Part I (The double-decker bus)
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

Before you watch:

  1. What do you know about the double-decker bus?


While watching:

  1. Watch and cross out the places you DO NOT hear mentioned.

1) South Africa

2) Australia

3) the Netherlands

4) Buenos Aires

5) Singapore

6) Jakarta

7) Hong Kong

8) Berlin

  1. What do you hear the moment the presenter goes up the stairs? What does it signify?


Part II (Parliament)

While watching:

  1. Correct the factual mistakes. Mind that two sentences are correct and one is not in the video.

1) The British Parliament has one chamber, the House of Commons.

2) The House of Commons has six hundred and fifty one elected members.

3) Debates are limited in length to one hour.

4) The debates are always conducted quietly.

5) In 1609 there were several attempts to plow the Houses of Parliament.

6) This attempt is known as the Gunpowder Plot.

7) It is celebrated every year on November 15th.

8) The British Parliament is located in London.

  1. Other than the Speaker (“Order, order!”), do you see any women in the assembly?


Part III (The milkman)

Before you watch:

  1. Connect the numbers to the right information. Mind that four numbers are not in the video.
hour when the typical milkman gets up
number of houses the typical milkman delivers milk to daily
1930s percentage of British people who think having milk delivered is a great tradition
percentage of British people who buy milk from a milkman
1920s number of pints of milk delivered each year in billions
when mass production of milk bottlers started
number of times on average a milk bottle is washed and reused

Now watch and check your answers.


After you watch:

  1. Apart from the mail is there anything in your country delivered to the door? Do you know about any other countries?
  2. What foods in your country have a scene of tradition attached to them?


Part IV (Cricket)

Before you watch:

  1. Brainstorm everything you know about cricket.

While watching:

  1. Match the sentences to the pictures:

1) One team bowls.

2) The other team bats.

3) The team who are batting try to hit the ball as far as possible.

4) The other team try to hit the wicket …

5) … or catch the ball to get the batsman out.

  1. Eliminate 8 extra words:

The first known professional cricket rules and regulations were written in about 1744 and the British sport’s governing body, the Marylebone Cricket Club, popularly known as the MCC, was formed in London in 1787.


Part V (The English country garden)

After you watch:

1. Choose the best paraphrase:

1) The English country garden originated …

a. in prehistoric times.

b. during the medieval era

c. fro contact with the Far East

2) Then it was a place to grow herbs like parsley, sage and rosemary, …

a. which were used to flavour food.

b. which were used as medicine.

c. which were made into perfumes.

3) Gradually other plants were introduced, …

a. flowers in particular for their beauty.

b. particular vegetables for food.

c. and essentially from foreign countries.

4) Walls were built to give shelter to delicate plants, …

a. and gardens became more private.

b. and gardens were better organized.

c. and gardens became more decorative.


Part VI (The weather)

Before you watch:

  1. What’s your country’s reputation regarding the weather? How does it compare with Britain’s reputation?
  2. Look at these statements about the British weather. Write true or false.
    1. People in Britain complain a lot about their weather.
    2. The British climate is terrible.
    3. It is very cold in winter in Britain.
    4. The summers are quite hot.
    5. Britain is the wettest place in Europe.
    6. The weather in Britain changes a lot.
    7. The fact that Britain is an island has a great effect on the weather there.


Now watch the video. Do you want to change any of your answers?


Part VII (Stonehenge)

While watching:

  1. What do we know for sure? Based on the video tick the sentences which contain information which is certain about Stonehenge. We know …

1) … who built the structure.

2) … when Stonehenge was built.

3) … that Stonehenge was used for religious ceremonies.

4) … that Stonehenge was used as an astronomic observatory.

5) … that when the sun and moon rise over certain stones they indicate the exact time of year.

6) … the weight of some of the stones.

7) … that the builders brought the stones from Wales.

  1. Talk about any monument as massive or as mysterious as Stonehenge.



Audio 3

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 222.