Are these statements True or False?
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1. Most standards are developed by committees of volunteers, which can include members of industry, government, and the public.

2. ISO standards can be applied only in Europe.

3. The number of stages involved in standards development depends on the industry sector.

4. The standard is approved if more than half of the ISO members voted.

5. Standards must be updated regularly.



What types of standards do you know? Match the terms with their definitions.

1. de facto standards   a. which are published and available for people to consider for use
2. de jure standards   b. which means they are followed by informal convention or dominant usage.
3. Voluntary standards   c. which are part of legally binding contracts, laws or regulations.


Match the beginning of the sentence to its ending.

1. .The inch is a. standards of communication
2.. Money is b. quality standards
3 ..Words are c. a standard of exchange
4. .Traffic lights are d. a performance standard
5. .Octane numbers of gasoline are e. a standard of measurement
6. "No more than 1% shrinkage" is f. safety standards

3 Study the information on the history of standards. What do these numbers refer to?



Standards are known to have existed as early as 7000 B.C. when cylindrical stones were used as units of weight in Egypt. One of the first known attempts at standardization in the Western world occurred in 1120. King Henry I of England ordered that the ell, the ancient yard, should be the exact length of his forearm, and that it should be used as the standard unit of length in his kingdom.

History also notes that, in 1689, the Boston city fathers recognized the need for standardization when they passed a law making it a civic crime to manufacture bricks in any size other than 9x4x4. The city had just been destroyed by fire, and the city fathers decided that standards would assure rebuilding in the most economic and fastest way possible.

Probably the most significant standard ever developed in the United States, however, was the railroads' standard track gage. This standard, now used in Great Britain, the U.S., Canada and much of continental Europe, enables railroad rolling stock to cross the country.


Fill in the gaps in the following text with the following words.

a.barriers; b. vital tools; c.buyer-seller transactions; d.variety;;

f.foreign markets;



We use standards to achieve a level of (1)______, quality, and consistency in the products and processes that affect our lives. In short, standards make our lives safer, easier, and better. Standards are also (2)_______of industry and commerce. They often provide the basis for (3)________, hence they have tremendous impact on companies and nations, and even on the economic fabric of the world market.

For example, as global trade increases and companies sell their products on (4)________, they must ensure that their products comply with standards from those foreign countries. The (5)______of different standards for different markets means that some manufacturers must create dozens of variations of their products, each complying with slightly different standards. For the sake of shrinking these (6)_______to trade, international standards have been developed for use throughout the world.



1.What do you think the world would be like without standards?

2.These are the typical features of standardized products and services.

· Safe

· healthy

· secure

· high quality

· flexible

Are all these characteristics equally significant? Why?

3.In what way do standards influence people’s life? Provide good examples.



1. What is a standard? Give the definition. What types of standards do you now?

2. What groups of people are involved in developing standards?

3. How do organizations benefit from standards development?

4. Are standards developed only for products?

5. Why are standards revised?

6. Is it difficult to introduce a standard to a business? How much time and effort will it take?

7. Are standards only relevant to large businesses? Can start-ups benefit from these just as much as established firms?

8. Do businesses really need standards if they have the best solution already?



consensus n. всеобщее согласие
guidelines n. рекомендации, нормативы, правила
compatibility n. совместимость, сочетаемость
interchangeability n. равноценность, взаимозаменяемость
adverse conditions n. неблагоприятные условия
Technical Advisory Group n техническая консультативная группа
drafts of standards n проект стандартов
Quality Management Systems-Requirements n требования системы менеджмента качества
technical content of the standards техническое содержание стандартов
become savvy стать экспертом, научиться хорошо разбираться
sharpen negotiating skills оттачивать искусство ведения переговоров
insider n. член общества или организации; член группы
highlight v. привлекать внимание общественности, акцентировать
  showcase the expertise демонстрировать профессиональные знания и опыт
consensus n. всеобщее согласие
compatibility n. совместимость, сочетаемость
interchangeability n. равноценность, взаимозаменяемость
adverse conditions неблагоприятные условия
Technical Advisory Group техническая консультативная группа


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 286.