Text C
Forwarding Agents
Forwarding agents are used by exporters to arrange both import and export
shipments. In the case of the former, their services include collecting the
consignment, arranging shipment, and if required, packing and handling all
documentation, including making out the bill of lading, obtaining insurance,
sending commercial invoices and paying the shipping company for their clients.
They also inform the importer’s forwarding agent that the shipment is on its way,
by sending an advice note, and he, in turn, will inform his client and send the
goods on to him, or arrange for them to be stored until collected. Many forwarding
agents in importing countries also act as clearing agents, insuring that the goods
are cleared through the customs and are sent to the importer.
Try to fill in the following customs clearance form. Take all the
Information from the letter given below
Figure 2 - Customs Clearance Form
Have you ever imported
Company Name:
Tel-Fax No:
E-Mail: Enter valid address
Form to work
Description of Goods:
list multiple
and weights if possible
Method of transport:
Type of customs entry
(informal for shipments
valued under $2000 usd.)
Import service required:
Origin of Goods:
Destination address of
The Letter
Furnace House, Granville Road, Sheffield S2 2RL
Reg. No: 6244536 Telephone:0742
VAT No: 31 6758900 Telex: 813297
Fax: 0742 610318
International Containers Ltd.
Buxton House
Mableton Place
London WC1H 9BH
Dear Sirs,
We are a large steel company and wish to export a consignment of steel tubing,
approximate weight 16 tonnes, and lengths varying from 2 to 5 metres.
The consignment is destined for Dortner Industries, Hamburg. Could you pick up
the load, transport it to London from Sheffield, and then deliver it to its destination
in Germany by the April 28th?
Please let us have details of your sailings and freight charges, and we can promise
you regular shipments if you quote a competitive rate.
Yours, faithfully,
Thomas Pike
Export Department
Read the text and try to translate it using the dictionary
Text B
Air Waybill
The air waybill is a document of carriage which is issued by airlines to
shippers of cargo. The air waybill, as distinct from the bill of lading, is not a
document of title. The document often travels forward with the goods allowing
immediate release of the goods into the consignee's charge for subsequent customs
clearance and delivery. The air waybill has several purposes:
1) It is evidence of a contract of carriage.
2) It proves receipt of goods for shipment.
3) It is a freight bill.
The Warsaw Convention requires that the air waybill is completed in at least three
1) for the carrier (signed by the consignor);
2) for the consignee (signed by the consignor and carrier);
3) for the consignor (signed by the carrier).
The basic information to be shown on the air waybill is as follows:
1) shipper's name and address;
2) consignee's name and address;
3) customs reference/status;
4) airport of departure and destination;
5) first carrier;
6) value of goods and currency;
7) description of goods, dimensions, commodity code, rate class,
chargeable weight and freight rate;
8) freight charges (prepaid or payable at destination);
9) ancillary charges payable.
(950 symbols)
6.6.1 Answer the following questions:
1) What is the difference between the air waybill and the bill of lading?
2) How many parts does the air waybill consist of? Name them all.
3) What basic information should be shown on the air waybill?
Grammar Assignment
6.7.1 Put in the verbs given in brackets in the appropriate form:
French Passport
An elder American absent mindedly ….. (arrive) at French customs at Paris
airport and fumbled for his passport. “You have been in France before, Sir?”, the
customs officer ….. (ask) sarcastically.
The ancient Yank admitted that he ….. (be) to France before.
“ Then you should know enough to have your passport ready for inspection”,
….. (snap) the irate officer.
The American said that the last time he came to France he ….. (not have) to
show his passport.
“ Impossible, old man. You Americans always have to show your passports
when ….. (arrive) in France.”
The old American gave the Frenchman a long hard look.
“ I assure you, young man, that when I came ashore on Omaha Beach in
Normandy on D-Day in 1944, there was no Frenchman on the beach ….. (ask) to
see my passport!”
D-Day- день высадки союзных войск на Атлантическое побережье Европы
(6 июня 1944г.)
Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 313.