1) since [sins] - 1) с тех пор как
I haven’t seen him since 1998.
2) так как
Since we have no money we can’t buy it.
2) whenever - когда бы ни, всякий раз когда
Whenever I hear this song I smile.
whatever – что бы ни, какой бы ни
Whatever you do, do it well. He goes jogging whatever the weather.
3) spirits – настроение
He is in high spirits today, isn’t he?
4) (bad, weak, good) points – (зд.) черты, особенности
Your plan has some weak points.(недостатки)
5) as well as – а так же
He gave me money as well as advice.
6) to discover – открывать
William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.
a discovery –
7) to afford something –позволить себе
They can’t afford such expensive holidays.
8) exciting, - волнующий, захватывающий
It will be an exciting adventure!
excitement – волнение
In his excitement, he rushed out and forgot his keys.
9) to win a fortune - выиграть огромную сумму
to make a fortune – сколотить состояние
to spend a fortune – тратить огромную сумму
He spends a fortune on books.
10) an opportunity – возможность
Do you have much opportunity to speak English?
to take an opportunity – воспользоваться случаем
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help.
11) to say nothing of – не говоря уже о…
He speaks Japanese and Chinese, to say nothing of English.
12) spectacular – впечатляющий, поразительный
We have a spectacular view of the mountains from our room.
13) breath [e] - дыхание
breathtaking (views) – захватывающий дух, поразительный
14) to experience – испытать, пережить
This company is experiencing some problems at the moment.
15) as far as I know- насколько я знаю
As far as I know, he is very busy now.
16) to explore – исследовать
Columbus discovered America but didn’t explore the new continent.
17) a way to do (of doing) – способ сделать ч-л.
There are so many ways of cooking chicken!
18) accommodation (uncount)– жильё, место где остановиться
The hotel has accommodation for 100 people.
19) to book (accommodation, a ticket) – заказать
I’d like to book a table for 8 o’clock.
20) to deliver – доставить
A postman is a man who delivers letters.
21) infinite [`infinit ] - бесконечный
22) variety[ vә`raiәti ] – разнообразие, множество
People study yoga for a variety of reasons.
23) either…or – или…или
You must answer either «yes» or «no».
24) tiring – утомительный; tired – утомлённый, уставший
These lectures are so tiring! I am so tired!
Compare: boring (bored), interesting (interested)
25) to keep somebody company – составить компанию
Would you like to stay and keep me company?
26) turn – очередь; in turn – по-очереди
It’s your turn to wash the dishes.
27) to miss a chance (an opportunity) – упустить случай
Don’t miss this opportunity to speak to him!
28) stretch – тянуть(ся)
to stretch your legs – размять ноги, прогуляться
29) after all – в конце концов, всё- таки
I’m not very ambitious. After all, money isn’t everything.
30) comfort – comfortable [`k۸mfәtәbl ] - (удобство – удобный)
31) safety - safe (безопасность – безопасный)
It isn’t safe to stay here.
32) to suffer from – страдать от
This region suffers from serious water pollution.
33) lag - отставание, отставать
Come on, you two, stop lagging behind!
a jet – реактивный самолёт
a jet lag – нарушение режима из-за смены часовых поясов
34) whether – ли (не путать с weather)
I don’t know whether he is at home. (Я не знаю, дома ли он.)
whether … or… - независимо от того,
Whether he likes it or not, he will go by plane.
The journey, whether by train or by car, takes about 4 hours.
35) to save(up)(money) – копить
He is saving up for a new car. They saved 500 $ for their holiday.
36) expenses – расходы
The company pays all our traveling expenses.
37) to come true – осуществиться
At last his dream came true.
38) Travelling: to travel by plane (by train, by bus, by car, by boat, by ship, on foot)
to take a train (a bus) to…
to get on a train (a plane, a bus), to get into a car; to get off a train (a bus), to get out of a car
to see the sights – осматривать достопримечательности
places of interest - The city has a lot of museums and other places of interest.
to go on a trip (a journey, an excursion) to…, to go on a walking tour (a sightseeing tour) to…
a tour guide [gaid] - экскурсовод
to go abroad (за границу), to be on holiday, to go on holiday
to book a ticket, to buy a single ticket ( в один конец), a return ticket Br. /round-trip ticket Am.
(train/plane/bus) ticket to London (but ticket for a play/cinema/match)
to travel light(налегке), to take a lot of luggage
to arrive at a place (airport/station/small town), in (a big city/country), to stay at a hotel
Active vocabulary, Breakthrough 2, Unit 2.
1) to get together
The whole family usually gets together at Christmas.
2) to wander [ o ] – бродить She likes wandering around the city at night.
3) used to do something – делал что-то раньше; бывало
I don’t play golf now but I used to (play).
