Will vs. be going to
Fill in the blanks either with will or be going to
1. I feel really tired. I think I ______ go to bed.
2 Where are you going?
I ______ visit a customer.
3. Do you want me to help you?
No thanks. John ______ help me.
4 Would you prefer tea or coffee?
I ______ have some coffee, please.
5 Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?
Good idea. I ______ bring some wine.
6 I've already decided. I ______ buy a new car.
7 What are your plans for next week?
I ______ to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I haven't bought my ticket yet.
8. It's 8.30! You're _______ the train!
9 Why are you wearing your best suit?
I ______ have lunch with my biggest customer.
10 Do you want to have the chicken or the beef?
I think ______ have the beef.
11. The sky is very black. It _____ snow.
12 We need some more ink for the printer.
I ______ go to the shop and get some.
13 Look! There's smoke coming out of the photocopier.
You turn it off and I ______ phone the safety officer
14. I crashed the company car. My boss ________(not) very happy!
15. I need to speak to you today.
I'm going out now but I ______ be back later.
Modal Verbs
can – мочь (умение, способность) (разрешение) | + - ? | he can read=he is able to read (редко) he cannot (can’t) read can he read? Joe can stay up till 10. | he could read (вообще) he could not (couldn’t) read (вообще и в конкретном случае) could he read? (вообще) was he able to read the word?=managed to/succeeded in (в конкретном случае) с глаголами чувственного восприятия (see, hear, taste, etc.) для выражения конкретной возможности часто используется could I could see him in the park. When I was 10 I could watch TV all day long (обычно). | will be able to |
may –мочь(возможность, разрешение) | + - ? | he may read he may not read may he read? | might (в косвенной речи) He said I might (might not/mightn’t) take his car was/were allowed to (разрешение в конкретном случае) I wasn’t allowed to stay up late last night. Were you allowed to see her yesterday? | will be allowed to |
must - быть должным, нужно (обязанность, долг) | + - ? | he must read (I insist on it) I have to (Am.)/’ve got to (Br.) (таковы обстоятельства) he must not (must’t) read (запрет) he need not (needn’t) (=doesn’t need to) read (нет не-обходимости) must he read? (not common)=does he have to read | he had to read (в косвенной речи возможно must) he didn’t have to read he didn’t need to read - ему не пришлось(не нужно было) читать Did he have to read? | will have to |
should ought to –следует (моральный долг, совет) | + - ? | he should read he ought to read he should not (shouldn’t) read he ought not (oughtn’t) to read should he read? ought he to read? | – | – |
1.Глаголы must, can’t/couldn’t, , should/ought to, may, might, could могут употребляться в значении предположения (глаголы приведены в порядке уменьшения степени уверенности говорящего в верности предположения):
+++++He must be looking for you.
Должно быть, он ищет тебя.
– – – – – He can’t/couldn’t be looking for you.
Не может быть, чтобы он искал тебя.
++++He should/ought to be looking for you.
Вероятно, он тебя ищет.
+++It may be raining tomorrow
Вполне возможно, завтра пойдет дождь.
++It might be raining tomorrow.
Возможно, завтра пойдет дождь.
+ It could be raining tomorrow.
Может быть, завтра и пойдет дождь(но вряд ли)
2. Глагол might может употребляться в значении упрека:
e.g. You might pay more attention to your studies.
Ты мог бы уделять больше внимания учебе
3. Глагол to be в сочетании с инфинитивом показывает необходимость совершить действие по договоренности или по плану (часто в инструкциях, распоряжениях) :
e.g. All visitors entering the hospital are to wear masks. Все посещающие больных должны надевать марлевые повязки.
be to + infinitive в условных придаточных (if-clauses) может означать планируемое действие с оттенком долженствования (=to be supposed to):
e.g. If humans are to survive as a species, we must address certain environmental issues now.
Если люди хотят (намерены) выжить, они должны срочно решить некоторые экологические проблемы.
If water from the polluted rivers is to be used for drinking, the water must have extensive treatment to make it safe.
Если в качестве источника питьевой воды предполагается использовать загрязненные реки, вода будет безопасна для употребления лишь пройдя глубокую очистку.
4. Глаголы may, might, can, could используются а) для того, чтобы попросить разрешения что-либо сделать:
e.g. May/can/could I use your phone?
