Refer back to the text and match a line in A with a line in B to define English-Russian equivalents.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой
1 consensus a совместимость, сочетаемость
2 guidelines b неблагоприятные условия
3 compatibility c техническая консультативная группа
4 interchangeability d демонстрировать профессиональные знания и опыт
5 adverse conditions e проект стандартов
6 Technical Advisory Group f всеобщее согласие
7 technical content of the standards g стать экспертом, научиться хорошо разбираться
8 become savvy h член общества или организации
9 sharpen negotiating skills I привлекать внимание общественности, акцентировать
10 insider j оттачивать искусство ведения переговоров
11 highlight k равноценность, взаимозаменяемость
12 showcase the expertise l рекомендации, нормативы, правила
13 draft of standards m техническое содержание стандартов

Find the words and phrases in the text with the following meanings.

a why you do something or why something exists (n);

b a state in which or a place where you are safe and not in danger or at risk (n);

c having a negative or harmful effect on something (adj);

d a piece of text, a formal suggestion or a drawing in its original state, often containing the main ideas and intentions but not the developed form (n);

e someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people (n);

f to take part in or become involved in an activity (v);

g a person, team or company that is competing against others (n);

h to recognize or understand that something is valuable or important (v).


Fill in the gaps with the words from Exercise 5 in the correct form.

1. This is only a rough _______ - the finished article will have pictures as well.

2. Their prices are better than any of their ____________.

3. She never __________ in any of our discussions, does she?

4. The match has been cancelled due to ________weather conditions.

5. The __________of the research is to try and find out more about the causes of the disease.

6. The firm has two __________in every European city.

7. We ___________ the need for immediate action.

8. For your comfort and _________, we recommend you keep your seat belt loosely fastened during the flight.

Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.


Put at its simplest, a (1) _________is an agreed, repeatable way of doing something. It is a published document that contains a technical specification or other precise criteria designed to be used consistently as a rule, guideline, or definition. Standards help to make life simpler and to (2)________the reliability and the effectiveness of many goods and services we use. Standards are created by bringing together the experience and (3)________of all interested parties such as the producers, sellers, buyers, users and regulators of a particular material, product, process or service.

Standards are (4)________for voluntary use and do not impose any regulations. However, laws and regulations may refer to certain standards and make compliance with them (5)______. For example, the physical characteristics and format of credit cards is set out in standard number BS EN ISO/IEC 7810:1996. (6)______to this standard means that the cards can be used worldwide.

Any standard is a collective work. Committees of manufacturers, users, research organizations, government departments and consumers work together to (7)_______standards that evolve to meet the demands of society and technology. British Standards' staff act as secretaries to these committees and project manage the production of standards. As the world’s oldest National Standards Body, BSI British Standards has over 100 years’ experience of bringing together these often very (8)______viewpoints and of facilitating consensus.


1 A regulation B standard C draft D text
2 A decrease B put up C increase D minimize
3 A expertise B advantages C benefits D money
4 A used B applied D done D designed
5 A optional B compulsory C insignificant D irrelevant
6 A Listening B Meeting C Satisfying D Adhering
7 A meet B draw up C write D fulfill
8 A varied B similar C same D unreliable

Fill in the gaps in the following text with the correct form of the word in capitals.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF STANDARDS?   Standards are a (1)_________tool for organizations of all sizes, supporting innovation and increasing productivity. Effective (2)__________ promotes forceful competition and enhances profitability, enabling a business to take a leading role in shaping the industry itself. Standards allow a company to: · attract and assure customers · demonstrate market (3)________ · create (4)_________ advantage · develop and maintain best practice. The ability to demonstrate (5)______ with widely recognized and respected standards is an effective means of differentiation in a competitive marketplace. In addition, (6)_________products or supplying services to appropriate standards maximizes their (7)_________ with those manufactured or offered by others, thereby increasing potential sales and widespread (8)________. As consumers become increasingly informed about their choices, (9)________ to recognized standards becomes pivotal. An example is the international standard for environmental management (ISO 14001), increasingly used by businesses to demonstrate (10)____________ responsibility. POWER STANDARD LEADER COMPETE COMPLY MANUFACTURE COMPATIBLE ACCEPT CONFORM ENVIRONMENT


Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 365.