Text B. Dentistry Faculty of the Volgograd State Medical University
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

The Dentistry Faculty of the Volgograd State Medical University was organized in 1962. About 42 chairs are involved in the process of undergraduate education. The basic fields of dentistry studied for 5 years are therapeutic, prosthodontic, surgical and pediatric dentistry and prevention of dental diseases.

The selection of students is based on the results of the State Unified Exams and the results of the additional vocational entrance test.

Humanities, social sciences and economics compose almost one third of the curriculum. Students study these subjects mainly in the two pre-clinical years. During the clinical years students can master the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of dental diseases. In senior years students study operative dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, prosthetics, pedodontics, and orthodontics.

The main purpose of the dentistry faculty is to train students to be proficient in providing oral healthcare. The training program combines the resources of dental clinics and hospitals.

At practical classes students apply theoretical knowledge into practice. Working as dentist assistants and residents they master the skills of diagnosing and treating dental abnormalities and diseases.

The graduates of the faculty can pursue careers in academic, research and clinical practice fields. After receiving a diploma, dentists may apply for post-graduate training and specialize in different spheres of dentistry.

Exercise 1.12. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

Высшее образование; доклинические и клинические предметы; в курсе терапевтической стоматологии; на старших курсах; стоматологические клиники и больницы; практическая стоматология; применять теоретические знания; овладевать навыками; диагностирование и лечение аномалий зубов; клиническая практика; специализироваться в различных областях стоматологии.


Exercise 1.13. Answer the following questions:

1) When was the faculty of dentistry organized? 2) How many chairs are involved in the process of dental training? 3) What are the basic fields of dentistry studied for 5 years? 4) What is the selection of students based on? 5) What sciences compose the curriculum of dental training? 6) Explain the differences among the pre-clinical and clinical years. 7) What is the main purpose of the dentistry faculty? 8) What skills do students master working as dentist assistants and residents? 9) What careers can the graduates pursue? 10) What may dentistry students do after receiving a diploma?


Exercise 1.14. Make up your sentences using the following word combinations:

the process of undergraduate education; the basic fields of dentistry; the selection of students, compose one third of the curriculum; master the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of dental diseases; to train students to be proficient in providing oral health care; to apply theoretical knowledge into practice; specialize in different spheres of dentistry.



Exercise 1.15. Study the active vocabulary for the lesson:


goal – цель

graduate – выпускник

competently – профессионально, квалифицировано

be capable of – быть способным

require – требовать

receive instruction – обучаться, получать знания

procedure – процедура

practice on models – практика на моделях

interact – взаимодействовать

clinical training – клиническое обучение

be designed – предназначаться

oral diagnosis – диагностика ротовой полости

treatment planning – планирование лечения

restorative dentistry – терапевтическая стоматология

be awarded – присуждаться

full-time course – основной курс дневного обучения

Bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра

last – продолжаться, длиться

practise – заниматься практикой, применять на практике

vocational training – профессиональная обучение


Exercise 1.16. Read Text C and translate it into Russian:

Дата: 2019-12-09, просмотров: 342.