A. Each has its own internal quality assurance procedures.
B. Maintaining the highest academic standards and quality is crucial to keeping this reputation.
C. QAA also publishes guidelines to help institutions develop effective systems to ensure students have high quality experiences.
D. QAA believes that students should be active participants in their own education and be involved in the higher education sector's approaches to quality assurance and enhancement.
E. Review teams are largely made up of senior, experienced staff from UK higher education institutions and the professions.
F. These audits assess how effectively the UK institution secures the quality and standards of those programmes.
G. Three are mainly concerned with setting standards and one (the Code of practice) is concerned with the management of quality.
What is QAA?
The primary responsibility for academic standards and quality in UK higher education rests with individual universities and colleges, each of which is independent and self-governing. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) checks how well they meet their responsibilities, identifying good practice and making recommendations for improvement. 1) ______
The role of QAA in UK higher education.Higher education in the UK has an international reputation for excellence. 2) _____ All universities and colleges that provide higher education in the UK are autonomous. These institutions are not owned by the state, but most receive government funding.
Each university and college of higher education is responsible for the standards of the awards it makes and the quality of the education it provides to its students. 3) _____ QAA is an independent body.
External review.One of QAA's core functions is to carry out reviews and report to the public on how universities and other higher education providers maintain the quality of the learning opportunities they offer to students and the academic standards of awards they make.
QAA uses evidence-based peer review processes. 4) ____ Teams in the UK include a student member from 2009-10.
QAA publishes reports on most of its review activities. This information is freely available on the QAA website.
Overseas audit.QAA audits collaborative provision partnerships between UK higher education institutions and international organisations that lead to the award of a UK degree. 5) ______ .
The Academic Infrastructure.QAA and the UK higher education sector have worked together to develop the Academic Infrastructure. This set of UK-wide agreed guidelines and reference points is key to setting and maintaining quality and standards across UK higher education. It includes four components. 6) ________.
Looking for advice? Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Match the questions with the answers. There is one extra answer.
1. I have a complaint about my university. What should I do?
2. What level is my qualification?
3. Where can I find league tables for higher education providers?
4. How do I apply to university?
5. I have a qualification from X country. What is the equivalent as a UK qualification?
A. All QAA publications can be downloaded free of charge from our website. Some publications are also printed and can be ordered from Linney Direct.
B. For full-time undergraduate courses, contact UCAS. For part-time or postgraduate courses, apply to the institution you wish to study at.
C. If you supply evidence that the institution has jeopardised academic standards or the quality of its programmes QAA will consider opening a Causes for Concern enquiry.
D. Official information regarding subjects and universities/colleges can be found at the Unistats website.
E. UK NARIC provides information on the comparability of international qualifications.
F. Your awarding institution will be able to tell you. QAA's frameworks for higher education qualifications outline the different levels.
1. Which European Universities are historically known all over the world? What are they famous for?
2. What European educational institutions do you know? What do you know about their structure?
3. What structural units are essential for the university to be a success?
4. Describe the structure of your University.
5. Name differences and similarities between the structures of Russian and European Universities.
6. What does Tempus support?
7. What is the role of Quality Assurance Agencies (QAA) in higher education?
8. Name the core functions of QAA.
accommodation n. | услуги по проживанию (комплекс услуг, включая помещение для проживания, питание и т. д.) |
administration n. | администрация |
alumnus (pl. –ni) n. | бывший студент, выпускник |
application n. | регистрационные анкеты и формы, заполняемые при поступлении в учреждение, в том числе, образовательное |
asset n. | ценность |
blueprint n. | (детальный) план, программа, проект |
catering n. | организация питания |
chief executive officer | руководитель корпорации, крупной организации |
delegated authority | делегированные полномочия |
directorate n. | правление, директорат |
division n. | подразделение |
employer n. | наниматель, работодатель |
faculty n. | факультет |
merger postgraduate programme | слияние, объединение компаний последипломная образовательная программа |
Registrar and Secretary | официальное лицо, ведущее регистрацию новых студентов колледжа (университета) и осуществляющее остальные формальности, связанные с зачислением. Ведет также архив регистрации академической успеваемости |
single-site a. | расположенный в одном студенческом городке |
staff | штат преподавателей; профессорско-преподавательский состав |
undergraduate programme | основная программа высшего образования, до получения степени бакалавра |
vacation n. | каникулы |
Business Review, 1980-1994 / forward by Rajat Gupta; preface by Nan Stone, 1996.
Lorenzi, Steven J. Skinner., RICHARD D. IRWIN. INC., 1994.
Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. International student Edition. London: Macmillan Publishers LTD, 2002.
Management: quality and competitiveness / John M. Ivancevich, Peter Managerial excellence: McKinsey award winners from the Harvard Juran’s quality handbook / Joseph M. Juran, A Blanton Godfrey, - 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 254.