1) The Volgograd State Medical University is one of … medical universities in Russia. 2) … was founded in 1935. 3) The faculty of … was the first faculty then. 4) In 1993, the institute was granted the status of …, in 2003 – the status of … . 5) Nowadays the Volgograd State Medical University has …faculties and a … training dental technicians, pharmacists and nurses.6) The Medical University framework includes … research centres. 7) The Volgograd State Medical University occupies 4 … and 5 … for 7 000 patients. 8) The University has …, classrooms, and laboratories equipped with modern … and … . 9) Today the Volgograd State Medical University has a …staff. 10) The period of … at the Medical University … for 4-6 years (4 years at … , 6 years at …). 11) The academic year is divided into two … : the autumn and the spring ones. 12) The attendance of lectures and classes is … .13) The Volgograd State Medical University is a centre of … research. 14) The scientists do … in different fields of medicine.
Exercise 1.7. Answer the following questions:
1) When was the Stalingrad Medical Institute founded? 2) How many faculties were there then? What faculty was it? 3) When was the Medical Institute granted the status of Academy? 4) When was the Medical Academy granted the status of University? 5) How many faculties does the VolSMU have? What are they? 6) What is the structure of the Medical University? 7) What specialists does a medical college train? 8) Whom does the academic staff include? 9) What buildings and facilities does the VolSMU have? 10) What does the Medical University framework include? 11) What courses do students study during the first two years? 12) When do students start their clinical training? 13) What courses do senior students study? 14) What annual events does the VolSMU organize? 15) What does Postgraduate training involve?
Exercise 1.8. Make up your sentences using the following word combinations:
the leading medical university; wide international links; nine faculties and a medical college; a highly qualified academic staff; buildings for studies and multi-profile hospitals for patients; equipped with modern training devices and simulators; the necessary knowledge of the structure and functions of the human body; to prevent, diagnose and treat different diseases; the attendance of lectures and classes; scientific schools and societies; annual scientific and practical conferences.
Exercise 1.9. Study the active vocabulary for the lesson:
dentistry faculty – стоматологический факультет
be involved in – быть вовлеченным
undergraduate education – высшее образование
additional vocational entrance test – дополнительное вступительное испытание профессиональной направленности
basic fields of dentistry – основные области стоматологии
prevention – профилактика
humanities – гуманитарные науки
economics – экономические науки
science – наука
compose – составлять, состоять
curriculum – учебный план
pre-clinical years – доклинические курсы
clinical years – клинические курсы
senior years – старшие курсы
prosthetics – протезирование
pedodontics – детская стоматология
orthodontics – ортодонтия
train – обучать
be proficient in – быть специалистом в
provide – проводить, обеспечивать
oral health – здоровье ротовой полости
practice – практика
evaluate – оценивать
implement – применять, реализовать
knowledge – знания
skills – навыки
diagnostics – диагностика
abnormality – аномалия
disease – заболевание, болезнь
pursue – продолжать, заниматься
apply (for) – применять; подать заявление о приеме на
specialize in – специализироваться в
Exercise 1.10. Before reading the text translate the following words and word combinations:
the dentistry faculty; be organized; a chair; be involved in; undergraduate education; the basic fields of dentistry; the selection of students; be based on; the suitability of the applicants for; results of the State Unified Exams; humanities, social sciences and economics; one third of the curriculum; therapeutic dentistry; the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of dental diseases; to educate students to be proficient in; providing oral health care; the training program combines; to apply theoretical knowledge into practice; working as dentist assistants and residents; to pursue careers in academic, research and clinical practice; apply for post-graduate training.
Exercise 1.11. Read Text B and translate it into Russian:
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 552.