1. fastest, quick, rapid, fastback
2. irresolution, resolution, decision, determination
3. common, general, commodities, ordinary
4. achieve, accomplish, rich, reach
5. simple, sample, pattern, specimen
13.Complete the sentences using the given words:
commonly output digital form converters found Player from |
1. Audio signals are stored in and in order to be heard through speakers they must be converted into an analog signal.
2. DACs are therefore in CD players, digital music players, and PC sound cards.
3. Specialist stand-alone DACs can also be found in high-end hi-fi systems. These normally take the digital of a CD player.
4. Similar digital-to-analog can be found in digital speakers such as USB speakers, and in sound cards.
5. Video signals a digital source, such as a computer, must be converted to analog form.
6. Analog inputs are more used than digital, but this may change as flat panel displays with DVI and/or HDMI connections become more widespread.
7. A video DAC is, however, incorporated in any Digital Video with analog outputs
14. Give your variant of translation:
1. accumulating charge
2. integral linearity
3. sample rate
4. iterative approach
5. building block
Explain the process of transforming analog input into digital output.
Write down correct form of Conditions.
1. If I hear the thief I (catch) him.
2. I (go) to the cinema if I had more time.
3. I will call her if I (find out) her number.
4. If they (be) rich they would stay in a more expensive hotel.
5. She (feel) ill if she eats so much.
6. If he skis too fast he (break) his leg.
7. You (get) wet if you don’t take an umbrella.
8. He (cause) an accident if he drives too dangerously.
9. They would get drunk if they (drink) too much beer.
10. If you steal the purse they (arrest) you.
11. If she (explain) him the situation he will understand it.
12. If he offered me a job I (take) it.
13. If I (invite) Linda I will have to invite Bob.
14. I won't visit him if he (be) angry.
15. If I find the book I (send) it.
Translate the following word combinations into English.
1. Most modern аудіо сигналів are stored in цифровому форматі (for example MP3s and CDs) and in order to be heard through speakers they must be перетворений into an analog signal. DACs are therefore found in CD players, digital music players, and звукові карти пам’яті комп’ютера.
2. A device that is дещо схожий to the DAC is the digitally controlled потенціометр, used to control an аналоговий сигнал digitally.
3. Specialist автономний DACs can also be found in потужній hi-fi systems. These normally take the цифрового виходу of a CD player (or dedicated transport) and convert the signal into a line-level output that can then be вводиться на a pre-amplifier stage.
4. Similar цифро-аналогові перетворювачі can be found in digital speakers such as USB speakers, and in sound cards.
5. The DAC is usually оснащений some memory (оперативна пам’ять), which contains таблиці перетворень for gamma correction, contrast and brightness, to make a device called a RAMDAC.
18.Fill in the correct question word.
1. are the potatoes? They're one pound.
2. can I do for you? I want two white T-shirts.
3. can I get a newspaper? You can get it at Park Street.
4. is your best friend? It's Paul.
5. does Nick live? He lives in Boston.
6. colour is your new bike? It's blue.
7. do you collect? I collect stamps.
8. can help me? I can.
9. about some bananas? No, thanks.
10. was your first word as a baby? I don't know.
11. were you born? On May 21st.
12. were you born? I was born in Manchester.
13. were you doing last Sunday? I was sailing.
14. can we have a picnic? I know a nice place near a pond.
15. are you going to take with you? I’m taking some sandwiches and a coke.
Give definition of ADC . Speak on the functions of its types.
Make presentation on the topic “Analog-to-Digital Converters”.
Interesting facts and legends from the history of power
Part 1
In the beginning of the XX-th century of power station used as fuel mainly oil or coal. That and another needed to be brought to Moscow from apart, and the electric power was unreasonably expensive. Russian engineer Robert Klasson, half the Swede, half the German who was born in Kiev, has decided to use peat to make the electric power more cheaply and more well. In 1912 on a peat bog situated near Moscow there has been begun building of the first-ever power station working on peat. Station "Electricity transmission" (today a state district power station-3 in Noginsk) has been put into operation in 1914.
