Exercise 1.31. Study the following examples and translate them from Russian into English. Do the tasks below:
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Impersonal «it» Impersonal «there»
Talking about weather 1) It’s raining. 2) It’s cold. 3) It was sunny yesterday.

is used to say that something exists in a particular place:

1) There is a book on desk.

2) There are some books on the desk

Identifying something 1) Who is it? - It’s me. 2) What is it? - «It’s a blackboard.
Talking about time 1) What time is it? – It’s 5 o’clock. 2) What day is it? – It’s Thursday.
Talking about distance 1) How far is it from your house to your work? 2) It’s a five-minute walk.

Choose it or there:

1) (It/There) are many faculties at the university at present. 2) (It/There) takes me 15 minutes to get to the university. 3) (It/There) will be many new books in our library next year. 4) (It/There) was my sister at home when I came. 5) (It/There) is a medical college within our University. 6) (It/There) is something interesting in this article. 7) (It/There) is a requirement to come to classes on time. 8) (It/There) are 15 students in our group.


Exercise 1.32. Fill in the blanks putting the verb to have in correct forms:

1) I … many friends. 2) They … a lecture in Chemistry every week. 3) After breakfast we … a lesson of Latin. 4) … we … a lecture in Anatomy tomorrow? 5) We … two lectures and a seminar today. 6) We … a lecture in Anatomy and two seminars in Chemistry yesterday. 7) We … not any lectures tomorrow. 8) How often … you … lectures in Biology? 9) The VolgSMU … nine faculties. 10) … you … books in English?

Exercise 1.33. Translate into English the pronouns in brackets:

1) (Его) … notebook is nice. 2) (Наша) … laboratory is large. 3) Dress (ваши) … white coats in the laboratories and dissecting-rooms. 4) (Её) … academic achievements are very high. 5) (Моя) … future profession is a dentist. 6) (Их) … group is the best at the University.


Exercise 1.34. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the pronouns in brackets:

1) We have a lecture in Chemistry every Tuesday. … (It, Its) is a very interesting lecture. 2) We have two practical classes in Chemistry on Tuesday and Thursday. … (It, They) are more interesting than the lectures. 3) … (We, Our) first classes start at 8 o’clock in the morning. We mustn’t be late for … (it, them). 4) The main building of … university (we, our) is far from … (it, its) affiliated (учебный) dental clinics. 5) … (Me, I) passed all the entrance exams successfully last summer and now … (I, my) am a first-year student. 6) Prof. Petrov delivers … (its, his) lectures very interestingly. We like to attend … (their, them).


Exercise 1.35. Complete the sentences with correct forms of pronouns:

1) I don’t know those girls. Do you know … ? 2) I don’t know that man. Do you know … ? 3) I don’t know those people. Do you know … ? 4) I don’t know Helen’s friend. Do you know …? 5) I don’t know Helen’s friends. Do you know … ? 6) I don’t know Dr. Ivanov. Do you know … ? 7) I don’t know Dr. Ivanova. Do you know … ? 8) I don’t know the student at the blackboard. Do you know … ?


Exercise 1.36. Choose the correct forms of pronouns:

1) It’s (their/theirs) problem, not (our/ours). 2) This is a nice smart phone. Is it (your/yours)? 3) That’s not (my/mine) bag. (My/mine) is brown. 4) Whose books are these? (Your/Yours) or (my/mine)? 5) Helen is going out with (her/hers) friends this evening. 6) (My/Mine) bag is bigger than (her/hers). 7) She’s got many new friends but she doesn’t remember (their/theirs) full names. 8) Can I borrow your pencil? (My/mine) is broken.

Exercise 1.37. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the pronouns:

1) Where is Alan? - … is at work. 2) Who is that woman? - … is my sister. 3) I want this book. – Please give … to me. 4) Where is the newspaper? - … is on the table. 5) I like my job. - … is very interesting. 6) I like Oxford. - … is famous for its university. 7) Where are my textbooks? - … are on the shelf. 8) Where is the money? - … is in the purse. 9) My camera is in my room. - … is on the shelf. 10) Are these people your friends? – Yes, … are my close friends. 11) How much are these shoes? - … are very expensive. 12) Who is that man? - … is my brother. 13) Where is your house? - … is far from here.

Exercise 1.38. Give the plural form of the following nouns:

sheep, place, library, photo, mouse, lady, glass, bush, dress, country, party, wife, knife, knowledge, pen, hero, goose, tooth, company, life, deer, tomato, man, play, news, child, fruit, shelf, leaf, foot, fish, woman, money, information, month, horse, flower, potato, book, plan, bridge, match, nose, bus, box, army, watch, shop, address, day, fly, hotel, lady, key, gate, clock, office, city.

Exercise 1.39. Spell the ending of the nouns [s] [z] [iz]. Give the singular of the following nouns:

Women, teeth, feet, children, friends, lives, studies, dresses, brushes, boxes, diseases, results, techniques, purposes, fields, histories, lamps.


Exercise 1.40. Give the plural form of the following nouns ending in –f/-fe:

Shelf, life, knife, proof, scarf, wife, safe, self, leaf, loaf, wolf, chief.


Exercise 1.41. Give the plural form of the following nouns:

Phenomenon, crisis, stimulus, index, formula, datum, nucleus, criterion, analysis, apparatus, basis, appendix, hypothesis, vertebra.

Exercise 1.42. Give the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives and adverbs:

Important, long, late, low, cold, high, hard, difficult, interesting, emotional, healthy, warm, recent, weak, famous, dependent, clear, dark, short, wide, sweet, soon, good, bad, many, much, correctly, well, responsible, deep, happy, early, great, new, easy, little.


Exercise 1.43. Use the correct forms of the adjectives and adverbs in brackets:

1) Text 1 is (difficult). Text 2 is (difficult) than Text 1. It is (difficult) text in the textbook. 2) Our university is (close) to the Volgograd Hotel, but the chemist’s shop is (close) to it. (Close) building to the Volgograd Hotel is the cafe. 3) Those seats are (comfortable). Our seats are (comfortable), but (comfortable) seat is near the door. 4) The weather today is (bad) than yesterday. 5) Professor N. is very (famous). He is one of (famous) dental surgeons in the world. 6) My (old) brother is a dentist. I’ve got two brothers. They are (old) than I am. 7) I’ve got (little) time than I thought. 8) Student I. is (young) in our group.

Exercise 1.44. Translate the sentences explaining the meaning of the modal verbs:

1) I can speak English. 2) We can go to Moscow. 3) You may take this book. 4) He may come today. 5) She must come today. 6) I could go to Moscow. 7) They might stay at home. 8) Medical students must study English to read scientific journals. 9) This dentist can cure different oral diseases. 10) You must remember all Latin anatomical terms.


Exercise 1.45. Fill in the gaps with the modal verbs can, may, must and their equivalents:

1) Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well. 2) I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls. 3) Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill. 4) Don’t be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp. 5) Take your gloves. You … put them on because it’s cold today. 6) You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining. 7) … I invite them to your birthday party? 8) Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now. 9) You … smoke at the University. 10) We don’t have enough time. We … hurry.

Exercise 1.46. Complete the sentences using the modal verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) In order to become a doctor one ….. work hard. 2) He ….. get basic knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology to become a qualified specialist. 3) These studies …… take much time before he begins to treat people. 4) Modern dental equipment ……. help dentists in their work. 5) Students …… learn English to translate modern articles in the original. 6) Medical students …. get up early in the morning because their working day begins very early.

Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 445.