I wonder if I might take this book? – very tentative (очень осторожно)
Ответом на такой вопрос может быть:
Yes, you can/may (never could/might). You sure/certainly can/may. – formal
(Yes,) sure. (You’re) welcome. (Sure,) go ahead. Help yourself (talking about food). – informal
No, you may/must not. – emphatic
I’m afraid, you can’t/may not. I’d rather you (do smth else).
Sorry,+ reason (Sorry, we are closing). – polite, neutral
б) для выражения просьбы:
Perhaps, you can/could/may help me with that bag? ≈ Will you help me with this bag?
c) для выражения предложения:
Сan/could/may I help you? ≈ Shall I help you?
5. Конструкции “one + modal verb” следует переводить на русский язык следующим образом:
One can (may) do – Можно сделать
One must (should, ought to) do – Надо (следует) сделать
One can’t (mustn’t) do – Нельзя сделать
One shouldn’t, oughtn’t to) do– Не следует делать
One needn’t do – Не нужно делать (Нет необходимости делать)
I. Complete the sentences using can or could where possible. If can or could is not possible, use to be able to:
1. When Robby was younger he ____ run quite fast.
2. Look! You ___ see the mountain from the window.
3. Kate ____ dance really well when she was a young girl.
4. How long have you ___ play the guitar?
5. Look! I ___ lift this chair with one hand!
6. I’m sorry, but I won’t ____ come to the party on Saturday.
7. We ____ put out the fire before much damage was done.
8. My daughter ____ walk when she was only 11 months old.
9. I ____ finish all the work you wanted me to do yesterday.
10. “____(you) speak French before you went to live in Paris?” “I ___ (not) speak it very well.
11. They were talking very loudly. I _____ hear everything they said.
II. Put the following into the Past and Future Tenses:
1. She can read a great deal during her holidays.
2. As for me I can cover only half the distance.
3. We cannot keep in mind everything.
4. I must be true to my word.
5. I must make up my mind at once.
6. He may stay with us for a month.
7. She may not decide this question alone.
III. (1) Mrs. Woods isn’t very well. The doctor is speaking to her. Complete what the doctor says using must and the verbs drink, take, stay, continue. Use each verb only once.
Doctor: Well, Mrs. Woods, your temperature is a little high, so you ____ in bed for the next few days. You can eat whatever you like, but you ____ plenty of liquids. You ___ take the medicine I prescribed three times a day after meals. And you ____ to take it for the next ten days.
(2) Now Mrs. Woods is explaining the doctor’s instructions to her husband. Complete what Mrs. Woods says using have to and the verbs drink, take, stay, continue. Use each verb only once.
Mrs. Woods: The doctor gave me some medicine. I ___ take it three times a day after meals. And I ____ to take it for the next ten days. I am not allowed to get up at the moment. I ____ in bed for the next few days. Oh, and I’m allowed to eat whatever you like, but I ____ plenty of liquids.
IV. Complete the sentences using must or a form of have to. Sometimes two answers are possible.
1. I couldn’t go to the party last night because I _____ babysit for my sister.
2. You ____ get a visa to visit the US.
3. Annie ____ do her homework tomorrow.
4. There’s nothing I dislike more than _____ take medicine every day.
5. It’s getting very late. We ___ go now.
6. I _____ stay up late yesterday because I was to finish my essay.
7. Mr. Mason ____ wear glasses since he was a child.
8. I don’t like _____ work at weekends.
V. Choose the correct form.
1. You mustn’t/don’t have to open the door before the train stops. You could fall out.
2. You mustn’t/don’t have to hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.
3. You mustn’t/don’t have to make any noise going into the house. It’s very late and everybody is asleep.
4. You mustn’t/needn’t tell Nick about the party. I’ve already told him.
5. You mustn’t/don’t need to phone the station about the time of the trains. I’ve got the timetable.
6. I mustn’t/don’t have to go now. I can stay a bit longer if you want me to.
VI. Make the sentences interrogative:
1. You can depend on him.
2. They will be able to exchange their ideas.
3. She may take off her coat.
4. He should speak more distinctly.
5. I must make another effort.
6. They have to live in a tiny room.
7. She has to do several things simultaneously.
8. He had to control the temperature carefully.
9. We are to try a simpler method now.
10. They were to develop a new programme.
11. I ought to have a look at it.
VII. Make the sentences negative:
1. Flowers can grow without water.
2. I will be able to offer him another book.
3. You may use a rough copy.
4. She was allowed to break a local tradition.
5. We must follow these rules.
6. You ought to spend much time at the computer.
7. Parents should beat children when they misbehave.
8. She’ll be able to do without his help.
9. You may be late for the first class.
10. We can allow this behavior to continue.
VIII. Make up dialogues using the following models:
Model 1. – Could/Can/May/ I have a look at your magazine?
