1. Wi-Fi is known to provide wireless transmission of data over a short range.
2. Digital radio sets seem to be becoming less and less popular.
3. Google is certain to become the most widely used search engine.
4. New generations of mobile phone standards are expected to offer advanced services.
5. Laser cordless mouse is likely to be designed by Logitech company.
6. The ‘cloud’ and cloud computing are thought to be among the buzz words of the year.
7. New anti-virus software is likely to protect against viruses and worms.
8. The problem with the copper pairs in the ground may seem to be rather difficult.
9. The £3 bn loss was reported to reflect the drastic deterioration of global outlook.
10. A lot of companies are likely to go out of business.
11. The problem of the rapid increase in digitization and broadband networking should be considered to be settled.
12. Confidential Internet communications proved to be not secure.
13. In today’s complex world, technical skills and negotiating skills appear to be both critical.
14. Competition between handset suppliers is said to be good.
15. The software industry is very likely to see big changes.
16. Traditionally, telecoms companies happened to make most of their profits from voice calls.
17. Most TV viewers are sure to need an aerial pointing in the right direction.
18. Windows is unlikely to remain the dominant force in software.
19. The experiment with CCTV (видеонаблюдение) cameras which is believed to have proved successful will be discussed at the mobile world congress.
20. The rate does not appear to be much affected.
21. The conditions seem to have been poorly chosen.
21. The program is not considered to have been realized.
22. The affect was considered not to be of any importance.
23. The class of regulators can be thought of as composed of three parts.
24. Temperature would be expected to play an important role in this reaction.
25. Although many of these programs must be purchased separately, there appears to be one for virtually every operating system function.
11.Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на подлежащее, выраженное придаточным предложением:
Пример : That lightning is nothing else but an electric spark has long been known – то , что
молния есть не что иное, как электрическая искра, давно известно (давно известно что
молния есть не что иное, как электрическая искра).
1. That a radio message from civilizations on some of the planets should reach the Earth is quite
2. That the sun is but a typical star is one of the most significant facts of modern astronomy.
3. That this fact is too important to be ignored does not require any further proof.
4. That the method is too complicated is obvious.
5. Whether the agreement will be signed is not clear.
6. Whether or not these cells interact with others has to be checked.
9. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст , обращая внимание на перевод различного рода подлежащих:
Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790) is acknowledged to be the founder of the theory of atmospheric electricity. At the time when theories to explain electricity were neither complete nor well founded the lightning was proved by him to be an electrical phenomenon. He was not the first to think of it but he was the first to prove it. His theory of electricity still appears to hold good. He is acknowledged to have invented a means of protection against the disastrous effects of lightning – the lightning rod. Franklin`s theory at first seemed to be misunderstood both in his country and abroad. It is known to have been severely attacked by the leader of French scientists Nollet.
Franklin is recognized to have been a greater public figure who did as much as he could for enjoying a great popularity with his countrymen. He is sure to be one of the broadest as well as one of the most creative minds of his time.
Дополнение – это второстепенный член предложения, занимающий в предложении место после сказуемого.
Сложное дополнение.
Если инфинитив (или причастие) стоит после существительного в общем падеже (или личного местоимения в объектном падеже), которому предшествует глагол определенного типа, так называемый вводящий глагол, то инфинитив вместе с существительным (или личным местоимением) образует «сложное дополнение». В этой конструкции инфинитив может употребляться как в активной, так и в пассивной форме. На русский язык «сложное дополнение» переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением с союзами что, чтобы. Подлежащее может опускаться, ибо в научно-технической литературе основной интерес представляет только объект действия, т.е. дополнение.
Примеры: We expect ǀ microprocessors to make ǀ the changes in control technology – ожидается, что микропроцессоры произведут изменения в технологии управления.
We believe ǀ much attention to be paid ǀ to the frequency stability of generators – мы полагаем, что особое внимание следует уделить частотной стабильности генератора.
Дата: 2019-07-24, просмотров: 583.