Match the names of 46 countries signatories of the Bologna Declaration with nationalities and official languages.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
Country Nationality/ official language
Albania Hungarian
Andorra Finn / Finnish
Armenia Bulgarian
Austria Maltese / English, Maltese
Azerbaijan Serbian
Belgium Belgian / Dutch, French, German
Bosnia-Herzegovina French
Bulgaria Albanian
Croatia Pole / Polish
Cyprus Armenian
Czech Republic Romanian
Denmark Latvian
Estonia Bosnian / Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian
Finland Irish / Irish, English
France Estonian
Germany Moldovan
Greece Danish
Holy See Lithuanian
Hungary Macedonian
Iceland Croatian
Ireland Andorran / Catalan
Italy Austrian
Latvia Swede / Swedish
Liechtenstein British / English
Lithuania Greek
Luxembourg Cypriot / Greek, Turkish, English
Malta Ukranian
Moldova Luxembourger / Luxembourgish
Montenegro Azerbaijani
Netherlands Russian
Poland Icelandic
Portugal Montenegrin / Serbian
Romania German
Russian Federation Czech
Serbia Portuguese
Slovak Republic - / Latin
Slovenia Dutch
Spain Turk / Turkish
Sweden Liechtensteiner / German
Switzerland Italian
"the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" Slovak
Turkey Spaniard / Spanish
Ukraine Swiss
United Kingdom Slovene / Slovenian

Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations.


1. Европейское гражданство;

2. мобильность студентов, преподавателей, исследователей, администрации;

3. достигнуть цели;

4. независимость и автономия университетов;

5. адаптироваться к меняющимся потребностям и требованиям;

6. совместимость и сравнимость систем высшего образования;

7. международная конкурентоспособность;

8. внедрение приложения к диплому;

9. система зачетных единиц;

10.обучение в течение жизни;

11.легко понимаемые и сопоставимые степени;

12.система, основанная на двух основных циклах;

13.Европейское сотрудничество в обеспечении качества образования;

14.Европейские измерения в системе высшего образования.


Which of these social groups of people are in the immediate focus of the Bologna Process? What benefits are they supposed to have?

A. students

B. entrepreneurs

C. priests

D. academics

E. researchers

F. military personnel

G. University administrative staff

How significant are the following outcomes of the Bologna Process for higher education in Russia? Give each one a score from 1 (not significant) to 5 (very significant). Explain your decision.

___Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees

___Adoption of a system based on three cycles

___Establishment of a system of credits

___Promotion of mobility

___Promotion of European co-operation in quality assurance

___Promotion of the European dimension in higher education

___Focus on lifelong learning

___Inclusion of higher education institutions and students

___Promotion of the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area

___Doctoral studies and the synergy between the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area


Do you know what documents were adopted before and after the Bologna Declaration? When and where did it take place? What are the titles of these documents? Read and fill in the missing information. Compare your answers with the timeline.


Timeline: The Bologna Process

Magna Charta Universitatum

Lisbon Convention

Sorbonne Declaration

Bologna Declaration

Prague Summit

Salamanca Convention

Göteborg Student Convention

Berlin Summit

Graz Convention

Bergen Summit

London Summit

Completion date for EHEA

Signed by the Rectors of European Universities in Bologna, Italy. The agreement outlines the founding principles of what will later become known as the Bologna Process.

May _____: The Sorbonne Declaration
Calls for the “harmonization of the architecture of the European Higher Education System” and is signed by education ministers from France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom.

June 1999: ______________
Signed by 29 countries pledging to restructure their higher-education systems in an effort to create a coherent, compatible and competitive European Higher Education Area by the year 2010.

March 2001: ______________
Four additional countries join the process. Mention is made of social aspects to be taken into account in higher education reform. In preparation for the Prague summit, representatives of the National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB) formally adopt their position on the Bologna Declaration in Göteborg.

September 2003: ______________
Forty countries are now involved, including Russia and southeast Europe. PhD degrees are included in the scope of the EHEA. The Berlin Communiqué of Ministers is signed.

May _____: Bergen Summit
Five more countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) sign onto the Bologna Process bringing the total number of signatories to 45. European Мinisters of Еducation adopt an overarching framework for qualifications and agree on a set of European standards and guidelines for quality assurance.

May _____: London Summit
The London Communiqué is signed. The communiqué emphasises the need for further progress in promoting student and faculty mobility, employability, and improving the international recognition of new European degrees.

2010:The European Higher Education Area opens.


For more information about key events and documents visit the official Bologna Process website



1. What changes in the European environment caused the necessity of the Bologna Declaration?

2. What were the key ideas of the Sorbonne Declaration of 25th of May 1998?

3. What was the reaction of the European countries to the appeal of the Sorbonne Declaration?

4. Why is the implementation of the Diploma Supplement so significant?

5. What are the cycles of education according to the Bologna Declaration? What changes took place in 2003?

6. Name and comment on the key features of joint degrees.

7. What does quality assurance refer to in the context of the Bologna process?

8. Explain the interconnection between employability and the Bologna reform.

9. What is the aim of academic mobility?


cohesion n. единство, спаянность, сплочённость
comparability n. сравнимость, сопоставимость
compatibility n. совместимость, сочетаемость
credit system cистема зачетных единиц/система кредитов
curriculum n. курс обучения, учебный план (в образовательном учреждении)
cycles n. циклы обучения
Diploma Supplement приложение к диплому
employability n. профессиональная подготовленность к рынку труда
facilitate v. облегчать; содействовать
foster v. стимулировать; одобрять
inherent a. обязательно присущий, неотъемлемый
joint degree cовместные степени/совместные дипломы
lifelong learning обучение в течение жизни
mobility n. мобильность
quality assurance система обеспечения качества
qualifications n. квалификация; диплом, аттестат
recognition (academic recognition) признание
relevant a. имеющий отношение к делу, относящийся к делу, релевантный
sustainable a. устойчивый


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 288.