In December, 1920 VIII All-Russia congress of Councils had been accepted plan GOST according to which for 10-15 years the volume of capacity of the Moscow power supply system was planned to be increased almost four times (from 93 thousand to 340 thousand in kw.). In total in Soviet Union, according to plan ГОЭЛРО, it has been constructed thirty regional power stations. By 1931 the state plan of electrification has been executed. To the middle of 1930th years the established capacity of stations has reached 820 thousand in kw. At that time on development of the electric power of the USSR took the second place in Europe and the third in the world.
The first stationary Moscow power station of a direct current has been built in 1888. It has been constructed on a corner of the Big Dmitrovka and the Georgievsky lane - nowadays in this building the Small arena settles down. In the beginning the power station had capacity of 100 kw, but by 1895 capacity has increased in 15 times. In 1897 the Moscow city power station № 1 capacity 3,3 МVt has been solemnly opened. It began to develop for the first time a variable three-phase current that has allowed to use more a high voltage and to transfer capacities to far distances.
Probably, in the near future the person can already "develop" the electric power walking on park or making morning jog. The matter is that the group of the American researchers develops technology which will allow to receive an electricity, attacking special plastic inserts in footwear. Will work foot's the generator simply: when the person goes or runs, pressure of his feet upon inserts forces them to be compressed and be stretched, and to develop an electricity small amount. Simple walking will give from one to three watt. The generator can be connected to the accumulator reserving energy. She quite will suffice to listen to radio or СD-плейер.
In 1977 year in the United States culture teaching using energy at schools and colleges has begun, and about 1980 corresponding section has been included in a base course of economy for universities. At lessons young Americans learn about that, how many lose both the country, and each person if light remains outstanding, and the conditioner included with excessive capacity. And from numerous comics and preview trailers the youth perceives simple idea: «Switching off light, you knock together to yourself the capital». There and then it is offered to place the saved cents and dollars in bank, the percent is added on and found out, that in 30 years of the saved sum will be enough … for car purchase.
In 1874 the Russian engineer Feodor Pirotsky has suggested to use railway rails as a conductor of electric energy. At that time electricity transfer on wires was accompanied by the big losses. To reduce losses in a line it was represented possible at increase in section of a conductor. Pirotsky has spent experiences of a transmission of energy on rails of the Sestroretsk railway. Both rails were isolated from the earth, one of them served as a direct line, the second - the return. The inventor has tried to use idea for development of a municipal transportation and to start up on rails-conductors a small carriage. However it has appeared is unsafe for pedestrians. However, later such system has found development in the form of the modern underground.
The first attempts of creation of lighting devices were undertaken already in antiquity. So, ancient Egyptians used for illumination an olive oil, filling in it in special clay vessels with matches from cotton threads. And here inhabitants of coast of Caspian sea in similar fixtures placed other improvised combustible material - oil. The first candles have been invented already in the Middle Ages and produced from beeswax and the beef fat. Then within several centuries the greatest minds of mankind, including Leonardo da Vinci, worked on the oil lamp invention. However the safe design suitable for mass production, has appeared only in the middle of 19 centuries. However, the electric bulb has come of it in the stead all quarter of the century later.
Part 2
The history of occurrence and development of the Russian power is closely connected with Verner's name Siemens background - the founder of German concern Siemens. Verner a background Siemens in 1852 has undertaken a fact-finding trip to Russia for the purpose of adjustment of business contacts and finding-out of prospects of the organisation in the country of electrotechnical business. Soon brother Verner Charles Fridrih a background Siemens has headed the Russian daughter of the company «Siemens and Galske». Illumination of a display of paintings of Ayvazovsky in 1880 and illumination of the Moscow Kremlin in May, 1883 became the first "electric" projects of brothers Siemens in Moscow.
The picture «electricity Light», glorifying scientists and the engineers who have changed a modern life, is considered one of the greatest in the world. It has been executed in 1930th years by known artist-fovistom Raul Djufi. In the Parisian Museum of the modern art more known as the Center of Pompidou, it has removed in 1964. However in 2001 it was found out, that the power masterpiece is covered from a wrong side by the asbestos provoking a cancer and illnesses of lungs. Cost of works on clarification of the panel consisting of 250 wooden plates by a total area of 600 square metres, from a cancerogenic material has been estimated in one million dollars.
