1) кости черепа; 2) лицевая часть; 3) черепная часть; 4) кости, хрящи, суставы и мышцы; 5) кости – это живая ткань; 6) внешний выстилающий слой; 7) содержать кровеносные сосуды; 8) важный орган кроветворения; 9) формировать череп и придавать форму лицу; 10) формировать крупную полость и несколько маленьких; 11) головной мозг находится в черепной полости; 12) две другие полости – орбиты; 13) лобная кость; 14) затылочная кость; 15) височная кость; 16) клиновидная кость; 17) решетчатая кость.
Exercise 2.4. Answer the questions:
1) What parts do the bones of the skull consist of? 2) How many bones (muscles, joints) are there in the human body? 3) Are bones living tissues? 4) What is the periosteum? 5) What does the periosteum contain? 6) What does the hollow interior of the bones contain? 7) What is there in the cranial cavity? 8) What cavities are there? What are they? 9) What are the largest bones of the skull?
Exercise 2.5. Fill in the missing words and word combinations:
1) The bones of the skull consist of … and … parts. 2) The bones, together with cartilages, joints and muscles make up …. . 3) There are approximately … bones, nearly … muscles, and about … joints in human body. 4) Bones are … tissues. 5) Bones have an outer lining called the … , which contains many blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic spaces. 6) The hollow interior part of the bones is found … which is the principal blood forming organ. 7) The skull contains … bones. 8) … bones make up … and … bones shape the face. 9) The brain is in … . 10) The large bones of the skull are …. , the occipital bone at the back part of the head, the two …. and …. bones forming the temples of the head, the …. bone at the top of the base of the skull and the …. bone at the top of the root of the nose through which the olfactory nerves pass.
Exercise 2.6. Provide captions to the scheme:
Exercise 2.7. Study the active vocabulary for the lesson:
portion – отдел
alimentary canal – пищеварительный тракт (канал)
gum – десна
tongue – язык
be composed of – состоять из
cover – покрывать
mucous – слизистый
membrane – оболочка
taste-buds – вкусовые сосочки
swallow – глотать, проглатывать
soft (hard) palate – мягкое (твердое) нёбо
throat – горло
uvula – язычок
tonsil – миндалевидная железа
almond-shaped – миндалевидный
release – выпускать, выделять
phagocyte – фагоцит
destroy – разрушать
bacterium – бактерия
gland – железа
secrete – выделять
salivary – слюнный
saliva – слюна
sublingual – подъязычный
submaxillary – подчелюстной
jaw –челюсть
cheek – щека
send – направлять
duct – проток, канал
parotid – околоушный
cut – разрезать
change – менять(ся)
remain – оставаться
manufacture – производить
tissue – ткань
health – здоровье
Exercise 2.8. Read the text and translate it into Russian:
Text B. Oral Cavity
The mouth is the first portion of the alimentary canal. The important structures of the mouth are gums with teeth and the tongue.
The tongue is composed of a number of highly mobile muscles covered with mucous membrane that includes taste-buds. The tongue has two main parts: the tip, the most movable front part; and the root, the more or less fixed one. The tongue is very flexible. It is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels. The tongue is essential to the production of speech, to the swallowing of food and to the sense of taste.
The soft and hard palate and salivary glands are in the oral cavity. The palate is the roof of the mouth. It consists of the hard palate in front, a bony structure covered with mucous membrane, and a soft palate, composed of nine small muscles, behind. The soft palate is a continuation of the soft tissues covering the hard palate. By changing the shape of the mouth, the soft palate is an important organ in the production of speech.
If you open the mouth, you will see the uvula. The uvula is a prolongation of the centre of the soft palate. It is a ‘little grape’ of muscle tissue that hangs down from the roof of the mouth. It is part of the soft palate and an important organ for speech. On each side of the uvula there are tonsils.
The tonsils are a pair of almond-shaped lymphoid-tissue masses in the back of the throat. Like all lymph tissues, the tonsils release phagocytes that destroy bacteria. Sometimes, however, they themselves become overwhelmed with infection and are chronically diseased. This inflammation of the tonsils, called tonsillitis, is usually evidenced by a sore throat.
There are four glands, salivary glands, which secrete saliva. The sublingual gland lies under the tongue and the submaxillary gland is in the neck under the jaw. The two largest glands, called parotid glands and their little ‘auxiliary’ lie between the cheek and a flat muscle band. The saliva is sent to the mouth through the duct.
The functions of the teeth are obvious: to chew food and mix it with saliva, to aid speech, and to maintain the position of the jaws. The teeth are part of the digestive system. The food we choose to eat is cut by the teeth. The teeth get it ready for the stomach and intestines. If the teeth do their work well, the body is more likely to remain healthy, and if the body is healthy, the teeth are likely to remain strong.
Exercise 2.9. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the fat-faced words:
1) The mouth is part of the digestive system. There are the teeth, tongue, and salivary glands in the mouth. 2) The oral cavity is an oval-shaped cavity located at the beginning of the alimentary canal. 3) The vestibule of the mouth is a space bounded by the lips and cheeks. 4) The lips and cheeks contain the mimic muscles. 5) The oral cavity is bounded by the hard and soft palate. 6) The mucous membrane covers the lips and cheeks. 7) Saliva has a direct influence on the teeth and provides an optimal level of metabolic activity in the body. 8) Saliva dissolves some of the solid substances when they are brought in contact with taste buds which stimulate appetite. 9) There are three principal pairs of salivary glands in the mouth: sublingual, submaxillary, and parotid. 10) The salivary glands regulate the water supply of the body.
Exercise 2.10 . Fill in the missing words and word combinations:
1) The … is the first portion of the alimentary canal. 2) The important structures of the mouth are … with … and the … . 3) The tongue has two main parts: the …, the most movable front part; and the …. , the more or less fixed one. 4) The tongue is richly supplied with …. and … . 5) The soft and hard palate and salivary glands are in the … . 6) The palate is the …. of the mouth.7) The palate consists of the …. in front, a bony structure covered with mucous membrane, and a …. , composed of nine small muscles, behind. 8) The … is a prolongation of the centre of the soft palate. 9) The … are a pair of almond-shaped lymphoid-tissue masses in the back of the throat. 10) There are four glands, …. glands, which secrete saliva. 11) The sublingual gland lies under the tongue and … in the neck under the jaw. 12) The two largest glands, called … glands and their little ‘auxiliary’ lie between the cheek and a flat muscle band.
Exercise 2.11. Answer the questions:
1) What structures and organs is the oral cavity composed of? 2) What structures is the tongue composed of? 3) Can you name any characteristics and functions of the tongue? 4) How many palates do we have? What functions do they perform? 5) Where is the uvula located? What is it? 6) What is the function of the tonsils? 7) How many salivary glands do we have? What are they? 8) What functions do the teeth perform?
Exercise 2.12. A student has drawing a scheme of the oral cavity but has forgotten to provide the captions – the names of the structures. Correct his mistake: provide the names of the structures next to the figures and describe their position in the oral cavity.
Exercise 2.13. Discuss the role and the main purpose of the skull and the oral cavity structures: Eg. – the skull – serves as a framework for the head, protects the brain; etc.
Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 657.