Put questions to the underlined words.
Поможем в ✍️ написании учебной работы
Поможем с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой

1. He ran across the street.
2. She said it very politely.
3. I spent my holiday in Switzerland.
4. I play the guitar three times a week.
5. My brother teaches me a lot.
6. They gave up on Monday.
7. They started the climb on Sunday morning.

8. The children walk up to the counter.
9. They met at the station.
10. He did some press - ups.



7.Add information:

1. They may carry superimposed interference that masks the .

2. The functions to be performed by derive from the nature of both the signal and the receiver.

3. Current signals can be voltage signals by inserting a series resistor into the circuit.

4. Impedance variation-based sensors are normally voltage dividers.

5. Slow edges can be accelerated by a .

Discuss in a group types of sensors and their functions.

Translate the words in brackets.

1. A (типовим) receiver here is an analog-to-digital (перетворювач).

2. The functions (які виконуються) the signal conditioner derive from the (основних властивостей) of both the signal and the receiver.

3. Digital signals come from (датчиків положення).

Transform Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

1. Mary said: "I like ice cream."
Mary said (that) .
2. The Browns said: "We are on time."
The Browns said (that) .
3. Sue said: "He is sitting on the table."
Sue said (that) .
4. Mother said: "Bill always goes to bed early."
Mother said (that) .
5. Mrs Smith said: "I often drive to London ."
Mrs Smith said (that) .
6. Bill said: "I'm going to answer the phone."
Bill said (that) .
7. The girl said: "I'm not doing my homework now."
The girl said (that) .
8. The gardener said: "I always sell all my flowers."
The gardener said (that) .
9. Mother said: "You can help me with the dishes."
Mother said (that) .
10. He said: "I meet him every Friday."
He said (that) .
11.Read and translate the text B

Text B

Signal Classification

Signals can be classified according to their amplitude level, the relationship between their source terminals and ground, their bandwidth, and the value of their output impedance. Signals lower than around 100 mV are considered to be low level and need amplification. Larger signals may also need amplification depending on the input range of the receiver. A voltage divider (a) provides a single-ended signal (has one of its two output terminals at a constant voltage) (b) constant voltage. A Wheatstone bridge with four sensors (c) provides a balanced differential signal (has two output terminals whose voltages change simultaneously by the same magnitude but in opposite directions) which is the difference between two voltages vH and vL having the same amplitude but opposite signs and riding on a common-mode voltage Vc. For differential signals much smaller than the common-mode voltage, the equivalent circuit is used. If the reference point is grounded, the signal (single-ended or differential) will be grounded; if the reference point is floating, the signal will also be floating. A narrowband signal has a very small frequency range relative to its central frequency. Narrowband signals can be static, resulting in very low frequencies, such as those from a thermocouple or a weighing scale. Broadband signals, such as those from sound and vibration sensors, have a large frequency range relative to their central frequency. Therefore, the value of the central frequency is crucial.

12.Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1. Classification of signals accomplishes by amplitude level.

2. If signals have power less than 100 mV they are considered to be low level.

3. Larger signals may also need attenuation depending on the input range of the receiver.

13.Match two columns :

1. signal a) the equipment that receives incoming signals
2. bandwidth b) any sign
3. receiver c) the range of frequencies
4. sensor d) relative size or extent
5. magnitude e) anything that receives a signal


Fill in the gaps using the verb in a correct form.

1. If I enough money, I will buy a new skateboard. (have)
2. If you help your mother, she very happy. (be)
3. If Mary (help) in the kitchen, she will get more pocket money.
4. She will be angry if you the truth. (not tell)
5. You will have to walk if you the bus. (miss)
6. If Tom is at home, he TV. (watch)
7.The baby if you are more quiet. (sleep)
8. If he is in San Francisco, he Golden Gate Bridge. (see)
9. He to the doctor's if he doesn't feel well tomorrow. (go)
10. We good marks if we don't learn. (not get)
11. I to the USA if I have enough money. (travel)
12. If they a car they will drive to Italy. (buy)
13. If I work harder I the exam. (pass)
14. If he his car he won't get much money for it. (sell)
15. If he tells me the truth I glad. (be)

Fill in the missing words from the list below.

same terminals two signal has voltages

1. Balanced differential has two output terminals whose change simultaneously by the same magnitude but in opposite directions.

2. A single-ended signal one of its two output at a constant voltage.

3. Difference between voltages vH and vL having the amplitude but opposite signs and riding on a common-mode voltage Vc.

16.Give your variant of translation:

1. common-mode voltage

2. equivalent circuit

3. reference point

4. narrowband signal

5. weighing scale

Дата: 2016-10-02, просмотров: 230.