Having researched successful American organisations, he concluded that any intelligent approach to organising had to encompass, and treat as interdependent, seven variables, in what became known as the McKinsey 7-S Framework, designed to force explicit thought about both the hardware and software of an organisation:
Fig. 2.13. McKinsey 7-S Framework
Refer back to the text and match a line in A with a line in B to define English-Russian equivalents.
A | B |
1 acceptable quality limits | a в поисках совершенства |
2 assurance of success | b брать на себя основную ответственность |
3 conformance to the requirements | c взаимозависимые переменные |
4 allow deviation | d система «ноль дефектов» |
5 spend revenues | e допустимые ограничения качества |
6 operating expenses | f предупреждение появления дефектов |
7 set the tone | g соответствие требованиям |
8 take prime responsibility | h расходовать доходы |
9 Zero defects system | i задавать тон |
10 defect prevention | j гарантия качества |
11 in the pursuit of excellence | k допускать отклонение |
12 interdependent variables | l эксплуатационные расходы |
2 Look back in the text and find the words which have a similar meaning to:
aan amount of money you spend in order to buy or do something;
b income from business activities or taxes;
c a person or company that receives or consumes goods or services and has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers;
da lack of success in doing something;
e process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay;
fsomeone who is paid regularly to work for a person or an organization;
gthe qualities and skills of a good leader;
hsomeone who helps an organization to find a solution to a problem.
Complete the sentences with the words above.
1. Supermarkets use a variety of tactics to attract and retain ___________.
2. The insurance will cover all ________ incurred during your time in hospital.
3. In business, __________ can be easily distinguished from invention. Invention is the conversion of cash into ideas while ________ is the conversion of ideas into cash.
4. She is depressed by her continued __________ to find a job.
5. Our company’s ______________ have increased by 20% this year.
6. A _________ helps a group of people understand their common objectives and assists them to plan to achieve them without taking a particular position in the discussion.
7. Effective ___________ is the ability to successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the internal and external environment to attain organizational goals.
8. TQM empowers the total organization, from the _______ to the chief executive of organization (CEO), with the responsibility of ensuring quality in their respective products and services.
Identify the nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs in the following group of words of the same root. Use the appropriate ones in the sentences below. Choose the correct form of the word.
a. act, b. interact, c.interaction, d. action, e.interactive, f.activity, g.active,
h. inactive, i. inactivity, j. activist.
1. Jobs that involve a degree of social _____ are usually more satisfying.
2. A computer program which reacts to the information and instruction that you give it is called ______ .
3. Economists want to know how supply and demand ________ .
4. We have three possible ways of _______ .
5. These environmental changes are the result of human ________ .
6 Did the BBC ________ reasonably in sacking the journalist?
7. _______ steps are being taken to calm the situation.
8. Physically _________ people are at risk of developing heart disease.
9. The players have now had more than a month of _________ .
10. An _______ is someone who takes part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change.
Match each word in the first column with a synonym in the second column.
1 achieve | a graph, diagram |
2 empower | b authorize |
3 excellence | c structure |
4 chart | d attain |
5 expenses | e obligation |
6 revenues | f costs |
7 pursuit | g foresee |
8 commitment | h income |
9 anticipate | i superiority |
10 framework | j aspiration , striving |
The acronyms below are commonly used in the field of quality management. What do they stand for?
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 287.