Active Vocabulary, Breakthrough 2, Unit 3.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1) doubt [ daut ] – сомневаться, сомнение

I don’t doubt that he will come. When in doubt, use your dictionary!

2) to let – позволять

Alice’s mum won’t let her come with us. Let him stay. (Пусть остаётся.)

let’s (let us) – давайте («to» после «let» не употребляется )

Let’s eat now!

3) a source [sO:s] – источник

Books are a source of knowledge.

4) to amaze – изумлять

It amazes me what people will do to get on television.

amazing – изумительный, поразительный

He told me an amazing story.

amazement – изумление

To my amazement he agreed to help.

5) quality – качество, качественный The food is of the highest quality. The restaurant serves only quality food.

6) to ask for smth. – просить ч-л.

He asked me for some money.

7) a bond – связь

Carbon atoms (C) can form bonds with nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O) atoms.

8) a bound [baund] – граница, предел

There are no bounds to man’s imagination.

boundless – безграничный

Her kindness is boundless.

9) skill – мастерство, навык

This course helps people gain the skills they need to run a successful business.

skilled – квалифицированный, искусный

She is skilled in designing web sites.

10) reward [ri′wo:d] – награда, награждать

Police are offering a reward for information about him.

rewarding – приносящий моральное удовлетворение

Do you find your job rewarding?

11) broad - широкий

to broaden – расширять

This book will broaden your mind.

12) to make a difference – изменить (значительно, в лучшую сторону)

to make no difference – не иметь значения It won’t make any difference whether you go today or tomorrow.

13) to care about – заботиться, интересоваться, беспокоиться

I don’t care about his opinion.

14) path [pa:θ] - дорожка, путь

Our paths first crossed when we were students.

15) to wait for – ждать к-л.
Shall we start eating or shall we wait for the others? Who are you waiting for?

16) definitely [′definitli] – определённо

I am definitely not going there with you!

17) to gain (qualification) – получить, приобрести

She hopes to gain experience by working abroad for a year.

18) previous [′pri:vjәs]– предыдущий

The previous exercise was much easier than this one.

19) to employ – дать работу, нанять на работу

They employed a new computer programmer.

an employer [im′ploiә]– работодатель

This factory is the largest employer in this area.

an employee [emploi′i:] – работник

Their employees work 10 hours a day.

20) background – фон (зд. опыт, образование, прошлое)

His musical background helps him a lot in his job.

21) particular [pә′tikjulә] – конкретный, особый, именно этот

I am very interested in this particular problem.

22) the very – самый, тот самый, именно тот

How did you know that it was the very thing I wanted?

23) to supply with smth. [sә′plai] – снабжать ч-л.

He supplied them with food and water.

24) a list – список

I can’t see my name on the list.

25) favourable [′feivәrәbl] – благоприятный

We will go to the country if the weather is favourable.

26) to produce an impression on smb. – произвести впечатление

His speech made a very strong impression on us.

27) value – ценить, ценность

The value of this painting is not known.

invaluable [in′væljuəbl] – бесценный

The Internet is an invaluable resource for students.

28) numerous [′nju:mərәs] – многочисленный

29) technique [ tek′ni:k ] – метод

He is studying modern techniques of business management.

30) to attend – посещать

All children over 6 must attend school.

31) to suit – подходить, быть удобным

I work part time and it suits me fine. Dark colours suit her best.

suitable [′sju:tәbl] – подходящий

This film isn’t suitable for young children.

32) the use of… - зд. польза, смысл

What’s the use of talking about it? It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

33) to advertise [′ædvətaiz ]- рекламировать

This perfume is advertised in many women’s magazines

an advertisement [əd′və:tismənt]- объявление

34) tiny [′taini] - крошечный

35) to be about to do smth – собираться сделать ч-л.

I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.

36) to dial a number [daiəl]– набрать номер

He dialed her number but the line was engaged.

37) to be engaged – быть занятым ч-л.

He was engaged in writing letters. My time is fully engaged.

38) to get through – дозвониться

I can’t get through to him because the line is engaged.

39) fiction (non-fiction) stories – худ. и документ. рассказы

40) to interrupt – перебивать, прерывать

Please, don’t interrupt her when she is working.

41) polite [pə′lait] - вежливый

42) the rest of… - остальные, оставшаяся часть

We spent the rest of the day at home.

43) to expect – ожидать, предполагать

I expect to be back on Sunday.

44) to arrange – 1) устроить, организовать

I am trying to arrange a meeting with their director.

2) расположить (красиво, по порядку)

Let’s arrange the dishes on the table.

45) Job: a vacancy for a job, to apply for a job - обратиться по поводу приёма на работу, to fill in an application form,

to have an interview, an interviewer, to have qualification and experience, salary (зарплата), to earn money,

to write a CV( curriculum vitae) – написать резюме, to be unemployed, a part-time (full-time) job,

to work in shifts (по сменам), to work the night shift, to be promoted, to get promotion, working conditions

career prospects [kə′riə] -перспективы карьерного роста, to be sacked (to be fired) -быть уволенным, to retire - уйти на пенсию, he is retired [ri′taiəd] - он на пенсии, colleagues [ ′kOli:gz], a creative job [kri:′eitiv](творческая), challenging - (трудная, но интересная), well-paid, badly-paid, boring.


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 234.