1. In autumn we had planted all the trees.
2. They teach three foreign languages in this school.
3. They built this house in 1960.
4. We will do the work in the evening.
5. Определите тип условного предложения:
1. If they take a taxi they won't miss the train.
2. They would have sent us some information if there had been anything to send.
3. If you were more attentive you wouldn't make so many mistakes.
6. Переделайте предложения, заменив прямую речь косвенной:
1. Ann said: "Не is one of the best speakers I have ever heard."
2. "Do you know where the Browns live?" we asked a passerby.
3. He said: "I'm proud of my brother who took the first prize at the competition".
1. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст:
Financial Audit
A financial audit is the examination of financial records and reports of a company or organisation, in order to verify that the figures in the financial reports are relevant, accurate, and complete. The general focus is to ensure the reported financial statements fairly represent a company's stated condition for the firm's stakeholders. These stakeholders will be interested parties, such as stockholders, employees, regulators, and the like.
Doing a financial audit is called the "attest" function. The general purpose is for an independent party (the CPA firm) to provide written assurance (the audit report) that financial reports are "fairly presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles".
Because of major accounting scandals (failure by CPA firms to detect widespread fraud), assessing internal control procedures has increased in magnitude as a part of financial audits.
Financial audits are typically done by external auditors (accountancy firms). Many organizations, including most very large organizations, also employ or hire internal auditors, who do not attest to financial reports.
Internal auditors often assist external auditors, and, in theory, since both do internal control work, their efforts should be coordinated.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is a financial audit?
2. What is the general purpose of audit?
3. Who typically does financial audits?
3. Задайте 4 типа вопросов к предложению:
Financial audits are typically done by external auditors (accountancy firms).
4. Употребите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге:
1. Tom gave Nick a book for his birthday.
2. Our mother tells us stories every evening.
3. Lydia will show you a new book of pictures.
5. Определите тип условного предложения :
1. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
2. If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.
3. If I'd observed all the rules I'd never have got anywhere.
6. Замените прямую речь косвенной :
1. She said: "It may be the dog, or it may be you!"
2. He said: "I’m not going to the night club, but I won’t cook spaghetti for you".
3. She said: "Peter, I know, you don’t love me because you don’t want to cook for me!"
1. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст:
All products and all services have prices. The price depends on different thing such as credit terms, delivery, trade-inallowance, guarantees, quality and other forms of service, which price can produce the biggest profit during a long period of time. It’s hardly possible to determine such a price. The price may be too high to produce a large volume or too low to cover costs. No other area of marketing operations has been a subject to bad practice. Many businesses persue unsound price policies for long periods of time and are not aware about it.
Prices can be determined in different ways. For example, the prices of meat, cotton and other agricultural prices can be decided in large central market where forces of supply and demand exist. This is pure price competition. The prices on industrial products (iron, steel, etc.) are usually decided by large companies. As a rule the amount and price of goods sold to large number of buyers is controlled by a few competting sellers. Prices also can be set by the government, usually for different public services-railroads, electricity, manufactured gas, bus services, etc.
If demand increases, prices rise, profits expand and new investment is attracted. But other factors may be involved as well. Prices are related to each other in different ways. Ultimately, everything is related in price, since the consumer can buy and must pay for everything out of a particular, limited amount of money.
2. Ответьте на вопросы :
1. Why is it difficult to determine the right price?
2. In what way are agricultural prices decided?
3. How are industrial products usually priced?
4. Why does the government usually set the prices for public utility services?
5. Why is everything related by price?
3. Задайте 4 типа вопросов к предложению:
Many businesses persue unsound price policies for long periods of time.
4. Употребите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге:
1. They will send us a box of fruit.
2. Five or six small children followed them.
3. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields.
5. Определите тип условного предложения :
1. If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers.
2. He would not have been imprisoned if he had not violated the law.
3. If the reform of a person were possible without criminal punishment only educational measures would be applied.
6. Замените прямую речь косвенной :
1. Mary said: "Peter, I know, you don’t love me because you don’t want to cook for me!"
2. Mother said: "Kids, I’ve just come back from the doctor and he wants to see you!"
3. Jeremy said: "I’m writing a letter to Santa because I want a new computer".
Приложение 1
Правила оформления титульного листа контрольной работы
Министерство образования и науки Донецкой Народной Республики
Енакиевский техникум экономики и менеджмента
Донецкого национального университета
по дисциплине ______________________________________
Курс___________№ группы _________
Преподаватель ____________________
Приложение 2
Методика работы со словарем
Чтобы правильно пользоваться словарем и быстро находить нужное слово необходимо:
1. Твердо знать английский алфавит в порядке расположения его букв.
2. Уметь находить исходную форму слова. Словарь дает слова в исходных формах, тогда как в текстах они встречаются большей частью в производных формах. К наиболее употребительным производным формам относятся:
- множественное число существительных,
- степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий,
- третье лицо единственного числа глаголов,
- вторая и третья формы глаголов (правильных и не правильных),
- глагольная форма с "-ing" окончанием,
- формы, образованные с помощью префиксов и суффиксов.
3. Уметь определить часть речи, к которой относится слово. В английском языке часто нельзя определить по форме слова, какой частью речи оно является. Так, для слова "experiment", словарь указывает: 1 п. - эксперимент, 2 п. - экспериментировать.
Различные грамматические значения слов обозначаются посредством служебных слов, т.е. артиклей, предлогов, а также определяются местом, занимаемым словом в предложении.
Часть речи помечается в словаре условными обозначениями, наиболее употребительными из которых являются:
n. (noun) - существительное
pron. (pronoun) - местоимение
v. (verb) - глагол
a. (adjective) - прилагательное
adv. (adverb) - наречие
prep. (preposition) - предлог
cj. (conjunction) - союз
pl. (plural) - множественное число
рр. - причастие II, и т.д.
(полный список сокращений дается в начале англо-русского словаря).
4. Правильно выбрать лексическое значение слова. После того, как выяснено, какой частью речи является искомое слово, необходимо отыскать в словаре нужный русский эквивалент. Из всех значений, приведенных в словаре для данной части речи, следует выбрать наиболее подходящее, исходя из контекста.
Приложение 3
Дата: 2019-11-01, просмотров: 313.