The goal of all dental school programs in the USA and Canada is to produce graduates who are competently educated in the basic biological and clinical sciences, and capable of providing quality dental care to the population. The traditional dental school program requires four academic years of study.
Years One and Two. Students generally spend the major part of the first two years studying the structure and function of the human body and its diseases. Students also receive instruction in basic sciences such as Human Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Pharmacology, and dental oriented biological sciences such as Oral Anatomy, Oral Pathology, and Oral Histology. They also learn the basic principles of oral diagnosis and treatment and begin to master dental treatment procedures through practice on models of the mouth and teeth. In many programs, students begin to interact with patients and provide basic oral health care.
Years Three and Four. The focus of the final two years of a dental school generally concentrates on clinical studies. Clinical training is designed to apply basic principles and techniques involved in oral diagnosis, treatment planning, restorative dentistry, periodontics, oral surgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics and endodontics through direct patient care.
The D.M.D. (Doctor of Dental Medicine) and the D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery) are equivalent degrees that are awarded to the graduates of these dental programs.
Basic dental training in the United Kingdom consists of a full-time course leading to a Bachelor’s degree. The degree course lasts five years and includes an academic programme supported by clinical dental practice. Graduates from UK dental schools must do a further year of vocational training (hands-on contact with patients), after registering with the General Dental Council (GDC), before they can practise in the UK.
Exercise 1.17. Translate into Russian the following words and word combinations:
Basic dental training; apply basic principles and techniques; learn the basic principles of oral diagnosis and treatment; spend the major part of the first two years studying the biological sciences; receive instruction in; involved in oral diagnosis and treatment planning; begin to master dental treatment procedures; the degree course lasts five years; begin to interact with patients; provide basic oral healthcare.
Exercise 1.18. Answer the questions:
1) How long does the traditional dental school program require in the USA (Canada) and the UK? 2) What do students study in the first two years of a dental school in the USA and Canada? 3) What do students study in the final two years of a dental school in the USA and Canada? 4) What degrees are awarded to the graduates of the dental school programs in the USA (Canada) and the UK?
Exercise 1.19. Revise the texts “The Volgograd State Medical University”, “Dentistry Faculty of the Volgograd State Medical University” and “Dental Education Abroad” and get ready to speak on one of the following topics making up a plan for it first:
1) My University.
2) Dental Education in Russia.
3) Dental Education Abroad (the USA or Canada or the UK).
Exercise 1.20. Read text D and translate it into Russian. Learn the new words and word combinations:
- to meet the requirements – соответствовать требованиям
- manual dexterity – сноровка, ловкость в работе руками
- practical experience – практический опыт
- to vary to a great extend – сильно отличаться
- to teach technique on phantom heads – обучать технологии на фантомах
- assessment of knowledge – оценка знаний
- compulsory training scheme – обязательная учебная программа
- to receive full registration – получить аккредитацию
- general dental practitioners – стоматологи общего профиля
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 397.