1. to express displeasure a) поднятая вверх голова
2. to resemble an urn b) произведение искусства
3. to cause destruction c) напоминать сосуд
4. upturned head d) выражать недовольство
5. a work of art e) вызывать разрушения
2) Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению
первому слову.
1. detect a) find b) discover c) loose d) determine
2. angry a) wicked b) mean c) powerful d) cheerful
3. occur a) happen b) take place c) disappear d) hold
4. tremor a) peace b) quake c) shake d) vibration
5. strength a) force b) weakness c) intensity d) rate
3) Вставьте пропущенное слово .
1. In 1988 a powerful earthquake brought _____ to the Bay area.
2. Scientists who studied the quakes closely believed that they interpreted a____ message.
3. The first seismograph resembled a domed ____ with dragons on it.
4. When a _______ occurred, one of the balls fell into a toad's mouth.
5. Zhang Heng's seismograph was actually a work of ______ .
4) Отметьте данные утверждения как T (True) и F (False).
1. We know that the shinning in the earth’s crust causes earthquakes.
2. The movement in the crust sends “seismic waves” across the earth’s surface.
3. The Chinese believed that angry spirits caused the earthquake.
4. At the base of the urn sat eight dragons with upturned heads and open mouths.
5. Zhang Heng’s seismograph could indicate the loudness of the quake.
IV вариант
I . Выберите правильный вариант ( Present Continuous ).
A) Why do they looking at me like that?
B) Why is they looking at me like that?
C) Why are they looking at me like that?
D) Why they are looking at me like that?
A) The cat isn't hiding from the dog, isn't it?
B) The cat hiding from the dog, isn't it?
C) The cat is hiding from the dog, doesn't it?
D) The cat is hiding from the dog, isn't it?
II . Выберите правильный вариант ответа ( Present Simple или Present Continuous ).
1. What … to do at the end of the lesson?
a) do you go b) are you go c) are you going d) have you go
2. The boys … a game of football at the moment.
a) have b) having c) don't have d) are having
3. The water … . Please, make me a cup of tea.
a) boils b) is boiling c) boiling d) boil
4. Ann … Spanish.
a) doesn't learn b) hasn’t learn c) learn d) learning
III . Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на времена группы Perfect .
1. He has been shown her photo.
2. Have you ever traveled by air?
3. I have never been late for school.
IV . Переведите на русский язык и определите функцию инфинитива.
1. To design new buildings is the work of an architect.
2. To measure volumes we must know the dimensions of a body.
3. To give the necessary output the plant needed new modern methods.
V . Переведите предложения на русский язык. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.
1. He appears to know physics better than the others
2. The conference is reported to be held in February.
3. Oil is known to be one of the most important sources of energy.
VI . Выберите правильный вариант перевода для подчеркнутого слова.
1. It’s possible to solve this problem.
a) решить b) решая с) решается
2. To solve this problem you should read a lot of books.
a) решить b) для того, чтобы решить с) решение
3. To solve this problem is quite possible.
a) решая b) для того, чтобы решить с) решение
VII . Выберите правильный перевод подчеркнутой глагольной формы.
1. Scientists studying the properties of a substance will apply it in research.
a) изучая b) изучающий c) изучает
2. Using the device, we got accurate data.
a) используя b) использование c) использующий
3. The staff of the laboratory is finishing the work on the apparatus.
a) заканчивает b) заканчивающий c) заканчивая
VIII . Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции причастия.
1. Method used improved the quality of production.
2. When improved, the devices showed good results.
3. Having brought the dictionaries from the library, the students began to
translate the article.
IX . Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.
Engineering in Rome
The Romans constructed many impressive buildings besides the Circus Maximus and the Colosseum. Between A.D. 118 and 128, Hadrian
rebuilt the Pantheon, a temple for all the gods and goddesses, with a soaring
dome and a huge skylight.
To build the Pantheon, the Romans mixed concrete, a new building material with various kinds of stone. As they constructed public buildings and a vast network of roads, the Romans engineered aqueducts, or artificial channels for carrying water.
These lofty arches built out of stone enabled water to flow into Rome from as far away as 30 miles (about 48 kilometers). One Roman-built aqueduct in Segovia, Spain, was so well constructed that it is still used today - nearly
1.900 years after it was completed.
The Romans excelled at taking discoveries made by others, combining
them, refining them, and using them in new and often more practical ways.
They adapted the Etruscan arch and dome to construct aqueducts and the
Pantheon, and borrowed the design for columns from the Greek temple to
support porches built around Roman city squares.
Roman scientists also relied upon foreign resources - information that had been collected and organized from other cultures.
1) Соотнесите русские и английские словосочетания:
1. huge skylight a) парящий купол
2. vast network b) позаимствовать конструкцию
3. to borrow the design c) искусственные каналы
4. artificial channels d) обширная сеть
5. soaring dome e) огромное потолочное окно
2) Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению
первому слову.
1. artificial a) man-made b) natural c) humane d) practical
2. enable a) let b) allow c) afford d) prevent
3. rely upon a) question b) trust c) believe d) credit
4. refine a) separate b) mix c) process d) distil
5. various a) similar b) different c) many-sided d) diverse
3) Вставьте пропущенное слово .
1. The Pantheon is a ______ for all the gods and goddesses.
2. The Romans constructed public buildings and a ___________ of roads.
3. The aqueducts ____________ water to flow form far away.
4. The Romans built the ___________ in Spain which is still used today.
5. Roman scientists often _________ upon foreign resources.
Дата: 2019-12-22, просмотров: 388.