1. The Romans adapted the Etruscan aqueducts.
2. The Romans constructed many beautiful buildings.
3. Some structures can work in our days.
4. Ancient Romans mixed concrete with metal.
5. The Romans didn’t study information from other cultures.
V вариант
III . Выберите правильный вариант ( Present Continuous )
A) Is the girl speaking rudely or politely?
B) Are the girl speaking rudely or politely?
C) Does the girl speaking rudely or politely?
D) The girl is speaking rudely or politely, isn't she?
A) The policemen is pointing at the dog.
B) The policemen isn't pointing at the dog.
C) The policemen are pointing at the dog.
D) The policemen doesn't pointing at the dog.
II . Выберите правильный вариант ответа ( Present Simple или Present Continuous )
1. Where … you usually … in the evening?
a) do; go b) are; go c) are; going d) do; going
2. He … it now.
a) understand b) understands c) is understand d) is understanding
3. Why … at me like that? What happened?
a) are you looking b) is you looking c) does you look? d) do you look
4. How often … tennis?
a) are you playing b) do you play c) you play d) you playing
III . Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на времена группы Perfect .
1. He told me that he had never been to doctors.
2. Several attempts have been made recently to produce artificial rain.
3. Have you had a holiday this year?
IV . Переведите на русский язык и определите функцию инфинитива.
1. To enter data into the computer system, a user uses a key board.
2. The internal combustion engine to be used in this machine is of a new design.
3. To understand this problem one should read a lot.
V . Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.
1. The expedition is said to have collected some interesting material.
2. A group of constructors was reported to have been sent to that area.
3. We’d like him to join our work.
VI . Выберите правильный вариант перевода для подчеркнутого слова.
1. The new road to be constructed will be the longest in the city.
a) для того, чтобы построить b) которые будут строить с) строить
2. To drive a car in a big city is very difficult.
a) водить b) для того, чтобы водить с) будут водить
3. To detect objects over a great distance a special device is used.
a) обнаружить b) для того, чтобы обнаруживать с) обнаружение
VII . Выберите правильный перевод подчеркнутой глагольной формы.
1. Electrons forming an atom are in motion.
a) образующие b) образуют c) образуя
2. Developing a device, an engineer used a new method.
a) разработка b) разрабатывая c) разрабатывающий
3. Our scientists are preparing programmes for automatic devices.
a) готовящие b) готовя c) готовят
VIII . Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции причастия.
1. Substances used in the experiment gave good results.
2. When analyzed, the data were confirmed.
3. Having looked through all the documents and letters received that day he
called his secretary.
IX . Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.
An Unnatural Disaster
Pressing economic and social problems have plagued the world's
developing nations in the decades following World War II. The demand for
natural resources, the creation of jobs, and the need for more open land to 18 settle growing populations have led many nations to introduce
deforestation programs. Although a useful short-term solution to economic problems, deforestation has disastrous consequences.
Deforestation can decrease soil quality and create erosion problems, reducing rich forests to wastelands. The destruction of the tropical rain forests in Brazil threatens to alter the world's climate and contribute to the greenhouse effect. Deforestation recently led to a major disaster in Thailand. The Thai
government's 30-year policy of encouraging logging resulted in the loss of
fully half the nation's forests.
A violent rainstorm that hit one of the deforested regions in November 1988 created flash floods on the bare, muddy hillsides. These floods killed 400 people and left thousands more injured and homeless. If the forests had remained to absorb the downpour, floods would not have threatened the valley's residents.
By ignoring the consequences of their actions, Thai officials and loggers not only destroyed a vital resource but also created a disaster. Experts say the destructive floods have set the region's economy back 20 years.
1) Соотнесите русские и английские словосочетания:
1. to introduce deforestation programs a) краткосрочное решение
2. short-term solution b) отбросить назад
3. to contribute to the green house c) вводить в действие программы
effect по борьбе с исчезновением лесов
4. to threaten d) содействовать развитию
парникового эффекта
5. to set back e) угрожать, представлять угрозу
Дата: 2019-12-22, просмотров: 297.