Comprehension Check. Read the article about an anti-drug raid in
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Hawaii, the USA. The events of the story are given not in chronological order.

Read five jumbled paragraphs and restore the article


9.4.1 Find the following words and collocations in your dictionary. They will

help you while reading this text:


law inforcement

“dirty money”


raid (n)

investigation (n)





significant (adj)

suspect (v)

ten-fold increase

wrap (v)


Text B


dismantle (v)

distribute (v)


black tar cocaine

location (n)

For Mexican drug ring in Hawaii, aloha means goodbye . . .

a. Operation Pipeline took off on Thanksgiving weekend 2000, and law

enforcement officials had already arrested 18 suspects - residents and Mexican

nationals in the country illegally - and deported a number of them before the final

raid on December 20, 2001.



b. In a dawn raid a few days before Christmas, Customs special agents in

Hawaii hit 10 different locations, arresting 16 individuals suspected of smuggling

and distributing black tar cocaine, and seizing significant amounts of "dirty

money," guns, and illegal narcotics - 20 pounds of black- tar heroin wrapped in


electrical tape, and squeezed in among yard plants in ordinary, everyday


c. Operation Pipeline was over. It had been a 13-month investigation, a

campaign that involved Customs, the FBI, the National Guard, the Internal

Revenue Service, the U.S. attorney, and all four county police departments. "We

have totally dismantled the organization," an official from the Hawaii Police

Department said. And that appears to have been no small feat.

d. About 20 pounds of heroin and the $160,000 seized during the raid

represent only part of the $2 million worth of heroin the drug ring distributed

during its four years of operation in Hawaii.

e. From 1997 to 2000, police statistics reported a ten-fold increase in the

number of people arrested for heroin possession. Law enforcement officials across

the Hawaii Islands say that heroin and crystal methamphetamine have clearly

overtaken cocaine and marijuana as the new "drugs of choice," and that some users

combine heroin and "ice" to counter the harsh reentry.



9.4.3 What do the following numbers mentioned in the text refer to?


20 $2mln 13 $160, 000 18 10


Grammar Assignments


9.5.1 Fill in each space in the following sentences with a verb given in

brackets in a suitable form:


1) If you (follow) the customs instructions and if you do not break any law, you

(enjoy) your trip abroad.

2) If you (carry) goods for commercial purpose, go to the channel indicated by the

red symbol.

3) If you (catch) with goods that are prohibited or restricted, or goods in excess of

your Customs allowances, you (risk) heavy fines and possibly a prison sentence.

4) You could pass through the green channel only if you (not have) any goods to

declare to Customs.

5) If you (carry) any commercial goods, or goods belonging to your employer,

such as laptop computers, you must declare them in the Red Channel.


9.5.2 Fill each space in the following text with one suitable verb from the



working loaded seized discovered was arrested alerted to appeared




U.S. Customs Service inspectors ... at the Otay Mesa port of entry on Friday

evening ... over three tons of marijuana from a tractor-trailer truck ... with a cargo

of furniture. The seizure was made at around 6p.m. on July 19, after inspectors

noticed that the driver ... extremely nervous. During a secondary examination, a

Customs narcotics detector dog ... to the trailer and its load of sofas. Inspectors ... a

false front wall behind which were 2.125 wrapped packages of marijuana... 7,513

pounds and valued at $3,4 million. The 25-year-old driver ... by U.S. Customs

special agents and subsequently transported to the Metropolitan Correctional



Дата: 2016-09-30, просмотров: 364.