
IX. Give antonyms:
to create; praise; absence; well timed; acceptance.
X. Give the derivatives:
error; avoidance; to grow; close.
Follow-up Activities
XI. Thought-provoking questions:
To your thinking, is the good humor of Mr. Strunk’s essays connected with his faith in God?
Why is it so hard to be a good listener? How to improve the situation?
Is it important to be eager to listen to others?
Part 3
Дата: 2019-12-10, просмотров: 281.