4) for a (little) while – ненадолго, на какое-то время
I’d like to stay here for a while.
5) to ride (a horse, on a bicycle) – ехать
He rides to school on his bicycle.
6) to own [ou] - владеть
Who owns this restaurant?
an owner – владелец
Who is the owner of this restaurant?
7) to bump(to run) into smb. – случайно встретить
I ran into your brother in the supermarket.
8) edge – край
He lives on the edge of the forest.
9) the thing is (was) that… - дело в том, что
He didn’t come to their party; the thing was that he was very busy.
10) ability- способность
He is a boy of great ability.
11) to move to… - переехать
They don’t live here any longer; they moved to London 2 years ago.
12) comprehensive – всесторонний
a comprehensive school – общеобразовательная школа
13) extra – дополнительный
You will get extra pay for extra work.
14) activity – деятельность, занятие
The guests of the hotel can enjoy various activities, like surfing and riding.
15) yet -1) до сих пор, ещё
He isn’t married yet. She can’t leave the hospital yet.
2) (не в конце предложения) – однако, всё же
Her advice seems strange, yet I believe she is right.
16) certainly - конечно
17) have to do … - приходиться
He had to work at weekends. I have to get up early.
18) to allow [au] - разрешать
She doesn’t allow her son to go to Moscow alone.
to be allowed to do.. – разрешаться
You are not allowed to smoke here. (Smoking isn’t allowed.)
19) none (of them) [ ۸ ] - никто, ничто
Compare: Nobody helped him. None of his friends helped him.
20) once – a) однажды, b) как только, когда
Once you know him, you’ll change your opinion of him
21) to pretend – 1) притворяться
She pretended to be asleep.
2) играть в; воображать себя
The children are pretending to be astronauts.
22) to mention – упоминать
He didn’t mention her at all. I’ll mention it to him if I see him.
23) embarrassed [im′bærәst]- смущённый
I felt so embarrassed about this mistake.
24) as for – что касается…
As for me, I don’t like horror films.
25) frankly… - откровенно (говоря)
Frankly, I think you are wrong.
26) to freeze – замерзать
The lake freezes in winter.
freezing – очень холодный
It’s absolutely freezing in here.
27) to stand smth. – терпеть, выносить ч-л.
How can you stand all that noise? I can’t stand getting up early.
28) miserable [′mizәrәbl] - несчастный
He looked cold and miserable in the rain.
29) cruel [kruәl] - жестокий
30) to play jokes on smb. – шутить над
They decided to play a joke on their teacher.
31) to spill (spilt, spilt) – разливать
I spilt coffee all over my desk.
32) to get into trouble –попасть в неприятную ситуацию
He got into trouble for this joke.
33) to laugh at smb. – смеяться над
He laughed at his friend’s joke. What are you laughing at?
34) to hurt (hurt, hurt) [hə:t]– обижать, задевать, причинять боль
These new boots hurt. I don’t want to hurt you.
35) public – общественный; a public school – дорогая частная школа (только в Британии)
36) largely, mostly – в основном, главным образом
We listen to rock music mostly.
37) a handicap – препятствие, помеха
His past is a handicap to his ambitions.
38) arrogant [′ærəgәnt] – высокомерный
He’s so arrogant; he thinks he is better than other people.
39) snobbish – надменный, относящийся к людям в соответствии с их положением в обществе
40) however - однако
41) otherwise – в остальном, в других отношениях
The rent is high, but otherwise the house is quite good.
42) to add up – складывать
I am not very good at adding up in my head.
43) curious [′kjuәriәs] – любопытный
Are women more curious than men?
44) to go on – продолжать(ся)
Go on reading! He went on reading. The discussion went on.
45) to lean forward [li:n] – наклониться вперёд
He leaned forward to hear what they were saying.
46) to wonder [ ۸ ] - интересоваться, желать знать
I wonder – интересно…
I wonder if (whether) he is at home. I wonder why he thinks so.
47) store – запас (a store of food for the winter)
to be in store – ждать в будущем
None of us knew what was in store for us.
48) Education: to go to school, primary school, secondary school, a form (a grade) - класс (He is in the sixth form now.)
to leave school (закончить), higher education, to enter a university, entrance exams, to graduate from a university,
final exams, to take up post-graduate study (поступить в аспирантуру), a post-graduate student
to attend seminars, to miss lectures, a lecturer, a term (семестр),
a curriculum [kә′rikjulәm]- учебный план, программа (This subject is no longer on the curriculum.)
to take exams, to pass exams, to get a pass (получить зачёт) (She got a pass in her Physics test.)
to do well in an exam (to get a good mark), to fail an exam (провалиться)
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 237.