Few experts know today that the centralised heat supply - the blessing of modern megacities - only an electrification by-product. The first power stations worked at the expense of thermal energy received as a result of combustion of fuel - coal, oil, peat. This energy heated up water, and formed steam arrived in the turbine and rotated the generator. Fulfilled steam first had no application and in literal sense went broke. The idea to use it for heating of premises has appeared to genius idle time and promoted considerable economy of fuel. Warmly fulfilled steam heated up water, and that by means of pumps was set in motion on pipes of systems of central heating. The first thermal power station was constructed in 1882 in New York by the well-known American inventor Thomas Alva Edison. It is curious, that in modern power the situation is directly opposite to the primary: At the stations developing heat, the by-product considers already an electricity.
Till 1899 the main public transport in Moscow was railway Konka which speed did not exceed eight kilometres per hour. Muscovites joked: «Konka, Konka, catch up with a chicken!» In 1898 for a tram food the substation by capacity of a direct current of 320 kw has been constructed. The cable line connected it with the power station located on Raushsky quay (МГЭС-1). Opening of movement of a tram on the line first in Moscow from the Butyrsky outpost across the Bottom and the Top Maslovka to Petrovsky park has taken place on March, 25th, 1899.
To the middle of 14 centuries muscular force of people and animals was a unique source of mechanical energy in Russia. Fire wood from the wood plentifully growing behind the Moscow paling - the predecessor of the Kremlin walls was a unique source of heat except the Sun. The first mention of hydraulic power use concerns 1389 in Moscow: in the will of Grand duke Dmitry Donskogo it is spoken about work of water-mills on the rivers Jauze and Hodynke. In 1516 in Russia there was a first stone dam. It has been built on small river Neglinnoj.
Well-known Russian electrical engineer Paul Nikolaevich Jablochkov has invented not only an electric bulb, but also its direct predecessor - an electric candle. By means of candles Yablochkova originally street illumination was carried out. Each candle cost 20 copecks and burnt 1,5 hours. Then it was necessary to replace it with the new. Subsequently lanterns with automatic replacement of candles have been thought up. Candle Yablochkova, of course, had considerable inconveniences in comparison with an electric lamp: it was short-lived and possessed a variable light stream. But nevertheless it became the first invention which has allowed widely to apply electric illumination in streets and the areas of large cities, at theatres and shops.
Central heating - the invention rather recent. In 10th years of the XX-th century the majority of houses in the Russian capitals was heated by means of wood furnaces. Only some enterprises and large houses used boiler-houses. So, in the centre of Moscow settled down 1760 boiler-houses heating 1170 buildings. Central heating of St.-Petersburg has begun on November, 25th, 1924 when for the first time to the six-storied house on Fontanka it has been submitted warmly on for the first time laid heat conductor. In Moscow the course was is originally taken on the centralised heat supply of the industrial enterprises. The idea of creation of the centralised system of a heat supply has defined uniqueness of a capital power supply system: for the Moscow power stations the main product is warmly, and the electricity - a product collateral, though also not less important.
Part 3
It will be interesting to fans of fantastic creativity of Alexander Sergeevicha Pushkin to learn, that at southeast coast of Australia the first-ever electropower-plant using as fuel … a nutshell is started. While скорлупки really "gold", after all building of the "green" generator has managed to Australians in three million local dollars. However high efficiency of power station which will process to 1680 kgs of an unnecessary nutshell at an o'clock, making thus 1,5 megawatts of an electricity, allows to hope for its fast recoupment. Besides, the Department of Energy of Australia plans to double productivity of the enterprise within the next two years.
For the first time in history hours were translated by inhabitants of the Great Britain in 1908 Today translate arrows citizens of 110 countries. In our country the first time it has occurred in 1917 Then in 1930 country the vein on an hour «ahead of a planet of all» has passed to so-called time "established by decree" and all-the-year-round. In 1981 "summertime" again starts to operate in territory of the USSR. Hence, in the summer hours of the Soviet citizens come off a reality already at two o'clock. Only in March, 1991 time established by decree has been cancelled, zone "winter" time is restored in the rights, and in the summer hours began to be translated on an hour forward as in all adjacent states. "Summer" time allows to use power resources more effectively. In Russia thus it is saved 2 - 2,5 bln dкVt in a year. Loading on энергооборудование thus decreases and ecological conditions improve.
