December 14, 1924
December 19, 1928
October 25, 1991
August 4, 1985
Customs Service in Kievan Rus
First Customs House in Novgorod
the appearance of the Customs Charter
introduction of the Trade Statute
First Customs Code
Customs Statute of the USSR
first Customs Code of the USSR
Decree “On the State Customs Committee of the Russian
Decree by the President of the Russian Federation setting
October 25 as Russian Customs Officer’s Day
Read the text and translate it using the dictionary
Text B
History of the U.S. Customs Service
The U.S. Customs Service has a long history. With ratification by the
necessary number of states, the Constitution of the United States went into effect
on March 4, 1789. A bit more than four months later, on July 31 of that year, the
U.S. Customs Service started operating, among the very first of the federal
agencies to come to life. It was given a life-and-death mission.
The young nation was then on the brink of bankruptcy. The first Congress and
President Washington agreed that the collection of duties on imported goods was
essential if the United States were to survive.
Only a few days after Customs drew its first breath, on August 5, 1789, the
power of the service went from theory to reality when Captain James Weeks sailed
his brigatine, Persis, into New York harbor with a miscellaneous cargo from
Leghorn, Italy. The duty on the cargo - the first such payment ever made to the
United States Treasury - was $774.41.
While the payment was modest, it was the initial fiscal prop for a very young
and shaky government. More was to come. In its first year of operation, the service
collected over $2 million in duties. And for the next 124 years -- until that moment
in 1913 when the amendment authorizing the income tax was approved -- customs
remained a major source of revenue for the federal government. Thus the Customs
Service, especially in the early years of the nation, proved the truth of that
profound maxim: "the revenue of the state is the state."
As described in the strategic plan of the U.S.Customs, the agency faces five
distinct strategic challenges. They are: the continued threat of narcotics smuggling,
terrorists, the growth of world trade, the proliferation of trade agreements and
general public resistance to increasing the budget of the federal government.
(1500 symbols)
10.4.1 What do these numbers and dates mentioned in the text refer to:
$2 million
March 4
10.4.2 Match these statements as true or false:
1) The Constitution of the USA went into effect on July31, 1789.
2) The agency faces four strategic challenges.
3) In its first year of operation the service collected over $2 million in duties.
4) Customs remained a major source of revenue for the federal government
until the income tax was approved.
5) The U.S. Customs Service was among the very first of the federal agencies
to come to life.
Do you know that on a typical day, U.S. Customs and Border
Protects more than:
5,000 miles of border with Canada
1,900 miles of border with Mexico
95,000 miles of shoreline
317 ports of entry
20 sectors with 33 border checkpoints
between the ports of entry
Processes more than:
1.1 million passengers and pedestrians, including 724,192 aliens, 64,432 truck,
rail, and sea containers, 2,639 aircraft, 365,079 vehicles, 75,734 merchandise
entries, and collected $74 million in revenue
Executes more than:
135 arrests at ports of entry
3,179 arrests between ports of entry
Refuses entry of:
1,237 non-citizens at our ports of entry
54 criminal aliens attempting to enter
the United States
Seizes an average of:
2,313 pounds of narcotics in 131 narcotic seizures at our ports of entry
3,634 pounds of narcotics in 24 seizures between our ports of entry
$205,576 in currency; 193 firearms; 49 vehicles between our ports of entry
4,224 prohibited plant materials or animal products, including 189 significant
agriculture pest interceptions at our ports of entry
Rescues more than:
4 illegal crossers in dangerous
conditions between our ports of entry
Grammar Assignments
Intercepts more than:
210 fraudulent documents
1 traveler for terrorism/national
security concerns; 1 stowaway
10.6.1 Read the following text and fill in the gaps with suitable words from
the box given below:
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mission Statement
We are the ….. of our Nation’s borders. We are America’s frontline.
We ….. the American homeland at and ….. our borders.
We ….. the American public against terrorists and the instruments of terror.
We steadfastly enforce the laws of the United States while ….. our Nation’s
economic security through lawful international trade and travel.
We serve the American public with ….. , integrity and professionalism.
safeguard guardians
protect fostering vigilance
10.6.2 Use the verbs given in brackets in Past Simple to complete the text:
History of Russian Passports and Citizenship
In the 16th— 17th centuries it 1) ….. (be) necessary to obtain a special document
from the tsar which 2) ….. (give) permission to go abroad, since departure from the
country was strictly limited. During the reign of Peter the Great hundreds of young
Russians 3) ….. (go) to Western Europe to study. But by the end of the epoch of
Catherine the Great, the State put a lot of obstacles to foreign travel because of the
of revolutionary ideas that 4) ….. (can) come from Europe.
Nicholas I 5) ….. (forbid) the education of children abroad and, consequently,
created lots of work for foreign teachers in Russia. It was only Alexander II who
6) ….. (allow) youths to study abroad after reaching age 17. Other restrictions
were cancelled in 1881. Young people under age 20 were allowed to leave Russia
only if they 7) ….. (have) serious reasons to go, such as education, medical
treatment or trade.
The Russian Empire had no domestic passports. They 8) ….. (be) made only
for travel abroad and were valid for 5 years. Every 6 years anyone, who was absent
from Russia, had to pay a tax, equal to 15 roubles.
10.6.3 Put the verbs in brackets using ing-forms or Participle II:
Soviet period
After 1917 the practice of 1) ….. (issue) passports for travel abroad remained
the same. They were valid for 6 months and then could be 2) ….. (prolong) for an-
other half a year or even a longer period but only by special solicitation. The
control over all those who crowed the border was very strict. 3) ….. (accord) to the
Rules 4) ….. (adopt) in 1922, one could go abroad only by permission of a special
governmental department.
At the same time, 5) ….. (gain) the Russian citizenship in 1918 was very
simple: a man needed only to apply to the Department of Foreign Affairs. It was
only in 1921 that the government took away the citizenship of all those people who
had left the country before the revolution and who had been living abroad for five
The USSR was created in 1922 and in 1924 Soviet citizenship was introduced.
Passports were 6) ….. (give) only to those who went abroad. In 1925 three types of
documents appeared: diplomatic passports (green), official ones (for those who
went abroad for business, they were blue) and passports for other citizens (red).
This system was 7) ….. (maintain) almost till the end of the 20th century.
The situation 8) ….. (concern) domestic passports is also worthy of our
attention. After 1917 everybody's identity could be 9) ….. (establish) by any
document with a photo and a stamp. Until 1923 issuing such documents was a very
simple process: every governmental organization had the right lo prepare them.
Nevertheless, by the end of the 1920s this anarchy could not be supported
anymore and a special commission was 10) ….. (create). The government aimed at
resolving three problems at the same time. First of all, to not allow people 11) …..
(live) in the countryside to leave their homes, secondly, to do the same with people
m cities and, finally, to control and persecute "enemies" of the Soviet regime.
But passports were not given to everyone: only lo inhabitants of cities,
workers, and those who lived in a sovkhoz: People in the countryside had no
passport and were 12) ….. (prohibit) to leave their village for more than five days.
Citizens who were living abroad would not take their interior passports with
them. If somebody planned to leave forever, he had to give his documents to a
special department.
Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 267.