– Yes, sure. (for other positive answers see Notes: 4.)
Model 2. – Do you think/I wonder if I could/might take the car?
– Perhaps, not now. I promised to take Jane to her dancing lesson at 3. (for other negative answers see Notes: 4.)
These words may help you: come in, leave you for a moment, try this on, borrow/use your …, sit here, take a picture of …, close the window, smoke in this room, have another cup of tea/some more potatoes, , park my car here, pat your dog
IX. Complete the sentences using could or was/were allowed to. Sometimes either form is possible.
1. I ____ see him for a few moments yesterday.
2. Until the 19th century, people ____ travel freely between most countries without a passport.
3. Andrew _____ leave the school yesterday because he wasn’t feeling well.
4. Her son has to wear a uniform in his new school, but in his old school he ____ wear whatever he liked.
5. Sue’s children ____ watch the film on TV last night.
6. Tourists _____ take pictures in the museum until 2 years ago. Now it’s forbidden.
7. When a child I _____ stay up till as late as 11.30.
8. The cigarette manufacturer ____ raise its output to a total of 17600 million pieces this year.
9. Journalists (briefly) _____ view the prisoners last night.
10. The plane took off and 5 minutes later they _____ see it disappear into the clouds.
X. Complete the sentences using the modal verbs must, mustn’t, can, can’t, needn’t. Sometimes two answers are possible.
1. You can go now. You _____ wait any longer.
2. You must move your car. You _______ park here.
3. You mustn’t leave the door unlock. You ______ lock it.
4. You can smoke only in the canteen. You _____ smoke in this room.
5. We needn’t do the washing up now. We _____ do it tomorrow.
6. You can’t keep on using my tennis shoes. You ____ buy your own ones.
7. We can stay a bit longer. We _____ go now.
8. You mustn’t make a noise. You _____ be quiet.
9. You can keep those magazines. You ______ give them back to me.
XI. Complete the advice using should or ought to; find the advice for the problems.
problems | advice |
1. I’ve lost my credit card. | You ׀ relax more. |
2. I’m afraid, I work too hard. | Perhaps you ׀ see a doctor. |
3. I can’t remember new English words. | You ׀ buy a new alarm clock |
4. I’m bored with my job. | I think you ׀ sell it. |
5. I’ve got a terrible headache. | Perhaps you ׀ look for another job. |
6. I was very rude to my parents. | You ׀ report it to the credit car company immediately. |
7. I haven’t been feeling well lately. | Perhaps you ׀ take some aspirin. |
8. I always oversleep and is late for classes. | I think you ׀ use them as often as you can. |
9. My car keeps on breaking down. | Don’t you think you ׀ apologize to them? |
XII. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb to be + infinitive and the verbs in the box. Translate the sentences into Russian.
arrive marry go not open not park have not be late clean up be taken |
1. She can go out tonight, but she _____ back.
2. What are you doing with your birthday presents? You ______ them until your birthday.
3. I______ my room before I'm allowed to go out.
4. I _____ to work yesterday, but I couldn’t because I was ill in bed.
5. You ____ your car here at any time.
6. This medicine ______three times daily after meals.
7. We _____ in Manchester at 6 o’clock this morning, but our plane was delayed.
8. Peter ____ a one hour lunch break, but he sometimes takes a bit longer.
9. Newspapers say that Sheila _______ lord Stanhope at the local registry office next Friday.
XIII. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying special attention to the translation of “if + to be to + infinitive”.
1. If we are to survive global warming, large-scale deforestation must be avoided.
2. If he is to get into the first team, he must improve his diet and spend more time training.
3. If they are to get there by nightfall, they must set off immediately.
4. If you are to arrive on time you can’t wait for the others to join you.
5. If this substance is to be used in the laboratory it must be safe for humans.
6. If you are to enroll in an advanced course you first have to take a required preliminary course.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 250.