As is known, the state showroom «the Small arena» is in a building of first Moscow power station "Georgievsky". It is far not a unique example of intrusion of art in space of a social and economic life of a modern city. Already there are museums-factories, museums-stations, museums-power stations, and even the museum-beach now is under construction. The most known museum which has placed the exposition in a building of the former power station - the London New Museum of modern art Teyt the Modernist style. Less known, but not less stylish and original museum of an ancient art Power station Montemartini is in Rome. Antique statues especially please an eye of the visitor in an engineering interior of a machine hall.
Prototype of the modern transformer, allowing to transfer the high voltage electric power to the big distances, there was an induction coil - the first electrodevice using the phenomenon of an electromagnetic induction. In the middle of 19 centuries during the Crimean war the Russian academician B.S.Jakobi has applied this invention at all in the peace purposes: it managed to protect Kronstadt underwater mines, whose powder charges ignited by means of induction coils. One of the ships of an invincible English-French squadron was undermined on an electric mine, and the others in full confusion have left gulf of Finland. So Russian unknown to the opponent electric «Katyushy» have forced to recede magnificent European fleet.
Lack of grandiose power projects was never. In the beginning of the last century the idea «Prirucheniya» energy of strait of Gibraltar used popularity. Through it from Atlantic to Mediterranean sea every second flows ten thousand cubic metre of water. Authors of the project offered is artificial to lower level of Mediterranean sea on 200 metres and, having established in passage some power stations to receive energy of huge capacity on those times - 120 GВт. For this purpose it was necessary to partition off only Gibraltar a dam.
Probably, the electricity existed already in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and the South America. Scientists consider, that works in the Egyptian and South American pyramids, and also lists of walls could be carried out by colour paints at electric illumination of premises by means of small portable lamps. Really, on an internal surface of pyramids it is not revealed soot traces that excludes use of torches. But sources of artificial light are mentioned in ancient texts. Moreover, in the remained drawings at ancient miners in a forehead similarity of a lantern shines, and on walls of temples in Egypt images of the priest holding in hands a huge lamp are found out. Certainly, ancient drawings often have symbolical character, however absolutely authentically it is known, that for protection against blows of lightnings Egyptians used the metal swords driven in the earth.
The Indian scientists have thought up one more alternative power supply. They have decided to use fruit, vegetables and a waste from them for a food of simple home appliances. Batteries contain inside paste from the processed bananas, orange-peels and other vegetables or fruit in which electrodes from zinc and copper are placed. From four such batteries it is possible to start a wall clock, to use electronic game or the pocket calculator. The novelty is calculated, first of all, on inhabitants of rural areas who can prepare fruktovo-vegetable components for additional charge of unusual batteries.
In billion Australian dollars electropower company Enviromission plans to construct a solar power station in cost. According to the project, the power station becomes the highest construction in the world - a tower in height in 1 000 m (approximately twice above the well-known television tower in Toronto) and with the basis in size with a football ground will be constructed in sparsely populated area Buronga of staff the New Southern Wales. Arrogant plans of Australians - a part of the world campaign for expansion of use of renewed energy sources. It is expected, that an electricity developed by a tower, will suffice for supply of 200 000 houses, and its operation will allow to prevent emission 900 000 т hotbed gases in a year. First-ever parogas the turbine was constructed by the Russian seaman, to be exact - the mechanical engineer of the Russian military fleet Paul Dmitrievich Kuzminsky. Interests of the inventor Kuzminsky were stretched from questions of mechanics of the ship to heating engineers and aeronautics. So, Kuzminsky was one of initiators of creation of aeronautic department of Russian technical society. Парогазовую the turbine, or as it then was called, газопарород, the captain Kuzminsky has constructed and has tested in 1892. And a year later he has offered the military ministry the project of a dirigible balloon with the turbine engine of own design. It is known, that Kuzminsky prepared парогазовую the turbine for display on the World's fair in Paris of 1900 to which has not lived several months.
Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 188.