Read the text and translate it using the dictionary
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой


Text A

Effective Passenger and Baggage Control


In dealing with any passenger, the single most important point to establish

is "Why has this passenger travelled?" You should:

1) Establish reasons for travel.

2) Examine passport to ascertain previous and current journeys from drug

production or suspect areas. If the passenger is a frequent traveler -

establish reasons for frequency of travel.

3) Examine ticket to ascertain method of payment and whether ticket

matches the passenger's journey. (Remember: Late booked or cash

tickets are often used by smugglers.)

All the above should be carried out for all passengers stopped to satisfy you

as to their reasons for traveling. Your basic questions:

1) Is this all your baggage? Did you pack it yourself?

2) Do you know what the baggage contains?

3) Are you carrying any items for anyone else? Are you traveling alone?

4) Do you know what the Customs allowances are? (Check that the


has correct baggage reclaim tags.)


Practical examination

Passenger traveling on business:

1) Examine any documents in order to verify whether the passenger is

engaged in legitimate business.

2) Make sure that documents relate to up-to-date transactions.

Visitors or residents returning from holidays:

1) Look for gifts, clothing, souvenirs and the usual items you would

normally expect to find with this type of passenger. These will link

passengers to the baggage and reasons for travel.

2) Be suspicious of passengers arriving with only light baggage containing

few, if any, articles of personal nature.

All passengers:

1) always check baggage for concealments;

2) regularly examine articles within the baggage by X-ray and/or opening

them (e.g. tinned goods, toiletries, cigarette cartons, etc.). Don't overlook

the commonplace.


Search of person

Carry out a search of person where suspicion still exists. Points to remember

prior to baggage examination:

1) Adopt a positive approach. You must believe that if there are goods

concealed, you will find them.


2) You are a representative of this department and in the public eye. At all

times, act with courtesy and diplomacy. Be firm, but fair and confident.

3) Do not be drawn into arguments. Remain calm however provoked.

4) Do not hesitate to seek assistance or advice from colleagues.

5) Experience has proved that goods, and in particular drugs, can be


within baggage and its contents in many different ways. Remember the basic

concept that wherever there is a space there can be a concealment.

Helpful hints

The examination of baggage can be separated into two clearly defined

areas; the contents and container.


Remove the contents carefully and systematically. Examine individual items

as necessary during this process. Separate any items worthy of closer attention

and place out of the passenger's reach. To facilitate the examination of certain

articles, each baggage station should have a comprehensive selection of tools

and other equipment including an X-ray machine. You should make full use of

the equipment at your disposal. When using tools to examine contents, exercise

care to minimize damage. If it is necessary to damage an article, try to establish

its value prior to examination.


5.2.1 Scan the text and write down what a Customs officer should

do/be and should not:






5.2.2 Read the text again and make a short review (10-12 sentences) on

how to make passenger and baggage control effective.


5.2.3 Answer the following questions:


1) What is the most important point in dealing with a passenger?

2) What questions are supposed to be asked by a Customs officer?

3) Why is it important to verify whether a passenger is engaged

in legitimate business?

4) Why should a Customs officer be suspicious if a passenger

returning from holidays has only light baggage?

5) What points are of major importance prior to baggage


6) What can make the examination of baggage more successful?

7) What technical equipment is necessary for a better examination?

8) What precautions should be taken when using tools to examine




5.2.4 Practice the reading of the following words and guess their meaning:


importer exporter shipment declaration documentation legalization

accuracy expertise specification provision primary employ


5.2.5 Read the following words and their translation. Try to memorize the







freight forwarder



to levy a fine








экспедитор, отвечающий за груз



налагать штраф




Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 290.